Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


NO, people are against Fox News because the majority of the claims presented there are false

For the purposes of this conversation, I am going to assume the following:

1. That your source is accurate and unbiased (a cursory google search casts both of these into serious doubt).

2. Anything less than "mostly true" is wrong.

Fox news is accurate 22% of the time.
ABC is accurate 42% of the time.
CBS is accurate 50% of the time.
NBC is accurate 34% of the time.
CNN is accurate 56% of the time.

First, the following caveats are necessary. I quote from politifact:

A. "This scorecard shows the ratings for statements made on air by [insert network here] by personalities and their pundit guests. Rulings do not include statements made on air by politicians or paid spokespeople."

B. If we include half-truths, the numbers would change.

At any rate, all things considered: is this really an indictment of Fox? This makes American journalism in general look pretty bad. :nono:

Jose Fly

New member
The liberal cry of "do your job or resign" implies that there are some jobs which should be closed to faithful Jews, Muslims and Christians. I find this unacceptable.

No one is saying that. What we're saying is, if you refuse to perform an important aspect of your job for whatever reason (within reason), you should either make reasonable accommodations (e.g., ensure there are others at the office who will perform the duties) or not take the job in the first place.

To which the liberal will say: "By all means, be a faithful Jew, Muslim or Christian, but still do your job." To which I'll answer that this is a contradiction: if I am a faithful Jew, Muslim or Christian, I cannot in good conscience "do my job" in the precise sense that the liberal insists.

Since when is "do the job the taxpayers are paying for" a liberal position? Is that really something you want to cede to the liberal side?

This is a claim that the liberal makes about adoption agencies, medical staff, etc. Sorry, but the Catholic adoption agency isn't giving children to homosexuals.

Sorry, but Jehovah's Witnesses doctors aren't giving blood transfusions to dying patients. Sorry, but Muslim bus drivers aren't transporting Jews to Synagogue. Sorry, but Satanic 911 operators aren't sending aid to churches.

Try and think of this not just applying to Christians who want to discriminate. Expand a bit and think about it in terms of Christians being on the receiving end of another faith's discrimination.

So what you are saying is that Jews, Muslims and Christians, if they actually believe what they believe, shouldn't be in the adoption, medical or clerk of court professions. That's unreasonable. That's sheer bigotry on the part of the social liberal.

No, the standard "if you can't do your job, or aren't willing to make reasonable accommodations, you shouldn't be in that job" applies to everyone, not just members of particular faiths.

If a gay person refused to issue marriage licenses to straight couples, he should also not be a county clerk. Understand?

5. And finally, this expectation is simply unreasonable. The issue of "gay marriage" is extremely controversial. A large portion of the U.S. is Christian, Jewish or Muslim.

So was interracial marriage at one time...or women voting, or a host of other issues over the course of our history.


New member
Hall of Fame
What law obligates him to erect a fence on our border with Mexico? And are you saying no one is being deported or that you want to see more people deported and think he's dragging feet? Are you referring to his expansion of protection for people who arrived as children illegally? There's so much going on with immigration I may likely have missed something.

Obama has refused to build a double-barrier security fence along the U.S.-Mexican border in direct violation of the 2006 Secure Fence Act. This law requires that "at least two layers of reinforced fencing" be built along America's 650-mile border with Mexico. So far, just 40 miles of this fence have been built – most of it during the Bush Administration.
25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, Yor. Again, that's a personal and moral distinction that should have her resigning rather than participating, but she isn't empowered to decide what the law is or isn't, should be or shouldn't be.
Well, shoot, no one is empowered to decide what the law is except the people in government who's job it is to create the law. Let's call them the legislature.

Would you at least admit to that?

Edit: to clarify
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New member
Hall of Fame
A4T posted about this earlier and if I recall correctly she only became a Christian during this last marriage. Or before this last marriage. Something like that.

yes, she became a christian during her current marriage and her current marriage is the remarriage of her husband #2, shes been legally wed 4 times but to only 3 men.

