Kissinger: Trump Has ‘No Baggage’ or Obligation to Any Group

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Kissinger: Trump Has ‘No Baggage’ or Obligation to Any Group


Sunday on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” Presidents Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford’s former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said President-elect Donald Trump is “unique” among presidents in the fact that “he has absolutely no baggage. He has no obligation to any particular group.”

Kissinger said, “This president-elect is the most unique that I have experienced in one respect, he has absolutely no baggage. He has no obligation to any particular group because he has become a president on the basis of his own strategy and a program he put before the American public that his competitors did not present. So that is a unique situation.”


New member
Yo, mindless Crusader (more like Don Quixote chasing after windmills) - Kissinger has always been known to assert a thing in a manner any fool can then read their preferred bias into.

Especially when commenting on a potential enemy like the ever self-serving, ever vindictive, petty twit twitter - the Donald.

Its why Kissinger was such an effective diplomat. His ability to appeare to have said something of substance of and or to whom he was saying it to and or about.


Geez are you ever self-stupid on auto-pilot.


New member
Remember, this is Henry Kissinger. His history of ingratiating himself to power is well-known, and his baggage is legendary.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
kissinger - the guy who brought the north vietnamese to the peace table in paris and negotiated the end of the vietnam war?

that kissinger?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
kissinger - the guy who brought the north vietnamese to the peace table in paris and negotiated the end of the vietnam war?

that kissinger?

Yes, the same Kissinger that got the Nobel Peace Prize for actually promoting peace...imagine that. :idea:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
heck of a writer too

i highly recommend On China

avoid A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, 1812–22.


New member
kissinger - the guy who brought the north vietnamese to the peace table in paris and negotiated the end of the vietnam war?

that kissinger?

Yep, that guy - the guy with a long, long "history of ingratiating himself to power..."

The guy with a long, long history of self-service.

Just as with Trump's long, long history of self-service.

In contrast, say, to Presidents Carter, and Obama, both of whom were ever the diplomats in both their fool belief that if one is fair with the other guy, he will eventually come around to being fair.

Which is why they both failed as Presidents, in so many areas.

Carter - a lousy President in that he had had no place in the Swamp that is DC - has turned out to be a great humanitarian.

President Reagan - now there was a far and away much more effective President who, at the same time, had been one heck of a great, great diplomat - despite the power his support for him gave him, not to have to be a diplomat.

We all recall how fast Iran conceded after Reagan won his first term.

The same Iran that spit on Carter's repeated attempts at "diplomacy."

Some of these men are simply not well suited to the greatness the people in their ever repeated self-serving self-delusion thrust upon them.

As they have once more in someone like Trump - a man with a life long history of self-service through political and financial corruption, ever at the expense of his fellow man.

Thus, as with Clinton's supporters, its' no surprise almost just as many extremists voted for him, as voted for Clinton - given each's extremist urge blinding the need to do a little fact finding.

Click whirr (a self-conditioned stimulus-response) is now fully in place.

Theirs being the exact same urge for a sense of commitment consistency when confronted with any fact that does not allow them their delusion.

The very self-delusion of the cultist.

As a result, Trump's win only shows what Clinton's win would also have shown - that we are that much closer to a "Manchurian Candidate" as a next President...

All because of the extremes all sides insist on as "THE truth," in each their collective's hypocrisy.

I doubt few have a clue of what I have just now posted.

Fewer still, will bother to allow its' challenge.

Click whirr...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yep, that guy - the guy with a long, long "history of ingratiating himself to power..."

The guy with a long, long history of self-service.

well, i spose you could say he was self-serving while he was serving in the us army during ww2

but you'd have to be a total retard to do so


New member
well, i spose you could say he was self-serving while he was serving in the us army during ww2

but you'd have to be a total retard to do so

Yeah - what could I have been thinking -about...a Career Politician.

Men who early on in life often determine for themselves not only their political path, but the self-serving choices they will make along the way towards their being able to later point back to same as proof they have been these wonderously self-less human beings all along.

