John McCain....absolutely disgusting

Jose Fly

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Selling Off Apache Holy Land

ABOUT an hour east of Phoenix, near a mining town called Superior, men, women and children of the San Carlos Apache tribe have been camped out at a place called Oak Flat for more than three months, protesting the latest assault on their culture.

Three hundred people, mostly Apache, marched 44 miles from tribal headquarters to begin this occupation on Feb. 9. The campground lies at the core of an ancient Apache holy place, where coming-of-age ceremonies, especially for girls, have been performed for many generations

So what are they protesting?

Congress promised to hand the title for Oak Flat over to a private, Australian-British mining concern. A fine-print rider trading away the Indian holy land was added at the last minute to the must-pass military spending bill, the National Defense Authorization Act. By doing this, Congress has handed over a sacred Native American site to a foreign-owned company for what may be the first time in our nation’s history.

And who is responsible for this travesty?

The swap...had been attempted multiple times by Arizona members of Congress on behalf of the company. (Among those involved was Rick Renzi, a former Republican representative who was sent to federal prison in February for three years for corruption related to earlier versions of the land-transfer deal.) It always failed in Congress because of lack of support. But this time was different. This time, the giveaway language was slipped onto the defense bill by Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake of Arizona at the 11th hour. The tactic was successful only because, like most last-minute riders, it bypassed public scrutiny.

Why would they do such a thing?

It’s worth noting that Rio Tinto affiliates have been McCain campaign contributors, and that Mr. Flake, before he made it to Congress, was a paid lobbyist for Rio Tinto Rössing Uranium (a huge uranium mine in Namibia).

So two Senators gave away sacred Tribal lands for $$$. It's worth noting...

If Oak Flat were a Christian holy site, or for that matter Jewish or Muslim, no senator who wished to remain in office would dare to sneak a backdoor deal for its destruction into a spending bill — no matter what mining-company profits or jobs might result. But this is Indian religion.

This is so disgusting, I don't even know what to say. It's not so much that it's "Holy land", it's how this epitomizes the greed and arrogance of our elected officials, and how it demonstrates the folly of thinking our government is anything other than a pay-n-play system.

I can't imagine anyone (outside of the mining company) thinking this is a good thing.

Desert Reign

Not wishing to denigrate the cause you espouse but it's a shame your righteous energies aren't similarly directed to the protection of the millions who cannot protect themselves or speak for themselves because they have not yet been born. They have no religion, not tribal lands, nor property nor culture so they don't count and have no rights.


What is "absolutely disgusting" is that the American Indian hasn't assimilated into the rest of American society. Granted, they're making big bucks with their pagan businesses (casinos, bingo halls and selling cheap cigarettes), but why not embrace Judeo Christian culture and leave their destructive pagan past behind?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
What is "absolutely disgusting" is that the American Indian hasn't assimilated into the rest of American society. Granted, they're making big bucks with their pagan businesses (casinos, bingo halls and selling cheap cigarettes), but why not embrace Judeo Christian culture and leave their destructive pagan past behind?

Yeah, because Judeo Christian culture has never embraced casinos, bingo halls and cheap cigarettes! You just don't find those awful pagan things outside of Indian reservations.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
What is "absolutely disgusting" is that the American Indian hasn't assimilated into the rest of American society. Granted, they're making big bucks with their pagan businesses (casinos, bingo halls and selling cheap cigarettes), but why not embrace Judeo Christian culture and leave their destructive pagan past behind?




New member
Selling Off Apache Holy Land

So what are they protesting?

And who is responsible for this travesty?

Why would they do such a thing?

So two Senators gave away sacred Tribal lands for $$$. It's worth noting...

This is so disgusting, I don't even know what to say. It's not so much that it's "Holy land", it's how this epitomizes the greed and arrogance of our elected officials, and how it demonstrates the folly of thinking our government is anything other than a pay-n-play system.

I can't imagine anyone (outside of the mining company) thinking this is a good thing.

I agree. They are all untrustworthy.


Yeah, because Judeo Christian culture has never embraced casinos, bingo halls and cheap cigarettes! You just don't find those awful pagan things outside of Indian reservations.

Show me in the Bible where gambling is encouraged.

While we're at it (per my article), care to talk about the high rate of alcoholism, fatherless homes, suicide and homicide amongst American Indians?

The pagan culture has been nothing but destructive for the American Indian.


I can't imagine anyone (outside of the mining company) thinking this is a good thing.

Large companies and corporations will always come before democratic interests of the citizens in this country.

If you don't like the arrangement, I suppose you could move where there is more socialism.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
While we're at it (per my article), care to talk about the high rate of alcoholism, fatherless homes, suicide and homicide amongst American Indians?

You mean all those things which they had never heard of until we showed up with Christianity? :AMR:

The pagan culture has been nothing but destructive for the American Indian.

You're such a skilled Troll. :e4e:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While we're at it (per my article), care to talk about the high rate of alcoholism, fatherless homes, suicide and homicide amongst American Indians?

You mean all those things which they had never heard of until we showed up with Christianity?

Tommy, Tommy, Tommy: If you want to talk about the era before the Judeo-Christianized Pilgrims set foot on American soil (or even after) we can talk about tribal warfare and cannibalism amongst the American Indian tribes.

Regarding Christianity bringing alcoholism, fatherless homes, suicide and homicide to the American Indians: It is the American Indian's failure to grasp biblical doctrine that is the problem.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The pagan culture has been nothing but destructive for the American Indian.

You're such a skilled Troll.

(When you can't debate, call your opponent a troll).

I realized that the link I provided earlier goes back a few decades. Here's something current from the CDC:

It doesn't look like robbing little old ladies of their dead husband's pension check at the casino has been beneficial for the American Indian Tom.


New member
John McCain isn't a hero
He is a corporatist chicken hawk. I get tired of hearing that McCain is s hero. He's scum.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy: If you want to talk about the era before the Judeo-Christianized Pilgrims set foot on American soil (or even after) we can talk about tribal warfare and cannibalism amongst the American Indian tribes.

:chuckle: Well, considering the evidence of cannibalism is spread so thin and inconclusive (admittedly there was more evidence in Central and South America) I wouldn't rest my hat on it....As far as tribal warfare though you are correct, it was a big problem. They obviously sucked at it otherwise they might have been able to stand up to us better.
I kind'a doubt it though since when you are talking about tribal warfare Western Europeans are the undisputed champions of the world.

Regarding Christianity bringing alcoholism, fatherless homes, suicide and homicide to the American Indians: It is the American Indian's failure to grasp biblical doctrine that is the problem.

:AMR: Yeah...I'm thinking that it was OUR failure to grasp biblical doctrine that was/is the real problem.

(When you can't debate, call your opponent a troll).

...aaand when your opponent amusement is a Troll you call him a Troll. :chuckle:

BTW... 7/10: Got me to respond.
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