God's Truth

New member
You can *pretend* whatever your little heart desires. As for me, I consider GM a friend and enjoy his quirky sense of humor.

As for Meshak, she is as judgmental and dishonest as they come and should feel bad about her behavior.

I don't pretend. You may consider GM a friend, but that has nothing to do with the things he does that are wrong, like falsely judge other people.

It does not matter how quirky his false judgments are, in that way he is like Meshak.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Let us not pretend that there is nothing wrong with GM. You want to act as if nothing is wrong with GM, just to make Meshak feel bad.

GT, you're just a wee bit jealous of GM! All I can say is, keep
trying to be like GM! You may fall short (more than likely) but,
never give up! I wish you luck my dear friend! May your endeavors
not be in vain!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If I am not doing what Jesus says to do, then what am I doing?

Colossians 1:10
so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,

GM, you speak against God.

That's a good question, what are you doing? I don't think
anybody has the slightest idea! Do you?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

I've conversed with lazy for years, was never angry with me.

maybe it was something you did?

you know your smarty pants attitude can rub people the wrong way too sometimes GM!

we have a name for people like you, we call them buttinskies because they just cant help but butt in to everyone else's conversations!

know that I tell you this out of Love :)

Have you ever considered that, you and LA are, "Two peas in a fraud?" I mean pod? Or, do I? I'll let you and LA be the judge!


Hall of Fame
You are so tolerant when it comes to your friends. It does not matter to you if they start this kind of hateful thread.

Uh huh ... because you have never defended people who acted maliciously right here on TOL, huh Meshak? Go ahead and deny it.

Yes, ma'am. You are so righteous judge, everyone should pay attention to you. And admire how godly woman you are.


I am not the one claiming to be righteous or Godly. That would be you.


I am not the one claiming to be righteous or Godly. That would be you.

You don't claim it but all your posts portraying yourself as righteous judge when it comes to your enemy.

I have never pretend to be godly. I am so worldly myself.

That will not stop me from spreading what Jesus teaches.

I am Jesus' follower and I will not succumb into people like you to stop me from spreading Jesus' noble teaching.

YOu work for world standards and I work Jesus' standards. You cannot intimidate me with your vicious and bitter comments.

Have a nice day.


New member
must have hit a nerve,

three responses to one post,

and a neg rep to boot, haven't had one of those from you in months, was starting to miss ya!

I am impressed at the level of demand my post draw forth. :)

you say LA is angry, not hypocritical in the slightest....


New member
MarkA said:

I've conversed with lazy for years, was never angry with me.

maybe it was something you did?

you know your smarty pants attitude can rub people the wrong way too sometimes GM!

we have a name for people like you, we call them buttinskies because they just cant help but butt in to everyone else's conversations!

know that I tell you this out of Love
Have you ever considered that, you and LA are, "Two peas in a fraud?" I mean pod? Or, do I? I'll let you and LA be the judge!
well at least you are open to the possibility it might have been something you did.

not everyone can be so humble. :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
must have hit a nerve,

three responses to one post,

and a neg rep to boot, haven't had one of those from you in months, was starting to miss ya!

I am impressed at the level of demand my post draw forth. :)

you say LA is angry, not hypocritical in the slightest....

Glad I was able to draw attention to you! I try my best to help
those who can't seem to help themselves!


Well-known member
What does this have to do with my faith in God?

I am not in dangerous situation. I never got any kind of dangerous situation.

What makes you think I am in a dangerous situation?

You're on the wrong side of the Cross. You have not submitted to the righteousness of God, but go about trying to establish your own righteousness. That's as dangerous as it gets.


Well-known member
Like your fear to tell people in person what you really believe or they will burn down your house?

How is your hiding what you believe - God protecting you?

Ah, so she lies by omission....just like God's unTruth does. It would be one thing if they relied on Christ's righteousness, but they don't. Therefore they will live or die by their own "righteous" deeds, and lying by omission is a LIE like any other.