no gap in this one -
as mcglockton approaches drejka from the side, drejka appears to be focused on jacobs, who is in the process of getting out of her car
mcglockton reaches drejka and shoves him to the ground with great force - Drejka lands some ten feet away, rolls up to a sitting position and reaches for his gun
throughout all of this, mcglockton is advancing on him until he sees the gun
then mcglockton clearly steps back four steps and stops, standing partially sideways to drejka in the same spot drejka was standing when he was shoved
drejka holds the gun on mcglockton while he's backing up
then when mcglockton stops, drejka fires a single shot, and keeps his gun on mcglockton while mcglockton stumbles away, lowering it when mcglockton re-enters the convenience store
not sure what that'll mean to a grand jury
Dude was backing up.