Last chance for the U.S.A. citizens to express their choice, peacefully.


Do you guys realize how foolish, misguided and possibly bias the media (except Fox) and most pollsters were during the election champagne. They are the Old people. They traditionally and successfully ruled the ideas that are disseminated to the masses. They are totally exposed. They are totally irrelevant.

Fox News is what I've always stuck with, and have always had a strong dislike for CNN. It's natural for media to have a certain amount of bias, but CNN's is both the worst and most deliberate.

Pollsters are the reason Clinton supporters were shocked that Trump won. They are all sheep, you see, and then their media abandoned ship as soon as Trump was elected- which is why they have nothing to say of the turnout except the same garbage :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Fox News is what I've always stuck with, and have always had a strong dislike for CNN. It's natural for media to have a certain amount of bias, but CNN's is both the worst and most deliberate.

Pollsters are the reason Clinton supporters were shocked that Trump won. They are all sheep, you see, and then their media abandoned ship as soon as Trump was elected- which is why they have nothing to say of the turnout except the same garbage :rolleyes:

Similar circumstances here.

We had and have intuitive/spiritual awareness so we knew (well in advance) that those guys (media and pollsters) were trying to sell us a lemon idea. They were simply posturing like lemon used car sales men/women. We successfully and spiritually/intuitively discerned them and their tricks. We have 'actualized sixth sense' (intuitive) knowing.

This is a how intuitions operates. It is essentially inner knowing expressed as something you dislike (at the feeling level), leading you away from something that is not honest and not right. On the other hand intuitions that make you feel good are guiding you to what is honest and good.

Traditionally, spiritually dead people try to use cunning arguments to lead you out of this very wise guidance, so that they can have you do what serves them. In this manner they essential fool 'the (spiritually) dead', masses.

This is what happened in the recent general U.S.A. presidential election.

Masses of people both within and with out the U.S.A. were all fooled by Clinton supporters and her election machinery which included most medias and pollster personals. They simply did not have this sixth sense actualization. They are totally physically oriented.

This is because of their self imposed blindness. They are not 'converted'. These people's lives and survival are directly linked to the ideologies of the 'Old' who include Bush, Obama, Clinton and all others who are promoting a one world government according to the 'Brussels' model.

They are totally oblivious ("dead") to the strong ('not seen') wind of change that is blowing every where. They are 'the dead' (i.e. the spiritually dead). They will be brought down in unawareness (in spiritual dead-ness). These 'Old' people are corrupting every things every where and failing to convince the masses every where. They are responsible for bring terrorism to every land that they control and controlled.

Now they are being fooled and brought down by their own proper-gander. Poetic justice of sought. 'What goes around come around'.

Their days are very numbered.

Currently, on 'their' media (i.e. the ones which they control), these kind of people (who convincingly lost the democratic election) are projecting that Trump cannot do what he said he will do during his campaign. They are the minority who still believes that they have some self-righteous right to dictate what the majority.

These are the same kind of people who were calling for a new Brexit vote because the original one did not go their way. They are a self righteous, self enriching very small minority who has ruled and is still seeking to rule the majority.

They all belong to a false 'Satanic' 'elitist' class. They are being brought down (by Christ consciousness) and they do not even realize it.

Notice how consistently Bush, Obama, Clinton and all others (who are promoting a one world government according to the 'Brussels' model) have failed to convince the majority at very recent forums. They are totally out of touch and irrelevant. They are the Old who have died. They are simply refusing to lie down.

Now these Old leaders and their followers will try to continue to have their way. They will do this by trying to influenced democratically elected leader.

For the very salvation of the U.S.A., it is hope that President Trump is really and truly totally independent. It is hoped that he is a strong leader who will be led by his own intuitions and not the cunning self serving rhetoric of those leaders and followers who lost the elections.

The old (i.e. Bush, Obama, Clinton and all others who are promoting a one world government according to the 'Brussels' model) will not succeed. They have indeed died. They will continue to be 'the walking dead' for a while, before they accept their death and lie down.

The recently concluded U.S.A. Presidential and party election was not about personalities. It was about changing ideologies, through changing of the Old guards.

This changing of the Old Guards is a world wide phenomenon. This change is occurring through a force that is way beyond human control. This force is 'not seen' and operates though the individual consciousness of the population. The U.S.A. has simply conformed.

The world is simply conforming and no human can stop the change. All people who were relevant and prospered powerfully and materially until recently, are now totally irrelevant.

