Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


New member
I don't tend to give trolls that aren't present much thought.

Who does?

Didn't really come off that way, but I was more interested in addressing a few of the points you made than in getting into a...wait, is this rhetorical too?

Which is why I stated it as obviously you took it to heart for reasons you really didn't articulate.

I got the inference, I just didn't agree with it entirely.

Well maybe you could have explained that then?

I suppose then that you don't decide the point, because I like second chances. Third chances now and then. I wouldn't permaban anyone who wasn't routinely and openly blasphemous or profane.

I'm all for's just that my experience dictates trolls use them all, and still get banned, so IF it WAS my decision, I wouldn't give them any.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Who does?

Which is why I stated it as obviously you took it to heart for reasons you really didn't articulate.
That was rhetorical. :eek:

Well maybe you could have explained that then?
Maybe I did. :noid:

I'm all for's just that my experience dictates trolls use them all, and still get banned, so IF it WAS my decision, I wouldn't give them any.
Supra vu. :cheers:


New member
Hall of Fame
What difference did it make? Her deputy clerks are issuing the licenses and she's not interfering, something she should have allowed from the beginning (without all the drama).

Some of that is hindsight though. As it turned out, the result we got could have been achieved without her going to jail at all, but going into it there were other options available. None of those other options were chosen though.


New member
Hall of Fame
This billboard just went up in Morehead:


Our mission is simple.
About Us

Planting Peace is a global nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of spreading peace in a hurting world. Our projects focus primarily on humanitarian aid and environmental initiatives, including our multi-national deworming campaign, Equality House LGBTQ rights advocacy, a network of orphanages and safe havens, and conservation effort in the rainforests of Peru.

I'm sure they do a lot of good work but I think that billboard misses the mark. First, I don't think I'd call the example they gave a redefinition of marriage. Second, even if it is, does that mean any and all changes to 'marriage' are the same? :idunno:


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes. There's nothing intrinsically evil about ringing up a pack of condoms. What's intrinsically evil is using contraceptives (and this, qua (i.e., insofar as) contraceptive). The problem here isn't that the clerk does something intrinsically evil. The problem is that he's materially cooperating in the serious sin of someone else. This material cooperation may or may not be justifed in the given circumstances.

And in what circumstance(s) would it be justified, in your opinion?



Our mission is simple.
About Us

Planting Peace is a global nonprofit organization founded for the purpose of spreading peace in a hurting world. Our projects focus primarily on humanitarian aid and environmental initiatives, including our multi-national deworming campaign, Equality House LGBTQ rights advocacy, a network of orphanages and safe havens, and conservation effort in the rainforests of Peru.

I'm sure they do a lot of good work but I think that billboard misses the mark. First, I don't think I'd call the example they gave a redefinition of marriage. Second, even if it is, does that mean any and all changes to 'marriage' are the same? :idunno:


....sums it up fairly well.

(to the latter: That depends on who's perpetuating the change...of course.) :idunno:


like marbles on glass
I'm sure they do a lot of good work but I think that billboard misses the mark. First, I don't think I'd call the example they gave a redefinition of marriage. Second, even if it is, does that mean any and all changes to 'marriage' are the same? :idunno:

Although I think it gets across its intended message, I understand the point you're making too. There's a difference between defining marriage and defining its terms, but maybe both come down to a matter of one group having inordinate control over the lives of another group. And in making that point, I think the billboard succeeds.


like marbles on glass
Some of that is hindsight though. As it turned out, the result we got could have been achieved without her going to jail at all, but going into it there were other options available. None of those other options were chosen though.

That's really the crux of the whole thing, to me at least. Her deputy clerks are now issuing licenses - if that's good enough for her now, why wasn't it good enough for her before?


New member
Hall of Fame
That's really the crux of the whole thing, to me at least. Her deputy clerks are now issuing licenses - if that's good enough for her now, why wasn't it good enough for her before?

Youve been told why many times already, state law, even when a deputy signs them, states that the licenses has to have statement by the clerk saying that the clerk authorizes them with her preprinted signature.

