Knight, you look like a cigar smoking Las Vegas night club owner, change your image


New member
Thank you Twn Heretic, for addressing the issues I razed and not attacking the man. If I speak untrue then defend but I am just as you all, I have opinions, based upon my reading and philosophy of "my" interpretation of the word of God. Yes I can see how easy it is to be way out there, I just have to look at all the differing religious institutions, but you can't knock me for trying. And as for Knight, it was a small thing I said about him. If you look closely I only judged his avatar not the man, later I even clarified it by saying that it Is a small thing because man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart; and that I don't know the man nor his heart. My real issue is with Leaders - Our Christian leaders to be more precise. Go with me for a bit. How many think that Christians are actually to blame for the attack on the twin towers, not the sinful world around? Let me explain. Bible says, sin abounds where there is no love. We are the body of Christ, the greatest comandment and second to it is to love (active love) so who better should know how to love than us? Is it such a stretch to take responsibility for it or was it just some random exo-cosmic blahblahblah. So what does this have to do with our leaders, they are to concerned for numbers, insurance, salaries and bank accounts to tell us little sheep, and the lost, lame and blind the truth - that we are responsible for our every word, action and thought. Sounds pretty dim but no we have a savior, who loves us and gave himself for us that whoever believes on Him should not perish. So inorder to cross over we just need to believe that we are saved. I think that we need to repent, believing that we are saved. They don't teach us that, they are more concerned with finding more ways to charge for getting the gospel out. The lord overturned the tables, not because they weren't allowed to sell offerings, the OT had sanctioned it, He was upset because they were thieves, they were gouging believers and making it hard for the poor and lost to get the gospel freely. I believe people who are in places of leadership or whoever puts themselves in places of prominence, representing the Lord, have a greater responsibility to be spotless.
Town Heretic: that is why I don't listen to secular music, but for the record I said only about 89%. Regardless, there is enough within the confounds of the Christian contemporary world - that glorifies God. Why settle for less.
I also said "legitimately" gives the appearance of evil to do wrong, sneering nor all the other trivialities would not be worth my time denunciating, you will have to give me a little bit more credit.
No I don't imagine anyone is still nieve enough to offer meat to idols nor even fall down and worship stone carvings, that was a sort of parable to say that if my brother conceives a thing to be a struggle then I should be concerned enough about him to cease and desist, simply for his sake, providing it is not "sneering". It is like war - is my freedom worth all the souls that we have to kill, and send to hell, to have it? No, I can suffer a little bit of communism or tyranny for a mere 80 yrs if it might possibly mean that no one gets killed, they see my love and sacrifice for them and accept Christ. The sufferings of this lifetime are nothing compared to the rewards Christ has stored up for us in eternity.
I do believe we are not our own, we are bought with a price, this is the temple of the Holy Spirit and cigars (among other things) do hurt the temporal but "it is not what enters into a man that defiles a man but what comes out of a man because it proceeds forth from the heart. I think the real concern is for the eternal, and the eternal is our love and concern for one another. Which obligates a brother to rebuke the wise and brothers so that they have life and that we don't give the world reason to laugh at God.


I do believe we are not our own, we are bought with a price, this is the temple of the Holy Spirit and cigars (among other things) do hurt the temporal but "it is not what enters into a man that defiles a man but what comes out of a man because it proceeds forth from the heart. I think the real concern is for the eternal, and the eternal is our love and concern for one another. Which obligates a brother to rebuke the wise and brothers so that they have life and that we don't give the world reason to laugh at God.
It's a compliment to Knight that you hold him to a higher standard.


Well-known member
Is there something inherently evil about 1)beer 2)cigars or 3)Las Vegas?

▲I'd have titled the thread that way▲

As it is, its random as all get-out.

We could ask Jesus about wine and alcohol, check with theologians of the past and present who smoke, and check to see if there were any righteous remnants in Sodom or Gomorrah.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Thank you Twn Heretic, for addressing the issues I razed and not attacking the man.
I tweak now and again, but I try to stay on target as benignly as possible where possible. :cheers:
If I speak untrue then defend but I am just as you all, I have opinions, based upon my reading and philosophy of "my" interpretation of the word of God.
Fair enough. And when you extol you must be prepared for the examination, no? Also fair.
And as for Knight, it was a small thing I said about him. If you look closely I only judged his avatar not the man, later I even clarified it by saying that it Is a small thing because man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart; and that I don't know the man nor his heart.
You have to realize that when you come into a community it's just that: a community. That is, mostly it's comprised of people who've been neighbors for a while, though it's the sort of neighborhood that encourages and thrives on new blood. But because so many of us have been around each other a while we have any number of understandings and contexts that you can't see as you unpack your moving van...sometimes it's best to wait for a few barbecues before you start telling your neighbors about how they paint their houses. :D
My real issue is with Leaders - Our Christian leaders to be more precise...
You'll find a lot of support for that sentiment here. The Osteens of the world aren't well received here, as a rule.
Town Heretic: that is why I don't listen to secular music, but for the record I said only about 89%. Regardless, there is enough within the confounds of the Christian contemporary world - that glorifies God. Why settle for less.
Because Mozart isn't less. The gift God gave him is virtually unparalleled. And, to paraphrase T.B. Burnett, a mason doesn't have to paint Jesus on every wall he builds because he's a Christian. When I listen to one of his symphonies staring out over the acreage, it's an experience that will go toe to toe with any hymn sung in any cathedral formed by men.
I also said "legitimately" gives the appearance of evil to do wrong, sneering nor all the other trivialities would not be worth my time denunciating, you will have to give me a little bit more credit.
And I was noting that Knight or me or you aren't responsible for every possible reading of some act, but only of a reasonable reading. That wasn't an attack, it was a notation of exception. I was suggesting I didn't find your criticism reasonable. And I didn't. Every man weighs things according to his understanding of propriety.
...if my brother conceives a thing to be a struggle then I should be concerned enough about him to cease and desist,
I understand. And that's one reason I don't get into many battles over the non salvific. I don't want to shake anyone's faith to no substantive end. But I don't forgo listening to Lovett because some unreasonable fellow thinks the devil taps his foot to it. Not suggesting that's you, only making the point about perspective again.
I do believe we are not our own, we are bought with a price, this is the temple of the Holy Spirit and cigars (among other things) do hurt the temporal but "it is not what enters into a man that defiles a man but what comes out of a man because it proceeds forth from the heart.
I agree. I don't think cigars defile anyone. I simply think they are a missed opportunity relating to good stewardship. But so is eating a box of Ho-Hos. :chew: Or so I've heard...:noid:
I think the real concern is for the eternal, and the eternal is our love and concern for one another.
I like that just fine. :thumb:
Which obligates a brother to rebuke the wise and brothers so that they have life and that we don't give the world reason to laugh at God.
I find a word spoken softly and with consideration is more apt to find its mark than any well intentioned rebuke, on the whole. But to each his own practice.



Would you? Why or why not?

What does this have to do with anything?

I don't like cigars.
Say you had to buy a cigar for a man living as he should be living--as a man (Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4). If you walked into the club, how would you feel? Welcomed. Not so welcomed? :idunno:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
TH you told me that your religion makes people happy and healthier? :think: :nono:
Well, I was a bit more general than that, but sure. As a rule it does. That said, some people are just determined to be way or another. :D


What about the ad? For it? Against it? Is it right or wrong to increase social tension toward the homosexual? Jn 10:10.

What's the point to asking me about going to a cigar lounge?

What's the point to even bringing up the ad?

What's the point to these questions you are asking me?

How about starting a new thread instead of jacking this one?