The lesson of their often infamous last words repeatedly drowned out by endless drones such as yourself.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yeah - what could I have been thinking -about...a Career Politician.

nope - a veteran, an academician, a consultant, arguably the smartest guy in any room you'll find him in

and then, tapped for NSA and SoS

for 8 years

as far as i know, he never ran for office


kissinger - the guy who brought the north vietnamese to the peace table in paris and negotiated the end of the vietnam war?

that kissinger?

Yes, the same Kissinger that got the Nobel Peace Prize for actually promoting peace...imagine that. :idea:

You boyz better brush up on your history, because after the US withdrawal from SE Asia, the communist blood bath really got started.



New member
nope - a veteran, an academician, a consultant, arguably the smartest guy in any room you'll find him in

and then, tapped for NSA and SoS

for 8 years

as far as i know, he never ran for office

You extremists are ever blinded by labels.

It is one thing to use a label.

Totally another to be so blinded by it that what it is meant to point out is not seen where the label was not used.

Reminds me of all the guys I knew coming up who were conned into the military by a recruiter who used to go on and on about how often he had gotten laid while in the military.

Everyone of them bought that line.

Later, everyone of them went around boasting that they had joined for their country.

That's what's wrong with Right and Left.

The lies one tells oneself.

And the lies of others one supports that one then buys into.

Are there young men and women who go off to die in their belief it was for God and country?

Only a fool would conclude otherwise.

Just as only a fool would conclude that God and country had been what such few, such rare, such noble warriors, had actually died for.

In the end, one Corporate interest or another is always found to have been what such noble young men and women had actually died for.

Their honor untarnished nevertheless, we ought to strive to honor their belief in their sacrfice by not lumping them together with the service of some politico.

Take McCain, the former P.O.W. who has ever worn that on his sleeve like some self-serving Liberal - despite what others who served with him have exposed about his time as a P.O.W.

McCain - the very politician you fools voted for for President - the very politician who along with Charles Keating was hugely behind the Savings and Loan crisis that nearly shut our great country down and ended with the end of the Savings and Loans.

The very nationwide financial mess, by the way, in which Trump both rose to great heights, only to crash to great lows, due to both his ever over blown ego and financial corruption as that extremely corrupt era's poster boy.

No, you and I do not see these things from the same perspective.

Yours is conjecture based on desired results.

Mine is fact based on objective vetting of these people towards desired results based on a much more informed decision.

Facts available to one and all.


You extremists are ever blinded by labels.

It is one thing to use a label.

Totally another to be so blinded by it that what it is meant to point out is not seen where the label was not used.

Reminds me of all the guys I knew coming up who were conned into the military by a recruiter who used to go on and on about how often he had gotten laid while in the military.

Everyone of them bought that line.

Later, everyone of them went around boasting that they had joined for their country.

That's what's wrong with Right and Left.

The lies one tells oneself.

And the lies of others one supports that one then buys into.

Are there young men and women who go off to die in their belief it was for God and country?

Only a fool would conclude otherwise.

Just as only a fool would conclude that God and country had been what such few, such rare, such noble warriors, had actually died for.

In the end, one Corporate interest or another is always found to have been what such noble young men and women had actually died for.

Their honor untarnished nevertheless, we ought to strive to honor their belief in their sacrfice by not lumping them together with the service of some politico.

Take McCain, the former P.O.W. who has ever worn that on his sleeve like some self-serving Liberal - despite what others who served with him have exposed about his time as a P.O.W.

McCain - the very politician you fools voted for for President - the very politician who along with Charles Keating was hugely behind the Savings and Loan crisis that nearly shut our great country down and ended with the end of the Savings and Loans.

The very nationwide financial mess, by the way, in which Trump both rose to great heights, only to crash to great lows, due to both his ever over blown ego and financial corruption as that extremely corrupt era's poster boy.

No, you and I do not see these things from the same perspective.

Yours is conjecture based on desired results.

Mine is fact based on objective vetting of these people towards desired results based on a much more informed decision.

Facts available to one and all.

That was quite the rant Danoh. For someone who is "fact based", I didn't see a thing about globalist Henry Kissinger.

Globalist Henry Kissinger Outlines “New World Order”