She became a christian after she remarried husband #2, when her mother in law was dying, and she promised to attend to church for her.

She has not been remarried since becoming a believer.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well, shoot, no one is empowered to decide what the law is except the people in government who's job it is to create the law. Let's call them the legislature.

Would you at least agree with that?

the legislature can create whatever law it likes, in black and white

by the time the judicial branch finishes "interpreting" it, it's often plaid


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
TH addressed this earlier. This allegation apparently isn't fair to Obama. Apparently, they passed the law, and then refused to provide adequate funding for it. :nono:

the law must sustain the right absent a secular argument that meets the standard


Hall of Fame
A4T posted about this earlier and if I recall correctly she only became a Christian during this last marriage. Or before this last marriage. Something like that.

Susan Atkins and Tex Watson became a Christian while serving their lifelong prison sentence (and no, I am not comparing what she did to murder).

The point is ... conversion (in the here and now) doesn't mean our personal mistakes or criminal actions are wiped clean. They are part of person's lifetime record.


yes, she became a christian during her current marriage and her current marriage is the remarriage of her husband #2, shes been legally wed 4 times but to only 3 men.

She became a christian after she remarried husband #2, when her mother in law was dying, and she promised to attend to church for her.

She has not been remarried since becoming a believer.

Is the first husband dead? If not, was the first marriage legitimate? If it was, then she is currently in an invalid marriage.

So she's clinging to her own marriage license, which gives juridical legitimacy to a "marriage" which, traditionally, according to the Christian faith, is not a marriage...

But she has a problem handing it out to two men?

Granted, there is a much greater deformity in the latter case than in the former. But really. Why doesn't she put her money where her mouth is? She has a problem with two dudes? Then she should end her relationship with her current "husband" and seek to nullify, legally speaking, her current civil marriage.


New member
Hall of Fame
Susan Atkins and Tex Watson became a Christian while serving their lifelong prison sentence (and no, I am not comparing what she did to murder).

The point is ... conversion (in the here and now) doesn't mean our personal mistakes or criminal actions are wiped clean. They are part of person's lifetime record.

It means she isnt a hypocrite to what she NOW believes, she was not a believer before and she openly admits her past sins as sins.


Well-known member
The funny thing is this isn't without historical precedent . . .

I met the love of my life more than 40 years ago in Raleigh. Thomas is a lifelong North Carolinian. I was a recent transplant from Vermont. We are both legally blind, and soon after we met, we moved to Winston-Salem to work for the Industries of the Blind. Our friendship blossomed into love, and in 1976, Thomas proposed. I very happily said yes.
But when we walked into that government office together, we were told that the magistrate on duty wouldn’t give us a marriage license. I was flabbergasted. We had planned everything, we had all our paperwork and we were legally eligible to get married.

So why wouldn’t he marry us? The reason, it turned out, was because Thomas is African-American, and I am white. The magistrate told us that marrying an interracial couple went against his religious beliefs. Our happy day quickly turned into a nightmare.

Whether gay or straight, black or white, Jew or Gentile, nobody has a right to tell anyone who they can love or marry. House representatives must finally stop Senate Bill 2 and sustain the governor’s veto so that no other couple in North Carolina ever has to go through what we did when they want to marry the person they love.

Interracial couples were denied by county clerks in the 1970s.


Hall of Fame
It means she isnt a hypocrite to what she NOW believes, she was not a believer before and she openly admits her past sins as sins.

It means her own record on marriage is no better than those she has decided to judge. The fact that she is momentarily settled down doesn't change her own example of marital commitment.


New member
Hall of Fame
It means her own record on marriage is no better than those she has decided to judge. The fact that she is momentarily settled down doesn't change her own example of marital commitment.

Why would repentant homos be asking for a marriage license?

What is her example of marital commitment since shes been saved? She follows what she believes.


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Hall of Fame
Kim Davis made an oath, an oath which yoked her to the state. What does the bible say about making oaths anyway? :think:

Her state still says homosexual marriage is illegal. They have yet to meet and change the law declared unconstitutional.