They have been removing that now, in her county and issuing them by authorization of the name of the county.

Her lawyers asked for that from the beginning but since the state law says what it does, the judge said no, then later had the clerks do it. She wanted no part of saying she "authorized" licenses to be issued to gays. She wanted her name OFF, and so it is.

Thats why there is no issue with her now.

Yes, that could have happened in the beginning. Its unknown untill the legislature meets again, if they are legal without her state mandated statement and signature, even when a deputy clerk issues them.

So they are violating the letter of the state law now (the clerks under the threat of that same judge to end up in jail if they dont issue), do you think they should go to jail?

The judge even stated he "isnt saying whether they are legal or not, thats a chance they will have to take"


New member
Why did you show back up here anyway?
Did you get perma-banned at Christianforums?

I'm still on Christian Forums. If you were on there you would know. What username did you use. I rend to take hiatuses from sites now and then when I get to involved. Apparently you carry a grudge....was I to hard on Mormonism for you?


New member
Youve been told why many times already, state law, even when a deputy signs them, states that the licenses has to have statement by the clerk saying that the clerk authorizes them with her preprinted signature.

They have been removing that now, in her county and issuing them by authorization of the name of the county.

Her lawyers asked for that from the beginning but since the state law says what it does, the judge said no, then later had the clerks do it. She wanted no part of saying she "authorized" licenses to be issued to gays. She wanted her name OFF, and so it is.

Thats why there is no issue with her now.

Yes, that could have happened in the beginning. Its unknown untill the legislature meets again, if they are legal without her state mandated statement and signature, even when a deputy clerk issues them.

So they are violating the letter of the state law now (the clerks under the threat of that same judge to end up in jail if they dont issue), do you think they should go to jail?

The judge even stated he "isnt saying whether they are legal or not, thats a chance they will have to take"

It has ALWAYS been IN THE NAME of the state, not the name of the County Clerk. Apparently you fail to understand your own country's state laws?


New member
Kentucky law says that a marriage license must contain “an authorization statement of the county clerk issuing the license.

Funny how you can cite the regulations (not the law) but can't read what it clearly says;

(a) An authorization statement of the county clerk issuing the license for any person or religious society authorized to perform marriage ceremonies to unite in marriage the persons named;
(b) Vital information for each party, including the full name, date of birth, place of birth, race, condition (single, widowed, or divorced), number of previous marriages, occupation, current residence, relationship to the other party, and full names of parents; and
(c) The date and place the license is issued, and the signature of the county clerk or deputy clerk issuing the license.

Nothing about her name or authority to not grant one when all lawful conditions are met.


New member
Although I think it gets across its intended message, I understand the point you're making too. There's a difference between defining marriage and defining its terms, but maybe both come down to a matter of one group having inordinate control over the lives of another group. And in making that point, I think the billboard succeeds.

Yes, the sexual perverts have gained inordinate control over the ability of Christians to live lives according to Biblical principles.


New member
Funny how you can cite the regulations (not the law) but can't read what it clearly says;

(a) An authorization statement of the county clerk issuing the license for any person or religious society authorized to perform marriage ceremonies to unite in marriage the persons named;
(b) Vital information for each party, including the full name, date of birth, place of birth, race, condition (single, widowed, or divorced), number of previous marriages, occupation, current residence, relationship to the other party, and full names of parents; and
(c) The date and place the license is issued, and the signature of the county clerk or deputy clerk issuing the license.

Nothing about her name or authority to not grant one when all lawful conditions are met.

So, why are you so fired up in your desire to see sodomites continue in their sin on the fast road to hell instead of falling on your knees to pray for them to repent and receive life?


New member
Hall of Fame
So, why are you so fired up in your desire to see sodomites continue in their sin on the fast road to hell instead of falling on your knees to pray for them to repent and receive life?

I see stans post in your quote, hes an idiot who cant even seem to read the papers, her authorization statement had to be on them whether she signed them and handed them out or not, they have been editting her name out of those predone, and issuing them by name of Rowan county now (instead of her name).