John Kasich understands probably most important scripture psg


New member
Many of the most successful countries are socialist. Denmark, Sweden, and Canada are more socialist than the USA and have a higher median income and shorter work week. They work less and have more with a more stable economy.

Outlawing homosexuality isn't a political movement gaining credibility, it's a rant from increasingly irrelevant religious zealots. The question right now is if we'll allow companies to fire people for being gay.

They are also starting to run out of money... it eventually happens with any socialist leaning state.


Many of the most successful countries are socialist. Denmark, Sweden, and Canada are more socialist than the USA and have a higher median income and shorter work week. They work less and have more with a more stable economy.

This coming from the guy who a couple of posts ago complained about corporate welfare.

Outlawing homosexuality isn't a political movement gaining credibility, it's a rant from increasingly irrelevant religious zealots. The question right now is if we'll allow companies to fire people for being gay.

My my, you are out of touch with what's going on. People of faith (and anyone who dares speak out against homosexuality) are the ones being persecuted.

Regarding the recriminalization of homosexuality: Many countries throughout the world are seeing that this social experiment isn't working and are doing something about it.

Don't worry Trake, if you live in the US you're safe* from pro traditional family legislation for now.

*If you engage in homosex, you're likely to become infected with numerous STD's and engage in other destructive behaviors (excessive smoking, alcoholism, drug use, etc.), so you're far from being safe.


New member
Why is it that helping the poor is an individual commandment but hating gay people must be done by big government?


more like

why is it that much af ANTHING needs to be done by government?

all gov needs to do is military (protect the US) and possibly infrastructure, but we have sufficient infrastructure already (private sector can maintain it, save interstate highways) so I am removing that from my Gov Must Do List



New member
more like

why is it that much af ANTHING needs to be done by government?

all gov needs to do is military (protect the US) and possibly infrastructure, but we have sufficient infrastructure already (private sector can maintain it, save interstate highways) so I am removing that from my Gov Must Do List

Name a country with a tiny government like you want that isn't a third world hell hole.


New member
This coming from the guy who a couple of posts ago complained about corporate welfare.

My my, you are out of touch with what's going on. People of faith (and anyone who dares speak out against homosexuality) are the ones being persecuted.

Regarding the recriminalization of homosexuality: Many countries throughout the world are seeing that this social experiment isn't working and are doing something about it.

Don't worry Trake, if you live in the US you're safe* from pro traditional family legislation for now.

*If you engage in homosex, you're likely to become infected with numerous STD's and engage in other destructive behaviors (excessive smoking, alcoholism, drug use, etc.), so you're far from being safe.

It's not persecution when people mock you for trying to take other people's rights away from them. If we voted on whether you have the right to marry, would that be a violation of your rights? If I was pushing to make it illegal for you to marry, people would call me an insane bigot trying to deny people their rights.

Yes, there are countries that hate gay people. There's Iran, Pakistan and Uganda for examples. I wouldn't call these countries roll models.

You do realize that not all gay people have stds and that correlation and causation aren't the same thing, right? I mean, gay sex doesn't cause people to drink. Also, straight sex can cause stds. Of course that whole argument is a red herring isn't it? I mean, stds isn't really the reason you want gay marriage to be illegal is it? No, it's because you want a theocracy.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
My my, you are out of touch with what's going on. People of faith (and anyone who dares speak out against homosexuality) are the ones being persecuted.

Regarding the recriminalization of homosexuality: Many countries throughout the world are seeing that this social experiment isn't working and are doing something about it.

Don't worry Trake, if you live in the US you're safe* from pro traditional family legislation for now.

*If you engage in homosex, you're likely to become infected with numerous STD's and engage in other destructive behaviors (excessive smoking, alcoholism, drug use, etc.), so you're far from being safe.

It's not persecution when people mock you for trying to take other people's rights away from them.

Stay up with the times Trake: people of faith, and even those who aren't Believers have been fired from their jobs and persecuted in many other ways for standing up and stating that homosexuality goes against their core faith values or that it's plain and simply "disgusting".

If we voted on whether you have the right to marry, would that be a violation of your rights? If I was pushing to make it illegal for you to marry, people would call me an insane bigot trying to deny people their rights.

You need to understand one very important thing here Trake: Sexual perversion is not a "right". Neither God gave people the "right" to engage in sexual perversion nor did our predominately Christian Founding Fathers in their God-based documents.

