Kissinger: Trump Has ‘No Baggage’ or Obligation to Any Group


New member
That was quite the rant Danoh. For someone who is "fact based", I didn't see a thing about globalist Henry Kissinger.

Globalist Henry Kissinger Outlines “New World Order”


I was not really focused on tracking down evidence against H K, but was merely posting from my awareness of it from years past.

Thanks for the save on that one.

At the same time, when one is dealing with the many self-deceived individuals on this forum; it really matters not what one presents to such; it is wasted.

They all remind me of the Pharaoh in Exodus - the more God made the truth evident; the more determined that fool became to continue to see things through his self-deceiving perception.

Likewise with the Scribes and the Pharisees centuries later; who had so rationalized their self-deceit that when they found themselves with The Truth Himself in their very midst; all they could do was become even further entrenched in their mess.

And the more He ranted at them; the more entrenched they became.

It is what truth does to the self-deceived by their own, ever self-righteous hand: it hardens their conscience even more.

This forum is chockful of hypocrites who name the name of Christ who have yet to demonstrate they know Who He IS.

Observing their self-serving duplicity in their self-deception against anyone who does not agree with them and or who points a thing out to them, I am too often reminded of the following...regretabbly so...

Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

Matthew 23:29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, 23:30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. 23:31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. 23:32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

Question is - and it is one you and I should also ask ourselves on a DAILY basis - "where might I myself be guilty of that kind of a thing; that I might address it within myself?"

Here are some more wasted words...

James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 1:23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: 1:24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. 1:25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Kissinger: Trump Has ‘No Baggage’ or Obligation to Any Group


Sunday on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” Presidents Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford’s former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said President-elect Donald Trump is “unique” among presidents in the fact that “he has absolutely no baggage. He has no obligation to any particular group.”

Kissinger said, “This president-elect is the most unique that I have experienced in one respect, he has absolutely no baggage. He has no obligation to any particular group because he has become a president on the basis of his own strategy and a program he put before the American public that his competitors did not present. So that is a unique situation.”

Good post

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Kissinger's betrayal: He sold out South Vietnam in the 1973 Paris Accords

Kissinger: traitor to America

Who helped negotiate America's diplomatic defeat in Vietnam and Ian Smith's defeat in Rhodesia in 1976? Henry Kissinger. Several years ago he was invited to South Africa to negotiate differences between the Zulus and the Marxist ANC. Donald McAlvany warns, "Watch out! When Kissinger negotiates, the communists always win!" (McAlvany Intelligence Adviser, April 1994, p. 14)

Henry Kissinger
The very day after the Tiananmen Square massacre in China, Kissinger's syndicated column referred to Deng Xiaoping (China's leader) as "one of the great reformers in Chinese history" and a man "who chose a more humane and less chaotic course" [1] for China. Though he later expressed shock at the "brutality" of the crackdown, the general trend of his statements have been to find excuses for the Chinese authorities.
According to Bill Gertz, "Kissinger played the key role in secret talks during the 1970s that led President Nixon to establish informal ties with China in 1972 and ultimately led to formal diplomatic relations in 1979..." (The China Threat, Bill Gertz, p. 44)
In a single year, Kissinger may go to China several times, and the door is always open to him. In September 1990, Kissinger met with Li Peng, the man considered to be most directly responsible for ordering the Tiananmen massacre, who gave Kissinger and his wife a banquet complete with warm mutual toasts. The next day, Kissinger when to see Jiang Zemin, who noted that Kissinger was making his eighteenth visit to the People's Republic of China

Bombing strategic targets; cutting off the supplies coming down the Ho Chi Minh Trail from the Soviet Union; allowing American GI's to take the offensive; cutting off aid and trade to the Soviet Union.

You really know nothing about history do you little fella?

You're mentally ill and a danger to others. I believe someday your hatred will drive you to cause great bodily harm to someone. Your hatred is that far advanced. People around you should keep a careful eye on you. You have all the earmarks of mental illness. Your hatred could quite possibly go beyond words someday if it hasn't already?


You're mentally ill and a danger to others. I believe someday your hatred will drive you to cause great bodily harm to someone. Your hatred is that far advanced. People around you should keep a careful eye on you. You have all the earmarks of mental illness. Your hatred could quite possibly go beyond words someday if it hasn't already?

