Is that the class syllabus...or were you making some obscure point here?
Are you saying a racist act for one race is a benign act for another?
Are you saying a racist act for one race is a benign act for another?
Benign? No.
Then make yourself clear.
Understandable, perhaps justifiable but certainly not benign
How can an action be racist for one race and justifiable for another race?
The historocity of racism, in relation to justifiability, has always been mutable. The shoe's simply on the other foot for the present.
Justifiability is mutable? So, whatever a race can get away with in the political arena is justifiably and those losers in the political arena remain condemned for their actions?
Seems to be the case.
Perhaps soon the swinging race pendulum will eventually settle to a contented resting point.
Seems to be the case.
Perhaps soon the swinging race pendulum will eventually settle to a contented resting point.
I find it disgusting. There is no solid definition of racism anymore. It's purely a political football.
Aren't you the one who believes that man came from a monkey and some monkeys are more special than other monkeys? :dizzy: Ac 17:26
Did Darwin Promote Racism?
You (and poly) actually want to hold onto a solid definition of racism?
Such desire for decisiveness seems to be the problem ...not the solution.
Not decisiveness but but clarity and lack of ambiguity. Racism is meaningless if it means different things depending on who hold political power.
Or quite meaningful....depending on perspective.
Embrace the the ambiguity and reflect upon the heretofore political powers-that-were.