Kabul Fell Yesterday, Where Is The President

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What a horrible horrible woman.
If you can stomach this here's four minutes of Peppermint Patty lying through her teeth.


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lifeguard at the cement pond
a review of Joe's latest shambling address to the nation followed by him shuffling off the stage like an old man without taking any questions


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lifeguard at the cement pond
CIA director travels to former war zone, attempts to negotiate with former prisoner. Fails spectacularly.

Commander-in-Chief pins his hopes on the attraction of Western Civilization to a regime rooted in the 12th century, a regime that enslaves women and children, a regime that flings homosexuals from rooftops, a regime that beats and rapes women if they're caught with their faces exposed.


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lifeguard at the cement pond
Joe the Rapist tells Afghan collborators: "Die already! I don't care! I've always hated brown people!"


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lifeguard at the cement pond
Tyrus at 12:40

Afghan advisors and interpreters - those educated, trained Afghans who were working with the Americans, will not be executed - their families will be held hostage and they will be forced to work for the Taliban. They will be forced to run the machines that America has left.


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lifeguard at the cement pond
Leftist reporter: "How does your idiot boss plan to handle Americans held hostage by the Taliban after August 31st?"


No, no, no, of course not.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
oh good the Taliban are not only in full control but they're doing just what Joe wants them to do - they're sucking up to Westernism and working to become members of the international cadre of Nations and they're acting civilized and calm and not at all like the terrorists that we fought for 20 years to kill.

Here we go



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
oh good the Taliban are not only in full control but they're doing just what Joe wants them to do - they're sucking up to Westernism and working to become members of the international cadre of Nations and they're acting civilized and calm and not at all like the terrorists that we fought for 20 years to kill.
Of course. It's called F O R E I G N A I D. There's a lot of money to be made in corrupt regimes from foreign aid.