LEXIT - Latinos are leaving the Democrat party

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Credo in Unum Deum
Lexit activists speak out in Los Angeles: Why Latinos are leaving the Democrat party

After all, the issues that generally matter to the Hispanic community often align with conservative values and those of the President: They are typically religious communities who favor lower taxes, personal responsibility, and family values.

The Democrats have come to take Latino support for granted, and refuse to recognize that this movement is gaining support. Last weekend, I attended a #Lexit event in deeply blue Los Angeles, and I think you may be surprised by what attendees had to say.


The Berean

Well-known member
Ummm...young Latinos by in large are not conservative. They support abortion, support homosexuality, universal healthcare, free college tuition, and looser immigration policies. I live in CA and the vast majority of young Latinos are leftists. Are there young conservative Latinos? sure. But they are a small minority and are not liked by leftist Latinos. My sister is a Trump supporter and she took all sorts of abuse because of it. My brother attended the presidential inauguration in 2016 just because he wanted to see the the event. He's not even a Trump supporter and he still took criticism.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
I live in CA and the vast majority of young Latinos are leftists

I live here too, and the majority of every color here are leftists. That has nothing to do with it.

Are there young conservative Latinos? sure. But they are a small minority and are not liked by leftist Latinos.

Okay I agree with that. But I never implied that the majority of young Latinos were not liberal. The "Lexit" movement has to do with voters of voter age and older, and it is a growing movement, but certainly not a majority yet. But its a good move in the right direction.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How many young Latinos do you hang out with every day?

I live here too, and the majority of every color here are leftists. That has nothing to do with it.

Okay I agree with that. But I never implied that the majority of young Latinos were not liberal. The "Lexit" movement has to do with voters of voter age and older, and it is a growing movement, but certainly not a majority yet. But its a good move in the right direction.

TB is Hispanic

Or latino

Or both

He tried to explain it to me once

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Credo in Unum Deum
Yes he is! And a strong proponent of using education to better oneself

Then I don't understand why he misunderstood the post. I never said that a majority of "young" latinos were conservatives. All the story says is that there is a movement of Latino voters from one side to the other.

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Credo in Unum Deum
President Trump Is Helping Latinos Rediscover Their Prosperity
Irma Aguirre Mar 06, 2020 12:02 PM

Hispanic Americans are thriving like never before in today’s strong and growing economy, and it's all thanks to President Trump.

When Barack Obama was in the White House, millions of Latinos across America struggled to find jobs and recover from the devastating Great Recession. While the political establishment in Washington obsessed over stock prices and corporate profits, too many Latino families were unable to make ends meet, wondering if the American Dream had died.

As a Latina entrepreneur who also serves as a member of the Board of Directors for the Latino Coalition, I’ve met hundreds of Hispanic Americans over the years who felt completely forgotten by their so-called representatives, left to weather the storm of economic instability on their own. These often heartbreaking conversations made me realize an important truth — our community deserves political leaders who actually advance our interests, rather than merely pandering for our votes.

Luckily, we finally got what we deserve with the election of Donald Trump.

President Trump has taken a drastically different approach from his predecessor. Instead of treating Latinos like children who need to be taken care of by a supposedly benevolent government, the president implemented economic policies designed to unleash our full potential — policies that allow Hispanics to achieve prosperity for ourselves, rather than handouts that keep us mired in mediocrity.

Thanks to common-sense policies such as middle-class tax cuts and responsible rollbacks of job-killing regulations, the Hispanic unemployment rate has dropped to an all-time low under Donald Trump.

“We are in the midst of a great American comeback,” the president said during his address at the Latino Coalition Legislative Summit this week, pointing out that his administration has created an astounding three million new jobs for Hispanic Americans in just three years.

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Credo in Unum Deum
Trump on pace for record Hispanic vote

He was told being strict on illegal immigration would doom him among Hispanic voters.

Yet President Trump has defied their predictions, from the moment he delivered his iconic address to the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2013 — warning the Republican Party that legalizing 11 million illegal immigrants was political suicide — through the 2016 presidential election and into the White House.

Now nine months out from his second Election Day, and despite a tenure in the White House that has involved building a border wall, stepping up deportations and insulting some Latin American nations as “s—hole” countries, Mr. Trump is as strong as ever among Hispanic voters, according to the polls.

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Credo in Unum Deum

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Credo in Unum Deum

Trump’s impressive Latino support and other commentary


“Donald Trump has done almost everything he can to anger Latino voters,” Kristian Ramos opines at The Atlantic — yet the president’s support among Latinos hasn’t fallen but rose to 30 percent, up from 28 percent four years ago. While that number “may not seem high,” it should worry Democrats: Trump “enjoys more support from this electorate than Mitt Romney did in 2012, and about the same level that John McCain did in 2008.” In large part, that’s because of the “growing economy,” but it’s also because Democrats are “too focused on immigration” instead of “the economy, health care and education, the issues about which these voters care most.” If Democrats don’t address these other bread-and-butter ­issues, Ramos warns, they will face a “real threat” in November.



Trump supporters would have us believe that that the nation;s Latinos have experienced a collective "epiphany" since the 2018 Interims - the popular vote, however, is of little consequence in a nation with the dubious reputation of rewarding the presidential candidate with 3 million fewer votes than that of his opponent!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Trump supporters would have us believe that that the nation;s Latinos have experienced a collective "epiphany" since the 2018 Interims - the popular vote, however, is of little consequence in a nation with the dubious reputation of rewarding the presidential candidate with 3 million fewer votes than that of his opponent!

Go away Canadian