Justification of Eternal Punishment

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

I did not know that
at least she has an excuse for getting it wrong
her whole religion is based on the lie of them being
the 144000
Jw's not interested in the truth

Dude, your gifs are just annoying.

Most people balk at the notion of eternal suffering. What would you say to someone who'd lost someone close to them who wasn't "saved" by any realistic measure? Would you come out with platitudes etc?

Once again, it's always other people who suffer this horror with this doctrine.

way 2 go

Well-known member
Dude, your gifs are just annoying.

Most people balk at the notion of eternal suffering. What would you say to someone who'd lost someone close to them who wasn't "saved" by any realistic measure? Would you come out with platitudes etc?

Once again, it's always other people who suffer this horror with this doctrine.

so far your stance for , oh wait you have not stated what happens
to the unrepentant when the die

where are you headed when you die ?

way 2 go

Well-known member
Only to bring them back?

Rev 20:11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.
Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.
Rev 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Rev 20:11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.
Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.
Rev 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done.

Well, that was a complete non answer to my question. If God blotted everything out and was sorry for creating them then why did He create them again?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Your reading is all out of context. Mine is within context.

Your god is monstrous god.

the Bible says God is love, not monstrous or hideous. that's why your reasoning is perverted, out of context with the Bible's God.
This post cuts very close to drawing an infraction. I am going to let the final decision on this rest with Knight. I am going to ask you to tone down the polemic. This is a traditional Christian forum where you are posting.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame

angel4truth reported this about my post.

She is distorting what I said.

I did not say Christian God is monstrous, hideous. I say their god is monstrous and hideouts because they claim God will torture non-believers for eternity. It is not biblical what's so ever because the Bible says God is love.

Not all Christian believe this kind of god.

Further more, Jesus says for God so love the world that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Non-believers will perish. Perish does not mean living in lake of fire and tortured eternity.
You are playing the martyr again and I am going to ask you to stop it. Your post was pretty disruptive.


Eclectic Theosophist
ECT,....the right to reject a doctrine on principle.....

ECT,....the right to reject a doctrine on principle.....

This post cuts very close to drawing an infraction. I am going to let the final decision on this rest with Knight. I am going to ask you to tone down the polemic. This is a traditional Christian forum where you are posting.

Hi Sherman,

We might note meshak's English vocabulary is somewhat limited, but shes just tying to communicate that a 'god' in her mind that tortures souls forever is a 'monster'. Perhaps that's 'strong' language, but 'God' has been called worse, and note its just a concept or image of 'God' that is being described. I think a 'God' that torments a soul(angel or man) endlessly is worse than a 'monster'.

I myself openly and unabashedly reject ECT(eternal conscious torment) and write extensively why in my commentaries about it here and elsewhere. I deem it 'insane', and I explain why on many different levels that are problematic, if you're going to assume 'God is love' and is wholly both just and merciful. I've been here over 10 years holding my own, engaging in 'creative dialogue' and constructive discussion wherever its being enabled. While respecting the forum rules, lets not forget our 1st amendment rights as well,...the key is recognizing both and finding 'common ground' to engage.

Whether souls burning forever in 'hell' (wherever or whatever that is...opinions vary) is 'traditional' or not who knows? (remember what Jesus said about man's traditions), - certainly one can have the intellectual freedom to question/challenge a 'doctrine' or 'belief' in an open forum (biased or not), where fair grounds for 'discussion' exists. You'd have to establish a criteria for judging what is 'blasmphemous' or not, or worthy of an 'infraction' that is reasonable and not just presumptuous.

Different, opposing, or alternative views on doctrine, beliefs, points of view... are essential and healthy in a discussion forum, although I do grant there is a way of sharing your propositions and opposition to a doctrine or concept, without it being 'blasphemous', although I might sometimes challenge a moderators 'judgement' on what 'deem' is 'blasphemous' or not, but that's another stew-pot. (I could throw more seasoning on that, but will hold the salt).

