John McCain....absolutely disgusting


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy: If you want to talk about the era before the Judeo-Christianized Pilgrims set foot on American soil (or even after) we can talk about tribal warfare and cannibalism amongst the American Indian tribes.

Well, considering the evidence of cannibalism is spread so thin and inconclusive (admittedly there was more evidence in Central and South America) I wouldn't rest my hat on it....

While it's extremely difficult in this day and age of political correctness to find a harsh word spoken against the American Indians, I did run by an article or two several years ago (there was a reason President Thomas Jefferson referred to the American Indians as "savages").

WARNING! Barbaric practices revealed.

"In his epic work France and England in North America, the great American historian Francis Parkman describes the early 17th-century recreational and culinary habits of the Iroquois Indians...
He tells that the Iroquois, along with other tribes of northeastern United States and Canada, "were undergoing that process of extermination, absorption, or expatriation, which, as there is reason to believe, had for many generations formed the gloomy and meaningless history of the greater part of this continent." Parkman describes an attack by the Iroquois on an Algonquin hunting party, late in the autumn of 1641, and the Iroquois' treatment of their prisoners and victims:

They bound the prisoners hand and foot, rekindled the fire, slung the kettles, cut the bodies of the slain to pieces, and boiled and devoured them before the eyes of the wretched survivors. "In a word," says the narrator [that is, the Algonquin woman who escaped to tell the tale], "they ate men with as much appetite and more pleasure than hunters eat a boar or a stag ..."

The conquerors feasted in the lodge till nearly daybreak ... then began their march homeward with their prisoners. Among these were three women, of whom the narrator was one, who had each a child of a few weeks or months old. At the first halt, their captors took the infants from them, tied them to wooden spits, placed them to die slowly before a fire, and feasted on them before the eyes of the agonized mothers, whose shrieks, supplications, and frantic efforts to break the cords that bound them were met with mockery and laughter ...

The Iroquois arrived at their village with their prisoners, whose torture was designed to cause all possible suffering without touching life. It consisted in blows with sticks and cudgels, gashing their limbs with knives, cutting off their fingers with clam-shells, scorching them with firebrands, and other indescribable torments. The women were stripped naked, and forced to dance to the singing of the male prisoners, amid the applause and laughter of the crowd ...

On the following morning, they were placed on a large scaffold, in sight of the whole population. It was a gala-day. Young and old were gathered from far and near. Some mounted the scaffold, and scorched them with torches and firebrands; while the children, standing beneath the bark platform, applied fire to the feet of the prisoners between the crevices ... The stoicism of one of the warriors enraged his captors beyond measure ... they fell upon him with redoubled fury, till their knives and firebrands left in him no semblance of humanity. He was defiant to the last, and when death came to his relief, they tore out his heart and devoured it; then hacked him in pieces, and made their feast of triumph on his mangled limbs.

All the men and all the old women of the party were put to death in a similar manner, though but few displayed the same amazing fortitude. The younger women, of whom there were about thirty, after passing their ordeal of torture, were permitted to live; and, disfigured as they were, were distributed among the several villages, as concubines or slaves to the Iroquois warriors. Of this number were the narrator and her companion, who ... escaped at night into the forest ..."

As far as tribal warfare though you are correct, it was a big problem. They obviously sucked at it otherwise they might have been able to stand up to us better.

Based on Francis Parkman's historic details, they enjoyed their savagery quite a bit and were quite good at being barbarians.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding Christianity bringing alcoholism, fatherless homes, suicide and homicide to the American Indians: It is the American Indian's failure to grasp biblical doctrine that is the problem.

Yeah...I'm thinking that it was OUR failure to grasp biblical doctrine that was/is the real problem.

This is where you say that even today's problems that afflict American Indians (high suicide rates, alcoholism, etc. etc.) is still because of what those filthy Judeo-Christianized Europeans did to them (come on Tom, play that victim card like every good little liberal does).


New member
How is it that Congress can sell someone else's land to a foreigner?

How can they do it without telling the Natives who have custody or jurisdiction over that land?

How can Natives have McCain shipped over to Iraq as observer,
so that he can be accidentally captured by ISIS?

I'm not advocating McCain go back to POW school,
but it sure looks like someone didn't learn a thing
from that cross-culture exchange.

War Hero, and "Injun Hunter"? Custard McCain?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Based on Francis Parkman's historic details, they enjoyed their savagery quite a bit and were quite good at being barbarians.

Everybody knows about the savagery of the Iroquois. That's one culture out of 1200 or so...Like I said; pretty thin. :chuckle:

This is where you...

Take my leave of your buffoonery...It's been fun, G'nite. :e4e:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Based on Francis Parkman's historic details, they enjoyed their savagery quite a bit and were quite good at being barbarians.

