Just a System

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: Proof please (Eph 4:14). :peach:
Are you trying to bury my already addressing the demand? Here's the last time I did it on two different demands:

So I noted that SD posts profane language and she continues with the goofy yawn smiley and asks for:
Proof please.
And makes the same silly face and request in response to my "Only repeating what others have said" note regarding her defensive posture.

Okay. Here's one incident of profanity reposted. I won't repost profanity, so it's in the redacted portion, but the link is live.

And another:

And here's the justification you gave when I noted my five year old knows better than to parrot obscenity.
:yawn: That's great.
Does he know how to report a news story? :freak:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

:yawn: This thread is about the just a system.
Which would be a strong answer if you hadn't only just stopped and asked me for proof relating to your republishing the profane. Asked me for the second time.

Proof I provided. You asked, you received. Here it is again in case you missed it:

So I noted that SD posts profane language and she continues with the goofy yawn smiley and asks for:
Proof please.
And makes the same silly face and request in response to my "Only repeating what others have said" note regarding her defensive posture.

Okay. Here's one incident of profanity reposted. I won't repost profanity, so it's in the redacted portion, but the link is live.

And another:

And here's the justification you gave when I noted my five year old knows better than to parrot obscenity.
:yawn: That's great.
Does he know how to report a news story? :freak:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: This thread is not about me. This thread is about the just a system (Eph 4:14).


Tactics of the Left
I wasn't making the thread about you. I noted you reposting profanity and objected. You asked for proof you'd done that, as if providing proof would matter. I provided proof. You ignored it and asked for it again. I provided it again.

Then you demonstrated the hollow nonsense of your "proof please", scrambling away with your new "It's not about me" nonsense.

So from now on when you post that as though it holds meaning all anyone, anyone at all needs to do is remind you that it's a mantra without meat, a way of hiding in plain sight.

You're a scarecrow. Yawn, shimmy, ask for things you can't answer.

I've got your nose. :thumb:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Great. Then you will now discuss issues not people .
You made it about you for a moment when you issued a challenge you weren't prepared to answer. You made it about other people by hiding behind their words.

Anyway, we have the greatest justice system in the world. No one before us took the steps we did to protect the innocent from the resources and power of the state, to protect us from the fallible nature of human judgement and even against the law when we got things that fundamentally wrong...it's a marvel, flaws and all. And only those in need of a good education miss that. :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You removed the scripture from my quote.
You can't even manage the right attribution, posting your writing under my username, so you don't have any real reason to complain about editing. Anyway, stop making it about me. :D

This thread is not about me. This thread is about the just a system.
Answered in my last, which was mostly about the system.

Now what did you spend most of your post talking about? :eek:

Here's what mine was about:

Anyway, we have the greatest justice system in the world. No one before us took the steps we did to protect the innocent from the resources and power of the state, to protect us from the fallible nature of human judgement and even against the law when we got things that fundamentally wrong...it's a marvel, flaws and all. And only those in need of a good education miss that.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: ad hominem
No it wasn't. You posted this:

Originally Posted by Town Heretic

Great. Then you will now discuss issues not people .
Those are your words under my username. That's you mucking up attribution, which is precisely what I noted.

Anyway, I gave you a straight forward defense of our system of justice twice and you chose to ignore it while complaining that this thread should be about that and not people...you're a funny thing. Do you ever trip on your own shadow or is it only words that are problematic for you?


Anyway, we have the greatest justice system in the world. No one before us took the steps we did to protect the innocent from the resources and power of the state, to protect us from the fallible nature of human judgement and even against the law when we got things that fundamentally wrong...it's a marvel, flaws and all. And only those in need of a good education miss that.

It's funny how you haven't given credit to the Book that our once great criminal justice system comes from:


I say "once great" because over 58 million American's have been put to death over the last 43 years without due process of law. Christians and others who believe in decency have been punished for speaking out against sexual immorality, etc. etc.

Now tell us how it was those atheists at the ACLU that made the American legal system great TH, not the Bible.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's funny how you haven't given credit to the Book that our once great criminal justice system comes from
I was speaking more broadly than the criminal justice system, though our criminal law was founded on common law and that reflected the people's and culture from which it came, along with the influence of its prevailing beliefs and valuations. That foundation was almost exclusively Christian.

Now our system isn't one you'll find in the Bible any more than our system of government, but the influence of faith on both is inarguable, even as we institutionalized a protection from theocratic leanings.