I think with the language issues regarding proper interpretation of the text, within context (shared earlier with resources for study), and the moral/philosophical problems alone with souls being held in a conscious state of torment or suffering forever and ever (TO NO END, resolve or purpose) is insane. Since it is, in my view, questioning it on principle, original language use, translation-issues, is germane to having a debate or discussion about it, which few here seem to have accessed since they are hell-bent on 'eternal punishment', which reveals a somewhat sick mentality.

Anyways,...meshak and I approach it differently from different knowledge-backgrounds, cultural-contexts, etc. but at least she can see how horrible and terrible ECT is as its presented in a traditional-orthodox Christian belief-system, but you might know that many liberal and progressive Christians are re-thinking the doctrine of both 'hell' and 'ECT'. I think that's commendable as we progress into a new age of reason, intellectual freedom, spiritual liberty and sanity.


New member
not opinion sentence structure
if they are not there then it is not the the smoke of their torment

I'm sorry but you are wrong. It is still the smoke of their torment. The verse says the smoke rises forever and the verse still does not say that the torment lasts forever. You must really want THIS verse to say that the wicked will be tormented forever. I guess that is because there isn't any other verse in the Bible that you can turn to. So what is the "score"? This verse doesn't say that the torment lasts forever, and there is no other verse in the Bible that says that the torment lasts forever. There are many verses that specifically state that the wicked will be destroyed. Why do you reject the Scriptures that say the wicked will be destroyed, and force eternal torment into one verse that doesn't even say that? It is as if you want eternal conscious torment to be true.

way2go said:
Mat 25:46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

You don't read the posts in this thread do you? I JUST explained this verse, how it doesn't even prove that the eternal punishment is eternal torture, and it proves that only some people will receive eternal life. Yet you trot this verse out again as it this time will be the lucky time when it say "And these will go away into an eternal life of torture and the others will go away into an eternal life of bliss".

Since I already rejected this verse as proof of ECTism, Why on earth would you trot it out again to try to convince me? Did you think I would fall for it this time? Do you think I don't know what says?

I asked, "Do you ever listen? Do you ever learn?" Trotting out the same verse after you have already read that it isn't proof for ECTism proves that you don't listen and you don't learn. You want eternal conscious torture to be true. It is the only reason you would force ECTism into these verses. Surely you can see that Matthew 25:46 doesn't say that the eternal punishment is eternal torture. You aren't blind, are you?


New member
meshak, who i was adressing my post to, shes JW

Oh, I see.

Do you have to discuss the 144,000 here, on a thread where the topic is eternal conscious torture? Couldn't you discuss JW doctrine in a separate thread? We aren't discussing the assumption of Mary here either. We aren't discussing the Muslim belief that infidels will be tortured alive forever (see what I did there?). This thread is about whether it is a Biblical truth that God tortures people forever in hell.
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New member
how you read it:
Eph 2:1 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins
but one with God

dead yet alive :think:

Dead while alive? Literally dead, yet still alive? Really? It doesn't seem like you really ARE thinking. Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 3:8 "For now we live, if you are standing fast in the Lord." Are you going to claim that Paul was dead until he heard that the Thessalonians were standing fast? Or are you going to claim that Paul was "spiritually dead" until the news of the Thessies came to him? Or are you going to finally admit that "you were dead in your trespasses" means that sin results in certain death, but forgiveness of sins results in eternal life, just as the entire Bible proclaims, summed up in Romans 6:23 and John 3:16? When will you open your eyes and see the truth that the Bible proclaims? When will you give up your fascination with seeing other people get tortured for all eternity?


Well-known member
You don't read the posts in this thread do you? I JUST explained this verse, how it doesn't even prove that the eternal punishment is eternal torture, and it proves that only some people will receive eternal life. Yet you trot this verse out again ...".

Since I already rejected this verse as proof of ECTism, Why on earth would you trot it out again to try to convince me? Did you think I would fall for it this time? Do you think I don't know what says?

I asked, "Do you ever listen? Do you ever learn?" Trotting out the same verse after you have already read that it isn't proof for ECTism proves that you don't listen and you don't learn. You want eternal conscious torture to be true. It is the only reason you would force ECTism into these verses. Surely you can see that Matthew 25:46 doesn't say that the eternal punishment is eternal torture. You aren't blind, are you?