Everybody knows about the savagery of the Iroquois. That's one culture out of 1200 or so...Like I said; pretty thin. :chuckle:

This is where "everybody" gets to learn more about those peace loving American Indians.

"To the savage every member of a hostile tribe was equally an enemy, and he gloried as much in the death of an infant as in that of the warrior father. Victory meant indiscriminate massacre, with most revolting mutilation of the dead, followed in the early period in nearly every portion of the East and South by a cannibal feast. The custom of scalping the dead, so general in later Indian wars, has been shown by Frederici to have been confined originally to a limited area east of the Mississippi, gradually superseding the earlier custom of beheading. In many western tribes, the warrior's prowess was measured not by the number of his scalp trophies, but by the number of his coups (French term), or strokes upon the enemy, for which there was a regular scale according to kind, the highest honour being accorded not to one one who secured the scalp, but to the warrior who struck the first blow upon the enemy, even though with no more than a willow rod. The scalp dance was performed, not by the warriors, but by the women, who thus rejoiced over the success of their husbands and brothers. There was no distinctive "war dance".

Captives among the eastern tribes were either condemned to death with every horrible form of torture or ceremonially adopted into the tribe, the decision usually resting with the women. If adopted, he at once became a member of a family, usually as representative of a deceased member, and at once acquired full tribal rights. In the Huron wars whole towns of the defeated nation voluntarily submitted and were adopted into the Iroquois tribes. On the plains torture was not common. Adults were seldom spared, but children were frequently spared and either regularly adopted or brought up in a mild sort of slavery. Along the northwest coast, and as far south as California slavery prevailed in its harshest form and was the usual fate of the captive."

Jose Fly

New member
Perhaps to put this in perspective for some of our conservatives, even the local mining companies are adamantly opposed to this. Why? Because McCain and Flake gave the land away to a foreign mining company.

If you're going to be this blatantly corrupt, at least do it in a way that benefits American companies.


Well-known member
What is "absolutely disgusting" is that the American Indian hasn't assimilated into the rest of American society. Granted, they're making big bucks with their pagan businesses (casinos, bingo halls and selling cheap cigarettes), but why not embrace Judeo Christian culture and leave their destructive pagan past behind?

:spam: Wow, a new low.


Perhaps to put this in perspective for some of our conservatives, even the local mining companies are adamantly opposed to this. Why? Because McCain and Flake gave the land away to a foreign mining company.

If you're going to be this blatantly corrupt, at least do it in a way that benefits American companies.

How about we put things in real perspective and you admit that you couldn't care less about the American Indian's take on this, and that you're yet another granola crunching-tree hugging liberal that hates any kind of drilling or mining on American soil and would rather see the resources that we get from the earth here in America being imported from foreign countries?


What is "absolutely disgusting" is that the American Indian hasn't assimilated into the rest of American society. Granted, they're making big bucks with their pagan businesses (casinos, bingo halls and selling cheap cigarettes), but why not embrace Judeo Christian culture and leave their destructive pagan past behind?
Why wouldn't all of America's Indians want to be just like "aCultureWarrior?"


Why wouldn't all of America's Indians want to be just like "aCultureWarrior?"

You mean be more like someone who is a happily married family man who loves God and the Judeo-Christian culture? Someone who isn't addicted to drugs or alcohol or doesn't rely on the weaknesses of others (gambling, cigarette smoking) to make a living?

I'm all for it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You mean be more like someone who is a happily married family man who loves God and the Judeo-Christian culture? Someone who isn't addicted to drugs or alcohol or doesn't rely on the weaknesses of others (gambling, cigarette smoking) to make a living?

I'm all for it.

Well, no, he said someone just like you...



The treatment of aboriginals in the Western Hemisphere by Europeans with their so-called "Judeo-Christian culture" was hardly an glowing example of Christian charity.

The reason that Europeans resorted to importing slaves from Africa was that the vast majority of American aboriginals died from disease and many of those that remained were worked to death by their Christian "masters."


New member
Hall of Fame
tree hugging liberal that hates any kind of drilling or mining on American soil and would rather see the resources that we get from the earth here in America being imported from foreign countries?

Whats the difference in buying recourses from a foreign country or letting one mine our recourses on american land and then sell it back to us? (hint both wrong and shouldnt be happening)


Or small pox infected blankets.

LOL...yet another vast right wing conspiracy.

"The greatest source of the smallpox virus among Indians was from the infected blood of mutilated soldier, raids on surrounding settlements, scalps, clothing, and utensils. Returning from Fort Pitt to Indian villages up and down the East coast, many warriors carried smallpox infected war trophies. Contaminated warriors spreading the smallpox virus is never mentioned by proponents of Indian Genocide; it does not fit their biased agenda."