Kackling Kamala

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Uppity black voters


First of all the Democrat party owns you. Don't forget that. If you don't vote for Joe you ain't black.

Secondly Kamala isn't black. She's twice as Indian as she is negro. Her name is Indian/Sanskrit. It's an easy mistake to make given that so many ghetto blacks have ridiculously bizarre names like Laquisha and Shaniqua.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Democrats have responded in outrage as the Vice President chosen solely because of her race and gender has been labeled a "diversity hire".

"How dare they!" decried Democratic Senator Chris Murphy. "To say that a woman we publicly chose because of her race was chosen because of her race is an absolute disgrace."

After announcing in 2020 that Biden would choose a running mate based on race and gender, Democrats have been infuriated by pundits pointing out that Kamala Harris could become President because of her race and gender.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Anderson Homo interviewing the retarded Vice President of the United States about her retarded boss's performance at the debate.

Retard that she is, she continually refers to her retarded boss's "performance" over the last three and a half years. Anderson Homo, pretending to be a journalist, misses an opportunity to have her explain exactly what she means by her retarded boss's "performance".

Was it his brilliant performance managing the withdrawal from Afghanistan?
Was it his brilliant performance managing the collapse of our economy?
Was it his brilliant performance mismanaging the border?
Was it his brilliant performance allowing 1.7 million gottaways into the country?
Was it his brilliant performance allowing literally tons of fentanyl into the country, enough fentanyl to kill the total population many times over?
Was it his brilliant performance negotiating a peace in Ukraine?
Was it his brilliant performance managing the embargo on Iranian oil?

Again, if Anderson Homo had been an actual journalist and not just a diversity hirerl/democrat shill, these might have been questions that a real journalist could have asked