Kabul Fell Yesterday, Where Is The President

Eric h

Well-known member
If one terrorist is bad for world peace and security imagine how much damage a million littler Hitlerite Muslims will do to nations of the world if allowed to breed and brainwash in peace.

You seem okay with the thought that 71,000 Afghan civilians have died. How will their families get justice?

Presumably, most of them had nothing to do with 9/11.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
:rolleyes: The sad thing is he doesn't seem to realize that we really did need to leave Afghanistan (Never should have been there near as long as we were actually)...
We have bigger fish to fry, which is unfortunate for the people of Afghanistan. Pakistan was harboring the Taliban, wouldn't cooperate with us, and we couldn't afford to invade them just to stamp out the Taliban, not with Russia and China in the world.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
We have bigger fish to fry, which is unfortunate for the people of Afghanistan. Pakistan was harboring the Taliban, wouldn't cooperate with us, and we couldn't afford to invade them just to stamp out the Taliban, not with Russia and China in the world.
Almost like a re-play of 50 or so years ago...Only in the desert rather than the jungle :unsure:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trump was not right about everything. America is in the unfortunate position of having to singularly resist world tyrants in order to keep world peace even if other free nations abdicate their responsibilities to do the same.
The price we pay for being the global policeman


Well-known member
You seem okay with the thought that 71,000 Afghan civilians have died. How will their families get justice?

Presumably, most of them had nothing to do with 9/11.
Do you think innocent, peace-loving, honest Afghanis would rather have US troops enforcing freedom and security in Afghanistan or Muslim radicals enforcing the peace?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The price we pay for being the global policeman
President Trump wisely tried to get all our allies to pitch in so that the price might be lower.
Almost like a re-play of 50 or so years ago...Only in the desert rather than the jungle :unsure:
Consider Taiwan. If China ever invaded, we'd have to drop everything and come to Taiwan's assistance. Could you imagine being a fly in the room where the president or joint chiefs or whoever is having to justify why we have valuable assets, troops, materiel, tied up in Afghanistan (or even Pakistan if we had really gone after the Taliban, Pakistan's sovereignty be damned), while we need to defend one of our true allies in Taiwan? And against China?
Maybe we've already begun preparing.

And this does not look like good news to me:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
President Trump wisely tried to get all our allies to pitch in so that the price might be lower.

Consider Taiwan. If China ever invaded, we'd have to drop everything and come to Taiwan's assistance. Could you imagine being a fly in the room where the president or joint chiefs or whoever is having to justify why we have valuable assets, troops, materiel, tied up in Afghanistan (or even Pakistan if we had really gone after the Taliban, Pakistan's sovereignty be damned), while we need to defend one of our true allies in Taiwan? And against China?
Maybe we've already begun preparing.

And this does not look like good news to me:
A weak leader invites agression


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
With anyone at the wheel. Again, Trump wanted US troops out by May 1st. Do you think this would have ended up any better with Trump? Nope.
You really ought to try another gig. :rolleyes:

"The drumbeat of warnings over the summer raise questions about why Biden administration officials, and military planners in Afghanistan, seemed ill-prepared to deal with the Taliban’s final push into Kabul, including a failure to ensure security at the main airport and rushing thousands more troops back to the country to protect the United States’ final exit."

Intelligence warned of Afghan military collapse, despite Biden’s assurances