Just got a call from my nephew...

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Pet idolatry wins over the needs of humans yet again.

See what I mean? Maybe you need an idiot poster of the month award. She protects the person from the dog that bites and to you that is idolatry. You are one messed up :loser:


Well-known member
Most all self appointed judges are likely going to have to get in line behind Truster ... wonder how it's going to work out when he meets his?

He'll peer down his snoot at them and say something self-righteous and condescending?


Well-known member
He'll peer down his snoot at them and say something condescending?

Likely not ... though I don't doubt he thinks that vantage point to be his eventual place in the universe if his present offerings are any indicator.