Latino Support for Trump Is Real


And so, all the moronic millennials think Socialism is groovy

because they're idiots

and they vote

You can call us idiots if you want.

But yes, we do vote. And no, we simply aren't affected by the cold war rhetoric. We didn't live through it.

Ditto for generation Z.

And ditto for a lot of gen X types.

The only people who care about the cold war rhetoric are the over 45s, and you people are dying off by the day from old age.


You know what we do remember quite starkly, though?

The financial crisis of 2008.



>Brainwashed by cultural Marxist university professors and drowning in student debt

Pick one.

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Credo in Unum Deum
It's no surprise that Trump would garner slightly better than expected support from Latinos when running against Hillary. But Bernie is no Hillary.

If you think Hispanics want anything to do with a commie pig who praises Castro you need to see a doctor.

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Credo in Unum Deum
If you think Hispanics want anything to do with a commie pig who praises Castro you need to see a doctor.

Sanders’s Comments on Fidel Castro Provoke Anger in Florida

MIAMI — Comments from Senator Bernie Sanders praising aspects of the Communist Cuban revolution drew a forceful rebuke on Monday from Cuban-Americans, Florida Democrats and several of Mr. Sanders’s opponents, who cast him as too extreme in his views to represent the party as its presidential nominee.

Mr. Sanders’s remarks threatened to undercut his candidacy in the nation’s largest presidential battleground state as he seeks to build momentum on a broader scale after a series of early primary victories. In Florida, Mr. Sanders stands to alienate not just Cubans but also a far more diverse group of Latinos, including Colombians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans, than the ones he won overwhelmingly in Saturday’s Nevada caucuses.

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Credo in Unum Deum

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Credo in Unum Deum
Trump on pace for record Hispanic vote

He was told being strict on illegal immigration would doom him among Hispanic voters.

Yet President Trump has defied their predictions, from the moment he delivered his iconic address to the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2013 — warning the Republican Party that legalizing 11 million illegal immigrants was political suicide — through the 2016 presidential election and into the White House.

Now nine months out from his second Election Day, and despite a tenure in the White House that has involved building a border wall, stepping up deportations and insulting some Latin American nations as “s—hole” countries, Mr. Trump is as strong as ever among Hispanic voters, according to the polls.

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Credo in Unum Deum
Trump’s impressive Latino support and other commentary

“Donald Trump has done almost everything he can to anger Latino voters,” Kristian Ramos opines at The Atlantic — yet the president’s support among Latinos hasn’t fallen but rose to 30 percent, up from 28 percent four years ago. While that number “may not seem high,” it should worry Democrats: Trump “enjoys more support from this electorate than Mitt Romney did in 2012, and about the same level that John McCain did in 2008.” In large part, that’s because of the “growing economy,” but it’s also because Democrats are “too focused on immigration” instead of “the economy, health care and education, the issues about which these voters care most.” If Democrats don’t address these other bread-and-butter ­issues, Ramos warns, they will face a “real threat” in November.