Justification of Eternal Punishment

patrick jane

btw, every theory can be blown. sometimes reading from the paper Bible in quiet comfort gives new revelation and insight; new eyes - for me anyway


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even that can be interpreted - as you typed -

their torment will rise forever. it never says they will live forever in torment - it will always be known to God and possibly the saved. again, no rest for those who worship the beast and take the mark can be literal also, yet may mean - while alive/conscience with ability to feel. absurd

yes it does, see the post before yours.

You need to show where it says they are annihilated. Its not up to me to work with your false premise.

Check this out:

Revelation 20:10 Then the devil, who had deceived them, was thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, joining the beast and the false prophet. There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Day and night, forever and ever. Same word used that is used for forever in other places.


New member
You need to show where it says they are annihilated. Its not up to me to work with your false premise.

Check this out:

Revelation 20:10 Then the devil, who had deceived them, was thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, joining the beast and the false prophet. There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Day and night, forever and ever. Same word used that is used for forever in other places.

That verse also does not say that PEOPLE will be tormented day and night forever, it says "the devil, the beast, and the false prophet".

But you asked me where the Bible says that the wicked will be destroyed. No problem, I can do that. Phillipians 3:19 (as one example, there are MANY MORE!) says "their end is destruction".
Now it is up to you to explain how someone whose end is destruction actually has no end and is NOT destroyed, but tortured alive forever instead of being destroyed.


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That verse also does not say that PEOPLE will be tormented day and night forever, it says "the devil, the beast, and the false prophet".

A false prophet isnt a person in your world, it also says those that worship them, at any rate it shows your theory of annihilation false since they are all thrown in the same place and describes daily and nightly torment forever and ever.

If everlasting life is forever and ever, so is that, like it or not.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I disagree, a loving God would protect His children (we are not His child merely by existing but through Christ) from those who do not honor Him or others.

Also the very word used to signify eternal life, also is used for eternal punishment. So it has to mean the same thing, eternal, everlasting, forever.

I don't get this at all. Why would your "protection" require the eternal torment of fallible human beings such as yourself in order for you to be 'safe'? If they were that much of a 'threat' to your security there'd surely be a way that could have any such people 'neutralized' without having them in a state of interminable inescapable pain, because there's nothing loving about that.

As to the latter, that very word doesn't denote 'eternal' itself but an unspecified duration of time as has been done to bits in the battle royale between Pastor Kevin and Logos X some years back.


New member
A false prophet isnt a person in your world, it also says those that worship them, at any rate it shows your theory of annihilation false since they are all thrown in the same place and describes daily and nightly torment forever and ever.

If everlasting life is forever and ever, so is that, like it or not.

You keep coming back to everlasting life being forever, I agree with that and I already explained why that doesn't indicate that there is everlasting torture in hell. Don't you remember that I explained this to you? Do I have to explain it again? No Problem, one of the fruits of the Spirit is patience, so I can patiently explain it to you all over again.

Eternal life is indeed forever, it is life that lasts forever. Destruction is also forever. It lasts forever. Being destroyed is a punishment that lasts forever, because there isn't ever a time when the person who has been destroyed will become "undestroyed". So just because the Bible says that the righteous receive eternal life, that doesn't mean that those who receive eternal punish will receive eternal life in hell being tortured forever. In fact, if you read Matthew 25:46 carefully, you will see that only ONE of the groups receives eternal life, the other doesn't. In order to be tortured alive forever, a person would have to be ALIVE forever, and those who do not receive eternal life are not alive forever. That alone proves that your theory is wrong.


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You keep coming back to everlasting life being forever, I agree with that and I already explained why that doesn't indicate that there is everlasting torture in hell. Don't you remember that I explained this to you? Do I have to explain it again? No Problem, one of the fruits of the Spirit is patience, so I can patiently explain it to you all over again.

