Originally posted by lighthouse
Wrong again. First I'll deal with how God loves them, but hates what they are. He hates what they are, but loves them so much that He sent His Son in order to free them from what they are.
Now, as to whether or not lthey love God, they don't. They hate Him, and spit in His face everytime they "justify" their perversion. Those who are in Christ are such because Christ is in them. And those in whom Christ dwells will not live a life contrary to who they are in Christ. They might fall, sometimes, but they will not live such a life. Why? Because Christ is living in them! Those who live a life contrary to who they would be in Christ are not in Christ, because Christ is not living in them. And they are not allowing Him to. You're friends are not Christians. There is no such thing as a homosexual Christian, for homosexuality is a sin, and Christ frees from sin.