I say "once great" because over 58 million American's have been put to death over the last 43 years without due process of law.
That's a failure of five men and a feckless legislature, but there's some teeth in it, sadly. The system remains great for the reasons given. Sometimes the S. Ct. fails and then it's up to the legislature...which has also failed. So we had Dred Scott v. Sanford, Korematsu v. United States, or Roe v. Wade, to name a few.

Christians and others who believe in decency have been punished for speaking out against sexual immorality, etc. etc.
Complete nonsense and not by our justice system.

Now tell us how it was those atheists at the ACLU that made the American legal system great TH, not the Bible.
Here's an example of why I mostly don't bother with you or your threads... Nothing in that inferentially accusatory line of nonsense actually resembles a position I've taken. Now if you're going to speak to me speak to me and not some bit of straw you're attempting to will into existence.
Last edited:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It's funny how you haven't given credit to the Book that our once great criminal justice system comes from:


I was speaking more broadly than the criminal justice system, though our criminal law was founded on common law and that reflected the people's and culture from which it came, along with the influence of its prevailing beliefs and valuations. That foundation was almost exclusively Christian.

Where did "That foundation [that] was almost exclusively Christian" come from TH? (TH just hates to give credit where credit is due: Holy Scripture).

Now our system isn't one you'll find in the Bible any more than our system of government,

I proved differently in the link that I used in my first post and have dozens more like that showing our nation's biblical roots (both in culture and law).

God, the Bible and Political Justice: Chapter 10

but the influence of faith on both is inarguable, even as we institutionalized a protection from theocratic leanings.

Uh huh...so if you give the unborn due process (Deuteronomy 25: 1-3) look out, a theocracy is next!

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I say "once great" because over 58 million American's have been put to death over the last 43 years without due process of law.

That's a failure of five men and a feckless legislature,...

And people who voted for the most pro abortion President in US history: Barack Hussein Obama (wink wink).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Christians and others who believe in decency have been punished for speaking out against sexual immorality, etc. etc.

Complete nonsense and not by our justice system.

Art Brain currently wears TOL's Queen of Denial tiara, are you attempting to dethrone the Queen by not acknowledging that Christians and people who stand for decency have been prosecuted, fined and even spent time in jail for speaking out against your beloved homosexual agenda?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Now tell us how it was those atheists at the ACLU that made the American legal system great TH, not the Bible.

You're an idiot...and a dishonest one. I can stomach the former, but the latter makes you mostly unpalatable, which is why you don't find me in your threads or often entertaining you.

I thought you avoided my threads because you know your limitations when it comes to arguing in favor of evil.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Where did "That foundation [that] was almost exclusively Christian" come from TH? (TH just hates to give credit where credit is due: Holy Scripture).
This is why I mostly don't bother with you or your threads. You can't disagree without injecting some dishonest note. I love Christ and I love his word.

Nothing in that attempted smear is true. It's just that you mostly don't understand what it is you're talking about and I mostly do.

Uh huh...so if you give the unborn due process (Deuteronomy 25: 1-3) look out, a theocracy is next!
Same response. Nothing in that resembles what I actually wrote. It's dishonest or ignorant. Either way it's not worth much of my time.

And people who voted for the most pro abortion President in US history: Barack Hussein Obama (wink wink).
No. The men in robes who decided Roe made the error and the legislative branch made a lot of rhetorical noise but little else. Voting for Obama or McCain, Reagan or Carter wasn't going to alter that.

I'm omitting your brave, brave bluster about AB, because it's just not worth anyone's time.
...Christians and people who stand for decency have been prosecuted, fined and even spent time in jail for speaking out
No, not in this country. Unless you break the law you won't be prosecuted, fined or spend a day in jail.

against your beloved homosexual agenda?
I've been about as clear about my position regarding homosexuality as you are dishonest in attempting to mischaracterize it.

I thought...
When you start with the unbelievable there's just no reason to continue.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Art Brain currently wears TOL's Queen of Denial tiara, are you attempting to dethrone the Queen by not acknowledging that Christians and people who stand for decency have been prosecuted, fined and even spent time in jail for speaking out against your beloved homosexual agenda?

Er, no I don't or any other form of female headgear or beauty appendages thank you so very much. Have you been prosecuted, fined or lobbed in jail for your bonkers tirades et al? No? Well shut up then doofus. Oh, maybe you think you've been badly done to by your bans on here and bemoaning serpentdove's current penalty? The pair of you would make a doughnut look intelligent frankly. (Yes, that's with combined IQ's)

I thought you avoided my threads because you know your limitations when it comes to arguing in favor of evil.

If you knew your limitations you wouldn't even have an account here...