Oh, I see.

Do you have to discuss the 144,000 here, on a thread where the topic is eternal conscious torture? Couldn't you discuss JW doctrine in a separate thread? We aren't discussing the assumption of Mary here either. We aren't discussing the Muslim belief that infidels will be tortured alive forever (see what I did there?). This thread is about whether it is a Biblical truth that God tortures people forever in hell.

Dead while alive? Literally dead, yet still alive? Really? It doesn't seem like you really ARE thinking.

When will you open your eyes and see the truth that the Bible proclaims? When will you give up your fascination with seeing other people get tortured for all eternity?

Alright....go ahead and confess it. You're Jerry Shugart's sock aren't you?


Eclectic Theosophist
Education does wonders.....

Education does wonders.....

words have no meaning to them
when it comes to suffering

it is very clear
they want you to suffer

Again,....they need to do research on the word 'aion' (already provided) and educate themselves on its meaning, usage and context here. 'Aion' does not in and of itself mean 'eternal' or 'unending', and is qualified by what noun or subject it is describing (in context).

There is also the glaring moral/philosophical implications on this doctrine and how it reflects on 'God', which is far from respectful (that's being kind). Now as to how the unrepentant are taken care of would be wholly in line with universal laws (law of compensation/law of retribution/karma)....all actions have consequences, and 'choice' (free will) has its place in these. Only an 'eternal sin' can merit an 'eternal consequence' or 'eternal death', but this is semantics and we're back to qualifying what we mean by these terms. In this case, 'death' of a soul being final and complete could be seen as 'eternal', meaning it having an eternal result (eternal death)...that soul is 'no more', the effect is final/eternal.

In such the oft quoted John 3:16 is correct,...those who ultimately reject (make a final choice to reject 'God',...if that's even possible)...PERISH. - now you can put whatever 'spin' you want on the word 'perish', but there you go.


Universalist view

Otherwise 'universal salvation' for all eventually/ultimately is another alternative, where the lake of fire has a 'purifying' effect, and souls are cleansed/transformed eventually and all return (are reconciled) back to God thru the mediation of Christ, ("in Christ all shall be made alive", "God shall be all in all"). The 'means' is somehow thru 'Christ' but all 'punishments' or 'chastisements' are ultimately 'corrective' in nature, resulting in the restoration/rehabilitation of all sinners, all souls returning to God.

See 'Christian Universalism'


New member
Alright....go ahead and confess it. You're Jerry Shugart's sock aren't you?

I don't know what you mean. Who is Jerry Shugart? Is he a friend of yours? I'm just a guy who reads the Bible. My name is Tim, that's why I use the name "Timotheos".

Why would you have a problem with me? I don't understand that. I am simply stating what the Bible Itself says. The wages of sin is death, and whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life. Why would you even WANT eternal torture to be true? That makes no sense to me. You should thank me for posting the truth from the Bible, that God doesn't torture people alive for all eternity. This is actually good news. It isn't THAT good news for those who will perish, since they will be dead, but the REALLY good news is that they don't need to perish, if they put their faith in Jesus Christ, they too can have eternal life instead of perishing.

So I ask again, why would you have a problem with me? I don't get that.


New member
meshak, who i was adressing my post to, shes JW

Why do you think that Meshak is a JW?

Are you a Mormon? Mormons believe in ETC.
Perhaps you are Muslim. Muslims believe in ETC. They really support the doctrine of eternal torture. Have you ever read the Koran? THere is a TON of support for the doctrine of ECT in the Koran. If you want a religion that really supports the eternal torture of others, Militant Radical Islam is for you. I think you should investigate becoming Muslim, if you aren't already Muslim. I think you would really like that religion.


New member
That's just plain silly. :nono:

Actually, I've been told that I should go to hell to experience the torment for myself. I've been called "Satan" for not believing that God tortures people forever in Hell. The people who love the doctrine of eternal torture really are not nice at all. The most vocal of them are really jerks, to be honest. I believe that they really do want me to suffer.