These people are simply not equipped for the New. Their very relevance in the Old physically oriented age has relegated their required actualization for the New spirit and Spirit Age. They will bite the dust to give way to a new and different generation.

We are simply witness these old people trying to hold onto relevance, based on their past and now outdated terms. Their show counts for no more than theatrics. This is their best and only possible effort. They are essentially intellectual/physically oriented/'left brain' people. They are having their last hurrah. It is very serious.

A totally New guard is in control. The New guards are spiritual/intuitive/'right brain' people, the likes of who empowered President elect Trump to victory.

The faster one realities this truth and adapt, the least one will suffer on earth.
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Well-known member
Great masses of people/institutions (including the Obama administration and other international governments etc.) are admitting or might admit that the results of the recently concluded U.S.A. presidential election has surprised them and met them unprepared.

These masses of people are simply and foolishly admitting their 'Old-ness', spiritual 'dead-ness' and irrelevance in this New Age of Enlightenment in Christ, that is domination the surface of earth.

The Old are essentially unaware and would be clueless. They would not know what is going on until they are struck with reality hard in the head.

. . . and Obama, Clinton and others want to convince their populations and the world, at large, that they have superior 'intelligence' devices at works for them. However their rhetoric is a clear admission that they are actually, clueless, until they are well and totally struck down. No one (and certainly no leader) should be so totally unaware.

This is why, as President Trump openly said, Old leaders (like Obama and Clinton) were being fooled by New world leaders. These old leaders are simply walking around clueless. They simply do not know what is happening around them, even among their own population.

In my country, our population totally dismissed, both Prime Minister P.A. Manning and the very great majority of his administration (at a long past general election) because Mr. P.A. Manning was clueless, until he and his party was totally struck out with the reality of a very resounding defeat at the polls.

The above is similar to Obama and Clinton, with respect to the recent U.S.A. election. They were totally uninformed (unintelligent) about their own population and their standing with their population. The majority of the U.S.A. population do not seem to agree with the claim of Obama and Clinton, that they had done good.

You guys do not need a clueless Old guard/leader advising/influencing your New leader.

You will know people (including the spiritually dead) by their words/utterances. They will run (their mouths) but they cannot hide their unawareness, ineffectiveness and irrelevance. They need to be sent to retirement homes:

2 Corinthians: 2 KJV N.T.
11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

A leader who admits to being unaware of truth until it hit him/her in 'black and white' is not fit to be a leader. Such a one is simply bluffing his/her population.

John: 8 King James Version (KJV)
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Every where, the most effective and successful leader is one who has an intuitive awareness of truth long before it is validated, commonly, for everyone else.

Seems that all this ensuing 'White house orientation' (for the next 10 weeks) is an attempt to dilute President elect Trump's intuitive capacity and render him into 'a mold of the Old' and therefore as irrelevant as Old leaders. President elect Trump has already changed his recent free off the cuff stated opinion of Obama to something opposite sounding.

The majority of people in the U.S.A voted for a new way. They voted for off the cuff frankness as displayed on the hustings by the presidential hopeful, Trump. They did not vote for political correctness as exemplified by Clinton. President elect Trump could find himself without any support, if he succumb to the style of the Old status quo. No doubt they (the Old guards) will try to convert and supposedly 'civilize' Trump (i.e. buy his soul) according to:

Matthews: 4 KJV N.T.
7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Will President elect Trump come out bearing new and different ideas and rhetoric. Be the witness.

As comfortable and proud one might be with and of, the Old approaches, they are now with out substance. These old (traditional) approaches will lead to destruction, both from internal and external forces.

You are called to totally change the Old. Keep President elect Trump on track. Survival is now, all about ideologies (of truth and frankness) and not at at all about political correctness. The rules have changed.

President elect Trump must be prepared to die, in order to uphold his intuitive insight. And if this occurs, the next U.S.A. leader will be empowered even more convincingly.

However the more President elect Trump remains loyal to his own intuitive insights, the more he will have the support and protection of Grace of God, like never before. These are unprecedented times.

Current time is not about intellectual/political correctness. It is about loyalty to one's own intuitive/spiritual insights.

The value of your newly elected President, Trump is his spiritual/intuitive actualization. That is, his ability to know from his heart/spirit and speak spontaneously and freely from his heart/spirit. Help him to not forgo his intuitive/spiritual gift and insights, in exchange for, the ideas of the Old guards. They will be tempting him. If he succumbs, this will lead to destruction all around and far and wide.
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