Knight's pick 8-22-2007

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New member
It's a Rambo avatar you dimwit. Talk about blowing a gasket.

:mock: Ask Mr. Religion-the arrogant Calvinist.

I wasn't aware you had joined the "Avatar Police". :rotfl:

Well, Rambo actually was a fictitious Vietnam vet......

And then he went on to become a one man army who managed to wipe out the whole of the Afghanistan army or some such didn't he?


Nathon Detroit

Many have privately warned me that when sending PM's or reps with message content that you and others like to then post them in threads. I don't know why I don't heed their advice. I guess I assume wrongly that people will behave with a modicum of integrity. Ever hopeful, I will continue to do so.

You want to let me know I make posts you disagree with, then post as such. You apparently have no problem doing that, right?

Neg reps are for cowards, as my positive rep in response to your neg rep last night so indicated. Deal with it.
Call me a coward one more time and your vacation will be permanent.

Rep comments are not private nor are neg rep's for cowards (they are for posts that you find highly objectionable).

Deal with it.
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