Lessons for BLM supporters

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"I Have My Right To Park Anywhere I Wanna Park"


no you don't

and if you park in a handicapped spot to which you're not entitled, expect to get some unwelcome feedback

and tell your idiot boyfriend that assaulting someone may just end up getting him killed



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and how do the BLM morons react?


Trayvon Martin’s dad: Markeis McGlockton’s death is a direct result of George Zimmerman’s acquittal
By Chauncey Alcorn | July 30, 2018

The July 2013 acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin led to more than just the birth of the Black Lives Matter movement, according to Trayvon’s father, Tracy Martin.

“What that acquittal did was empower white supremacists to feel as though they can go out and shoot and kill unarmed black men and say that they were afraid for their lives and get away with it,” Martin said Sunday during a Q&A session at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York City, following a preview screening of the new docuseries Rest In Power: The Trayvon Martin Story.

One of those alleged white supremacists, according to Martin, is Michael Drejka, a white man from Clearwater, Florida, who fatally shot Markeis McGlockton, a black man, less than two weeks ago. Drejka was allegedly heard having a disagreement with McGlockton’s girlfriend, Brittany Jacobs, around 3:30 p.m. July 19 after Jacobs and McGlockton pulled up to a local Circle A convenience store and parked in a handicapped space.

Drejka was reportedly upset about the illegal use of the handicapped space, according to Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, who detailed the incident during a 29-minute press conference July 20. After searching the outside of Jacobs’ car for handicap decals, Drejka, 48, began arguing with Jacobs in the parking lot while McGlockton and his 5-year-old son, Markeis Jr., were shopping inside the store.

A witness came inside and told the store clerk about the argument. McGlockton overheard the discussion, which compelled him to go outside, Gualtieri said.

Drejka had a history of making racist comments and engaging in angry arguments over the store’s handicap space, according to the store’s owner, Ali Salous, and septic tank truck driver Richard Kelly. (Kelly got into an argument with Drejka for the same reason a couple months before Drejka’s fatal encounter with McGlockton.)

“He’s always hanging out in the parking lot here,” Salous, the owner, told WFLA July 20. “If he sees anyone parking illegal or something like that, he just wants to argue with them and fight with them.”

Kelly said Drejka called him “the n-word” and threatened to kill him during their argument several weeks prior.

“He flipped out on me, called me every n-word, said he’s going to shoot me,” Kelly told Spectrum News 9 of Drejka on July 24. “He said he was going to kill me, and he went back to his truck, got something out of his truck and walked back up on me.”

After witnessing the July 19 shouting match between Drejka and Jacobs, McGlockton walked up to Drejka and shoved him to the ground, prompting Drejka to pull out a concealed handgun — which authorities said he was licensed to carry — and point it at McGlockton. Surveillance video shows McGlockton stepped away from Drejka before Drejka shot McGlockton in the chest.

McGlockton covered the bullet wound with his hand as he retreated back into the convenience store, where he collapsed in front of his son. He was declared dead at a local hospital less than an hour later.

The next day, Gualtieri told reporters that McGlockton pushed Drejka with “great force” during their altercation, and that his department could be sued if it arrests Drejka because of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law — the same self defense legislation that initially dissuaded officers in Sanford, Florida, from arresting George Zimmerman after he shot and killed Trayvon Martin on Feb. 26, 2012.

“We’re precluded from making an arrest in this type of a situation,” Gualtieri said during a July 20 press conference. “We gotta follow the law.”


"What that acquittal did was empower white supremacists to feel as though they can go out and shoot and kill unarmed black men"

i watched the video

the black guy was not unarmed

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
so, two lessons come to mind

1. don't park in handicapped spots unless you're handicapped
2. don't assault people carrying a handgun


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
1. He illegally parked in a handicapped spot.
2. He physically threatened a man smaller then himself.

He should have just left the guy alone.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
now, the problematic wrinkle - if Drejka (the white guy) deliberately provoked McGlockton (the black guy) by shouting racial taunts and threats at his wife in the car while maintaining a safe distance and calm demeanor knowing he'd be on camera...

...if he provoked the assault with the intent of murdering a random black man

how does the law handle that?

McGlockton would still be in the wrong for escalating the confrontation and assaulting Drejka

and Drejka would still be justified in his response under Florida's stand your ground law

but it seems unjust that Drejka (if the assumptions are correct) should get off scot free

iow, (and i can't believe i'm saying this) if Tracy Martin is correct, what do we, as a society do?
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
btw, i find nothing online from Jacobs (McGlockton's baby mama) indicating that Drejka racially baited her or threatened her

and it's worth noting that in the video, she's coming out of the car toward Drejka


now, the problematic wrinkle - if Drejka (the white guy) deliberately provoked McGlockton (the black guy) by shouting racial taunts and threats at his wife in the car while maintaining a safe distance and calm demeanor knowing he'd be on camera...

...if he provoked the assault with the intent of murdering a random black man

how does the law handle that?
I think you just solved your own legal riddle.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well, murder is not sodomy....but it's still fairly illegal, if memory serves.

if the investigation found a facebook post by Drejka stating baldly "today I'm going to the Circle A and I'm going to try to provoke a ni66er into attacking me so i can kill him" - what law has been broken?

it's not murder by florida statute


if the investigation found a facebook post by Drejka stating baldly "today I'm going to the Circle A and I'm going to try to provoke a ni66er into attacking me so i can kill him" - what law has been broken?

it's not murder by florida statute

Intent to kill. A first year DA's fantasy.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Intent to kill. A first year DA's fantasy.

i still don't think it would overrule stand your ground, especially in this case when the attack on Drejka was so blatant and he wasn't threatening Jacobs or McGlockton


i still don't think it would overrule stand your ground, especially in this case when the attack on Drejka was so blatant and he wasn't threatening Jacobs or McGlockton

Though, per your hypothetical, he IS threatening them....surreptitiously. I'll admit, tough to prove but far from impossible. The FB post would go a long way in support of this.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Though, per your hypothetical, he IS threatening them....surreptitiously. I'll admit, tough to prove but far from impossible. The FB post would go a long way in support of this.

it's a can of worms, isn't it?

and unlikely there would be a smoking gun


it's a can of worms, isn't it?

and unlikely there would be a smoking gun

Yes it is. It needs to be repealed...there is a thing called excessive force. Cops are subject to it, I can't understand why your average idiot with a gun, isn't.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That video is edited, we don't see him get shot. There's an edit at around 15 seconds. At 15 seconds he has shoved him and is backing up, then an edit and at 17 seconds he is shot an running away. I presume they did that to edit it out him actually getting shot but I'm gonna have to see the whole thing to make a call on this. Whether he was backing up or going forward is important.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i see him take a step back and then stop to look at Drejka

but you're right, there's a gap

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
no gap in this one - https://nypost.com/2018/07/20/stand...r-in-deadly-fight-over-parking-space-sheriff/

as mcglockton approaches drejka from the side, drejka appears to be focused on jacobs, who is in the process of getting out of her car

mcglockton reaches drejka and shoves him to the ground with great force - Drejka lands some ten feet away, rolls up to a sitting position and reaches for his gun

throughout all of this, mcglockton is advancing on him until he sees the gun

then mcglockton clearly steps back four steps and stops, standing partially sideways to drejka in the same spot drejka was standing when he was shoved

drejka holds the gun on mcglockton while he's backing up

then when mcglockton stops, drejka fires a single shot, and keeps his gun on mcglockton while mcglockton stumbles away, lowering it when mcglockton re-enters the convenience store

not sure what that'll mean to a grand jury
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