Now if you want to talk about the Supreme Court, the same court that says that murdering unborn babies is a "right" (it's a right to privacy thing with them), then that's different. Because secular humanist man says that buggery, abortion and other abhorrent acts is some kind or "right", doesn't necessarily make it so.

Yes, there are countries that hate gay people. There's Iran, Pakistan and Uganda for examples. I wouldn't call these countries roll models.

The first two are Muslim countries where repentance of sinful behavior and redemption are not part of their hateful religion. Uganda on the other hand is a Christian country that wisely recriminalized homosexuality because of amongst other things, the amount of foreign homosexual pedophiles and pederasts that were coming to their country and raping their little boys.

The US will someday recriminalize homosexuality and get those poor pathetic lost souls the help that they so desperately want and need.

You do realize that not all gay people have stds and that correlation and causation aren't the same thing, right?

Many practicing homosexuals don't know that they have things such as HIV (check out CDC reports on the amount of homosexuals who are unaware of their HIV status). It's inherently a disease ridden lifestyle and for those that haven't or don't currently have STD's there is one word for them:


I mean, gay sex doesn't cause people to drink. Also, straight sex can cause stds. Of course that whole argument is a red herring isn't it? I mean, stds isn't really the reason you want gay marriage to be illegal is it?

Besides being a party-like culture and lifestyle, those who engage in the changeable behavior known as homosexuality are covering up many things that have happened in their lives (childhood rape, abusive or distant/unloving father, etc.) with drugs and alcohol, knowing what they're doing is inherently wrong.

No, it's because you want a theocracy.

I can't force you to believe in God and to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, but people who believe in decency can legislate righteous laws that will help morally confused people like you get the help that you so desperately want and need.

Please come visit the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4" thread when I start it in mid to late August and in the meantime review Part 3 to see how ignorant that you are on the subject.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
My my, you are out of touch with what's going on. People of faith (and anyone who dares speak out against homosexuality) are the ones being persecuted.

Regarding the recriminalization of homosexuality: Many countries throughout the world are seeing that this social experiment isn't working and are doing something about it.

Don't worry Trake, if you live in the US you're safe* from pro traditional family legislation for now.

*If you engage in homosex, you're likely to become infected with numerous STD's and engage in other destructive behaviors (excessive smoking, alcoholism, drug use, etc.), so you're far from being safe.

Stay up with the times Trake: people of faith, and even those who aren't Believers have been fired from their jobs and persecuted in many other ways for standing up and stating that homosexuality goes against their core faith values or that it's plain and simply "disgusting".

You need to understand one very important thing here Trake: Sexual perversion is not a "right". Neither God gave people the "right" to engage in sexual perversion nor did our predominately Christian Founding Fathers in their God-based documents.

Now if you want to talk about the Supreme Court, the same court that says that murdering unborn babies is a "right" (it's a right to privacy thing with them), then that's different. Because secular humanist man says that buggery, abortion and other abhorrent acts is some kind or "right", doesn't necessarily make it so.

The first two are Muslim countries where repentance of sinful behavior and redemption are not part of their hateful religion. Uganda on the other hand is a Christian country that wisely recriminalized homosexuality because of amongst other things, the amount of foreign homosexual pedophiles and pederasts that were coming to their country and raping their little boys.

The US will someday recriminalize homosexuality and get those poor pathetic lost souls the help that they so desperately want and need.

Many practicing homosexuals don't know that they have things such as HIV (check out CDC reports on the amount of homosexuals who are unaware of their HIV status). It's inherently a disease ridden lifestyle and for those that haven't or don't currently have STD's there is one word for them:


Besides being a party-like culture and lifestyle, those who engage in the changeable behavior known as homosexuality are covering up many things that have happened in their lives (childhood rape, abusive or distant/unloving father, etc.) with drugs and alcohol, knowing what they're doing is inherently wrong.

I can't force you to believe in God and to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, but people who believe in decency can legislate righteous laws that will help morally confused people like you get the help that you so desperately want and need.

Please come visit the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4" thread when I start it in mid to late August and in the meantime review Part 3 to see how ignorant that you are on the subject.
Muslims want to do the same. They just want to legislate their ideas of decency and morality on you. Somehow I suspect you would have a problem with them enforcing their ideas of decency upon you as much as I have a problem with you trying to enforce your ideas of decency and morality upon me. Personally, I think decency and morality starts with throwing out any reverence for any book containing deuteronomy chapter 13, but I have no interest in enforcing that on you.

