Well-known member
If I am wrong, explain how, please. What makes someone male?
On..... and on...... and round........ and round. .... as if apples are valued as human lives!
I can't help you to see empathy and understanding, so it's time to get help:-
Let's ask for guidance from Jesus and the Ordained Apostles, shall we? Our opinions are worthless.......
A Judge has judged. TITUS 3:9
Maybe we should acknowledge and obey civil laws? ROMANS 13:1
We should sort out our own selves before judging others. MATTHEW 7:1&7:5;LUKE 6:42,LUKE 6:37,ROMANS 14:13
This person's decision to be genderless may be pure. 1 TIMOTHY 5:22..........
................... and true to their calling. 1 CORINTHIANS 7:17-24
What does Paul write about this very situation?
He would support a genderless person's decision, I 'feel' sure! COLOSSIANS 3:5; ROMANS 8:12-13
Finally........ Absolutely finally, read what Jesus said about removing anything which offends a person, either physically or spiritually. MATTHEW 5:29-30; MATTHEW 18:8,9
And so, if you cannot support a Judge's judgement, why not seek guidance from Jesus and the Apostles?