Kratt on AIDS

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Merely Christian
Adam_Kratt said:
Nineveh, I report what I see.. my opinions are based on what I do.... 4 days a week I conduct HIV Testing, Risk Assesment and Counseling. Recent cases show a trend of a rise in Heterosexual infection in the United States. Nineveh most of your knowledge of HIV infections come from a website.....

Right. The News and the CDC.

the official numbers you see on websites are based on "Confidential" test results. a majority of those who test positive for HIV have tested "Anonymous". Statistics represent only a fraction of the new cases.

Federal HIV Statistical Reports ONLY count a Positive Test result which was a obtained from a "Confidential" test. They do not count any Positive result obtained from an "Anonymous" test.

Actual number of new cases of HIV infections is more likely at least double those reported and it is more common for a Heterosexual to test Anonymous then it is for a Homosexual. Homosexuals are more then likely to test Confidential. To recieve treatment and case management someone would need to have obtained a Confidential HIV Positive Test.

Which would mean far more than half a million homo men are dead or dying from AIDS.

Once again, telling men who have sex with other men they aren't homo is a lie. Not just to them but to the families they bring their diseases home to. The solution to the problem isn't telling married folks to put barriers between their own flesh, but to call people away from being a homo.



New member
Nineveh said:
Right. The News and the CDC.

Which would mean far more than half a million homo men are dead or dying from AIDS.

Once again, telling men who have sex with other men they aren't homo is a lie. Not just to them but to the families they bring their diseases home to. The solution to the problem isn't telling married folks to put barriers between their own flesh, but to call people away from being a homo.


Nineveh... most of those who test anonymous are heterosexual. and although a percentage of those women infected are do to Bisexual husbands... a majority of them are from husbands/partners who use IV Drugs or pay for female Prostitutes.

And again .. as I said many of those who are designated as men who have sex with men are a misnomer.... one experience in college 15 years ago does not make someone gay or even bisexual. but statistically they will be listed as "men who have sex with men" even though it was once several years ago. the numbers are skewed the numbers of Heterosexual men who are infected is higher from IV drug use and female prostitution then are reported due to their higher riate of Anonymous Testing and that they are mislabeled because of one experience many years ago.... many are included wrongly as Gay Men. Gays men have a higher rate of testing Confidentially due to treatment.... whereas a majority of Gay men who are infected are recieving treatment and case management while a majority of the Straight individuals with HIV are not recieving treatment and case management due to a lack of proper education and a misunderstanding of Names Reporting for HIV Positive individuals. So while the Gay Community is limiting the spreading of HIV while the Heterosexual community is attempting to hide the infections... when anonymous testing is eliminated the true numbers of HIV infection with the Heterosexual community will come to light... and many of you who attempt to associate HIV with Homosexuality will be exposed for the misinformation you have spread..... I have already showed an example of how Fundamentalist have caused Heterosexual women and small children to be infected due to your teachings against using a condom and your pro-brestfeeding while your oppose using soy based babyformulas.


Merely Christian
Adam_Kratt said:
... as I said many of those who are designated as men who have sex with men are a misnomer....

I have no desire to debate a homo on the definition of what a homo is in his attempts to make the lying homos who get married look better.


New member
Why is 'monogamous' such a loose term these days? I think it can be misleading. For example-

"I only have sex with a person I am in a relationship with, therefore I am monogamous."

Really now? Let's get our calculators and count the relationships...

Sorry. Random rant. Continue.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Actually..... current statistics are showing that the fastest growing population now being infected with HIV is Heterosexual NON-promiscuos Women (high among women of color) who are getting infected from their husbands and boyfriends who are a. IV Drug Users or haveing Affairs. And World wide the leading group of those with HIV are Married women who were infected by their husbands.... CDC Generally reflects US cases only.. and many times the Data is not exactly current....

Convenient. I found this commentary interesting.

It is very important to understand the difference between the percent change from year to year and the number of cases each year. News articles usually report percent change: "the number of new cases increased x% over last year", but this can be misleading. A category with no increase can be much more important than the fastest-growing category. If there were 50000 new AIDS cases last year and 50000 new cases this year, the percent increase is 0%, but this is no real victory, since there were still 50000 new cases. On the other hand, if a different group had 100 new cases last year and 150 this year, the growth rate would be 50%. Despite the much higher growth rate for the second group, the first group is clearly much worse off. If the rates remain constant (which is very doubtful from preset 4), the second group would eventually catch up, so the percent increase is somewhat important for future predictions, but often the percent increase is just used as a "sound bite".

It is a shame that a queer would give his wife HIV.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
and it is not my opinion..... I work in HIV Prevention. I provide HIV Testing and HIV Preventive Counseling... alot of women who have been faithful to their husbands are getting it.. many of them because of their husbands IV drug use or cheating with Prostitutes. You can sit on your high horse.. or get out in the real world and see what is really going on. You can sit behind your computer screen in your middle class suburbanite neighborhood and show your ignorance.. or you can be part of the solution. With your Conservative Haggard cruising for sex and drugs.... i wonder if he has been tested or his wife...... you are just a pillar of ignorant bigotted hate arent you.

I’m sure you are going to reach her by calling her a hatful bigot. If I ran your counseling center and you demonstrated that attitude, you would be history. Therefore, you might practice what you should have learned as a counselor and not be so derogatory with someone no matter who he or she is, or what he or she may have said to you.


New member
Why is 'monogamous' such a loose term these days? I think it can be misleading. For example-

"I only have sex with a person I am in a relationship with, therefore I am monogamous."

Really now? Let's get our calculators and count the relationships...

Sorry. Random rant. Continue.

Monogamous has always been a loose term. There is nothing drastically different about today, other than 1.) women are no longer property and 2.) society wants humans to wait until their mid-20s to marry, when their nature is to have intercourse during their teens.
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