I'm not a fan of aCW, but I think that's going a bit too far :chuckle:

aCW is just one of those many extremely butthurt folks who will throw anything they can muster at Trump. Conservative or liberal, they all found their inner fascist (if they hadn't already) when Trump was elected.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Kissinger's betrayal: He sold out South Vietnam in the 1973 Paris Accords

Kissinger: traitor to America

Who helped negotiate America's diplomatic defeat in Vietnam and Ian Smith's defeat in Rhodesia in 1976? Henry Kissinger. Several years ago he was invited to South Africa to negotiate differences between the Zulus and the Marxist ANC. Donald McAlvany warns, "Watch out! When Kissinger negotiates, the communists always win!" (McAlvany Intelligence Adviser, April 1994, p. 14)

Henry Kissinger
The very day after the Tiananmen Square massacre in China, Kissinger's syndicated column referred to Deng Xiaoping (China's leader) as "one of the great reformers in Chinese history" and a man "who chose a more humane and less chaotic course" [1] for China. Though he later expressed shock at the "brutality" of the crackdown, the general trend of his statements have been to find excuses for the Chinese authorities.
According to Bill Gertz, "Kissinger played the key role in secret talks during the 1970s that led President Nixon to establish informal ties with China in 1972 and ultimately led to formal diplomatic relations in 1979..." (The China Threat, Bill Gertz, p. 44)
In a single year, Kissinger may go to China several times, and the door is always open to him. In September 1990, Kissinger met with Li Peng, the man considered to be most directly responsible for ordering the Tiananmen massacre, who gave Kissinger and his wife a banquet complete with warm mutual toasts. The next day, Kissinger when to see Jiang Zemin, who noted that Kissinger was making his eighteenth visit to the People's Republic of China

Bombing strategic targets; cutting off the supplies coming down the Ho Chi Minh Trail from the Soviet Union; allowing American GI's to take the offensive; cutting off aid and trade to the Soviet Union.

You really know nothing about history do you, little fella?

A person can be very intelligent while harboring mental illness in their life. I believe that pertains to you. There have been Intelligent, socially acceptable, charismatic, friendly, seemingly normal people who turned out to have deep seated mental illness and caused unspeakable crimes at the same time. You remind me of that kind of personality.

What a person is, comes out in their words and sentiments.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That was quite the rant Danoh. For someone who is "fact based", I didn't see a thing about globalist Henry Kissinger...


I was not really focused on tracking down evidence against H K, but was merely posting from my awareness of it from years past.

Thanks for the save on that one.

At the same time, when one is dealing with the many self-deceived individuals on this forum; it really matters not what one presents to such; it is wasted...

You got a good laugh out of me on that one because the truth is the truth, the question is: why don't people want to accept it?

Back to Henry Kissinger:

He's the epitome of evil, in a just society he would be tried and executed for treason.

(Let's see how well TOL's Trump lemmings digest their food after seeing this picture).



aCW has trouble discerning anything because he's blinded by sheer prejudice. The most saintly, hetero man in the world could wear a purple shirt and aCW would label him a gay pedophile hell spawn.

patrick jane

You're mentally ill and a danger to others. I believe someday your hatred will drive you to cause great bodily harm to someone. Your hatred is that far advanced. People around you should keep a careful eye on you. You have all the earmarks of mental illness. Your hatred could quite possibly go beyond words someday if it hasn't already?
aCW is going to pop off to the wrong person someday - :thumb:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
aCW is going to pop off to the wrong person someday - :thumb:

He may have the good sense to keep his outrageous opinions to himself out in public. Otherwise, he'll spend most of his time flat on his back staring up at everyone. He's brave while he's staring into a Laptop screen, however, talking the way he does may not have a good outcome for him, out in the public arena. On the Internet one can sound like a 6'7" 280-pound cage fighter and may only be 5'5" and 135 pounds of nervous insecurity? Anonymity makes us all, HEROES!"

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Internet "levels the playing field" physically, mentally, scholastically, information wise, etc. We all have access to a world of information, knowledge, and answers, all at our fingertips. However, a huge amount of posters does not take advantage of all these capabilities available. If one cannot articulate well, they need only confer with the information available to us all. If spelling is your weakness, that can be easily remedied. I happen to possess a vast vocabulary, due to the fact, I've lived 66 years, thus far. I also received a fine education. The ability to articulate our thoughts into words is crucial to good communication.

There was a famous writer who didn't possess good grammar. However, when it came time to publish their written creations, wouldn't allow anyone to change their grammatical mistakes. To each his own, I guess.