Judge to Sentence Bob Enyart Tomorrow

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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Matthew 5:25
"Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.

I can't help but think that both Bob and James have not taken this verse to heart.
Then I think you have not been following this story.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Just out of curiosity, do Bob and Ken refuse to pay income taxes too? Property taxes?

A peace officer asked them to leave and they refused. Then they offered disrespect to the court for fining them for their defiance of authority. What was proven? And how many babies were saved?
Rom 13:1 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.​
Who was immoral here?
They refused to pay because they wanted to go to jail.

So Bob's going to jail for a protest, not of an abortion provider, but of another anti-abortion group?
They protested them because they are not anti-abortion. They say they are, but the supported McCain in the last election.


New member
They refused to pay because they wanted to go to jail.

And was that refusal (and the implied disrespect that accompanied it) scripturally sound, in your estimation? Was the infraction itself (particularly regarding defying the authority of public peace officers) biblically grounded?

Is going to jail going to save more babies or offer greater credibility to the Pro-Life movement?

The DNC protest was done right. It was peaceful, they made their statement. And when they were asked to pack it up, they respectfully complied. Even to the extent of picking up trash on their way out.

This one, in my opinion, was an embarassment.


New member
That is something to take into consideration, they tazed/tased a little old lady going 15 miles over speed limit, so I wouldn't doubt that it could happen.

If you're talking about this, what would you have had the officer do? Hit her with his baton?


New member
That's essentially what he did. No harm, no foul, no little old lady splattered on the hood of a semi.


New member
If you're talking about this, what would you have had the officer do? Hit her with his baton?
If she had been wearing a pacemaker it could have short circuited.
Surely a big policeman could have handcuffed a lady that is 72 years old..Gee Whiz!!
Back to Bob and the rest! :argue:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If she had been wearing a pacemaker it could have short circuited.
Getting hit by a semi might have caused some problems as well.

Surely a big policeman could have handcuffed a lady that is 72 years old..Gee Whiz!!
That's where the misconceptions come in the trend seems to be that phasers on stun has safer outcomes than the good old wrestling match.

Back to Bob and the rest! :argue:
Bob's in the big house if I read this correctly.


New member
That's where the misconceptions come in the trend seems to be that phasers on stun has safer outcomes than the good old wrestling match.

Yeah - I'm thinking dislocated hip, fractured arm, dislocated shoulder, wrenched neck....


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yeah - I'm thinking dislocated hip, fractured arm, dislocated shoulder, wrenched neck....

I'm thinking the stun gun was the lowest level that guy had considering his size.
Perhaps they should outfit them with a can of Silly Sting to try first.
OR they could mount a can of Silly String to the stun gun as a target painting measure so step one is the silly string and step two is the lesson in electrical theory.
Step three the stick and step four the ballistics lesson?


New member
I'm thinking the stun gun was the lowest level that guy had considering his size.
Perhaps they should outfit them with a can of Silly Sting to try first.
OR they could mount a can of Silly String to the stun gun as a target painting measure so step one is the silly string and step two is the lesson in electrical theory.
Step three the stick and step four the ballistics lesson?

Step five the shove into traffic?
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New member
Hall of Fame
Believe it or not I agree with Lighthouse on this one. It's clear that Enyart was intent on getting arrested. He wanted jailtime, and he's being indulged.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Just out of curiosity, do Bob and Ken refuse to pay income taxes too? Property taxes?

If you really don't know, then you are even dumber than you appear. You seem to have great difficulty knowing right from wrong.

A peace officer asked them to leave and they refused. Then they offered disrespect to the court for fining them for their defiance of authority. What was proven? And how many babies were saved?

35 And when it was day, the magistrates sent the officers, saying, “Let those men go.”

36 So the keeper of the prison reported these words to Paul, saying, “The magistrates have sent to let you go. Now therefore depart, and go in peace.”

37 But Paul said to them, “They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison. And now do they put us out secretly? No indeed! Let them come themselves and get us out.”

Why do you think they didn't just leave, and resume the gospel? I guess Paul is a hypocrite for not doing as he himself preached.

Is going to jail going to save more babies or offer greater credibility to the Pro-Life movement?

Murdering Tiller saved more lives, but it was still wrong to do so. Do no evil that good may come about. It is evil to not rebuke Focus on the Family.

1 Timothy 5:20

Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear

This one, in my opinion, was an embarassment.

You are an embarssasment.


New member
If you really don't know, then you are even dumber than you appear. You seem to have great difficulty knowing right from wrong.

If so, don't you think it seems a bit inconsistent on their part to refuse to pay fines so as not to finance an immoral system? :idunno:

You seem to have great difficulty with reason. ;)

Why do you think they didn't just leave, and resume the gospel? I guess Paul is a hypocrite for not doing as he himself preached.

Paul wasn't breaking the law in that passage, Nick. And Bob was not "imprisoned" without cause. He had ample opportunity to comply with the law. Bob and Co. were neither beaten nor in any way abused, and they were rightly condemned for their legal infraction.

To compare their situation to Paul's in this instance is laughable.

Murdering Tiller saved more lives, but it was still wrong to do so. Do no evil that good may come about. It is evil to not rebuke Focus on the Family.

Likewise, it is evil to defy God-appointed authority. It is evil to break the law.

And let's not forget, Nick, Focus HAD been rebuked. Both publicly through the medium of Bob's show and privately through the letter that they delivered.

Now, Nick...pop quiz: What does the Bible say to do when you have gone to a brother who refuses to repent? What does it say to do when you have preached the gospel to a heathen who refuses to hear?

Walk. Away. In the former case, turn them over to Satan. In the latter, shake the dust from your feet.

Quote the verse that says that you are to "sit in" and defy civil authority so you can tell another of their sin even as you commit sin of your own. :rolleyes:

1 Timothy 5:20

Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear

What's more "in the presence of all", Nick? The radio show? Or a small protest on the Focus campus?

And as an interesting aside, why would you question me in doing exactly what this verse commands? If you really believed what you read there, you'd be rebuking Bob and Co. in the presence of all, right alongside me, while likewise condemning the actions of Focus regarding their broken word.

Neither party is without culpability in this situation and both did damage to the cause.

You are an embarssasment.

And you, Nick, are a sycophant. :cheers:
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