Eternal life is indeed forever, it is life that lasts forever. Destruction is also forever. It lasts forever. Being destroyed is a punishment that lasts forever, because there isn't ever a time when the person who has been destroyed will become "undestroyed". So just because the Bible says that the righteous receive eternal life, that doesn't mean that those who receive eternal punish will receive eternal life in hell being tortured forever. In fact, if you read Matthew 25:46 carefully, you will see that only ONE of the groups receives eternal life, the other doesn't. In order to be tortured alive forever, a person would have to be ALIVE forever, and those who do not receive eternal life are not alive forever. That alone proves that your theory is wrong.

some just want you to suffer

God doesn't


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I don't get this at all. Why would your "protection" require the eternal torment of fallible human beings such as yourself in order for you to be 'safe'? If they were that much of a 'threat' to your security there'd surely be a way that could have any such people 'neutralized' without having them in a state of interminable inescapable pain, because there's nothing loving about that.

As to the latter, that very word doesn't denote 'eternal' itself but an unspecified duration of time as has been done to bits in the battle royale between Pastor Kevin and Logos X some years back.

I disagree, but in either case the specified amount of time meaning is the same be it "eternal" life or "eternal" suffering, however its looked at - the time frame is the same for both.

Grosnick Marowbe

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That verse also does not say that PEOPLE will be tormented day and night forever, it says "the devil, the beast, and the false prophet".

But you asked me where the Bible says that the wicked will be destroyed. No problem, I can do that. Phillipians 3:19 (as one example, there are MANY MORE!) says "their end is destruction".
Now it is up to you to explain how someone whose end is destruction actually has no end and is NOT destroyed, but tortured alive forever instead of being destroyed.

What about Revelation 20:15? "And whosoever was not found written
in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." That's the same place
Satan and his angels will be cast. And, there's nothing there
that states that, those who are cast into the Lake of Fire will be
annihilated. Those people will suffer the same as Satan and his

Totton Linnet

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I don't get this at all. Why would your "protection" require the eternal torment of fallible human beings such as yourself in order for you to be 'safe'? If they were that much of a 'threat' to your security there'd surely be a way that could have any such people 'neutralized' without having them in a state of interminable inescapable pain, because there's nothing loving about that.

As to the latter, that very word doesn't denote 'eternal' itself but an unspecified duration of time as has been done to bits in the battle royale between Pastor Kevin and Logos X some years back.

If the wicked do not wish to endure pain they should stop inflicting pain upon others.

why do they do that?


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Eternal life is indeed forever, it is life that lasts forever. Destruction is also forever. It lasts forever. Being destroyed is a punishment that lasts forever, because there isn't ever a time when the person who has been destroyed will become "undestroyed". So just because the Bible says that the righteous receive eternal life, that doesn't mean that those who receive eternal punish will receive eternal life in hell being tortured forever.

That is the annihilation position. Most real Christians do not agree with that view; it is a big cop-out. She does not need you to explain false doctrine.

patrick jane

true, that's why i can hold NOTHING against any honest, righteous person who respects others and tries to do right. most folks know right from wrong no matter if they believe in any god or anything. evil is evil period.

no matter what faith or non-faith a person has, it depends on how they live and treat others -

John 13:34-35 KJV -

Totton Linnet

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Totton, do you believe in eternal punishment?

I have to because Jesus said "these shall depart into eternal punishment"

You and I see only the outer form, God sees the inner man, now I can't even begin to imagine what God sees when a fully grown man attack and murders a child, when he sees two men or two women gratifying each other...what a lying deceitful person looks like on the inside.

God sees, I trust His judgement.

Totton Linnet

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What do you mean by 'wicked' exactly? Not all atheists, agnostics, people of other beliefs etc go around inflicting pain just as not all Christian's don't, so I'm not getting your point.

The point is this, all these things belong to the present fallen state of mankind...God is going to judge it. Before He comes to judge He has set a time during which men and women have a chance to reconcile with God and be saved. It is called the age of grace.

We are actively working or seeking to promote God's programn of reconciliation...you are actively opposed to it.

Tens of thousands of murderers, rapists kidnappers, thieves etc have received reconciliation and been saved, their sins have been washed away, they have received a new life, a new clean heart

YOU could receive this right where you are sitting, it is but a prayer away, a "yes Lord I receive your new life" prayed sincerely.

Totton Linnet

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true, that's why i can hold NOTHING against any honest, righteous person who respects others and tries to do right. most folks know right from wrong no matter if they believe in any god or anything. evil is evil period.

no matter what faith or non-faith a person has, it depends on how they live and treat others -

John 13:34-35 KJV -

God will judge with equity...that is He will be perfectly fair.