Uganda is a third world country. Do we really want to emulate them?

I'd rather live in a modern secular society that upholds decency than a christian third world country that upholds indecency. You might be happier in Uganda. I politely suggest you move there and experience a theocracy first hand.


New member
Neither should be happening. Both sides are corrupt.
Somehow I only see our most christian leaders decrying the existence of aid to the poor. Maybe I'm just not noticing something?

I don't have a problem with some aid to the poor. The natural result of pursuing a free market is an economic imbalance that invariably results in a plutocracy. Money is power and that power when consolidated in too few hands will be used to rig the system. It's inevitable.


Muslims want to do the same.

Your ignorance of Islam and Christianity are duly noted. Remember the huge difference between the two this way Trake:

If muzzies catch you in the act of homosexuality chances are they'll rape you before they murder you (chances are it might not be in that order).

Christians want you to repent and see the ways of your unrighteousness and live a life that involves marriage (to a woman even) and being a dad to your children while you're here on earth and eternal life when you leave here.


New member
Your ignorance of Islam and Christianity are duly noted. Remember the huge difference between the two this way Trake:

If muzzies catch you in the act of homosexuality chances are they'll rape you before they murder you (chances are it might not be in that order).

Christians want you to repent and see the ways of your unrighteousness and live a life that involves marriage (to a woman even) and being a dad to your children while you're here on earth and eternal life when you leave here.

You do realize that christians in Uganda and Russia often beat gay people to death, right?

Neither you nor the muslims have the right to enforce your idea of morality on everyone else.

As for marriage, no thanks. I'd rather be shot than married. Thankfully, I live in a country where I chose when and whether I marry. Not you. My life, my decision. I won't have my life decisions dictated by stone age mythology when people thought murdering someone for saying your god is false was a good idea.


You do realize that christians in Uganda and Russia often beat gay people to death, right?

If people take the law into their own hands and beat up perverts, I'd have to question how Christian they really are. Besides, the vast majority of homosexual violence comes at the hands of....

yes, another homosexual.


Neither you nor the muslims have the right to enforce your idea of morality on everyone else.

I can't relate to what muzzies do (their hatred of Judeo-Christian doctrine pretty much matches your secular humanist hatred of it), but someone's moral view is going to be enforced, be it Judeo-Christian doctrine or your baby murdering-child molesting secular humanist doctrine.

As for marriage, no thanks. I'd rather be shot than married.

Yeah, it's that Judeo-Christian "commitment thing" that really turns off most homosexuals (so many public restrooms to cruise for anonymous sex, so little time).

Thankfully, I live in a country where I chose when and whether I marry. Not you. My life, my decision. I won't have my life decisions dictated by stone age mythology when people thought murdering someone for saying your god is false was a good idea.

The United States will be returning to those days where decent behavior is not only legislated, but embraced by the vast majority of society. Homosexuals will have the choice to either crawl back underneath the rock whence they came (i.e. take their perversion back in the closet), or fight (and most likely die) for their supposed "right" to be a pervert.

In the meantime Trake, tell your buddies to...

"Get tested."

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New member
If people take the law into their own hands and beat up perverts, I'd have to question how Christian they really are. Besides, the vast majority of homosexual violence comes at the hands of....

yes, another homosexual.

I can't relate to what muzzies do (their hatred of Judeo-Christian doctrine pretty much matches your secular humanist hatred of it), but someone's moral view is going to be enforced, be it Judeo-Christian doctrine or your baby murdering-child molesting secular humanist doctrine.

Yeah, it's that Judeo-Christian "commitment thing" that really turns off most homosexuals (so many public restrooms to cruise for anonymous sex, so little time).

The United States will be returning to those days where decent behavior is not only legislated, but embraced by the vast majority of society. Homosexuals will have the choice to either crawl back underneath the rock whence they came (i.e. take their perversion back in the closet), or fight (and most likely die) for their supposed "right" to be a pervert.

In the meantime Trake, tell your buddies to...

"Get tested."

Yes, the United States is turning to decency. We've legalized gay marriage, ensuring greater legal equality of citizens. Many say the fight against corporate corruption is hopeless, but I think they're wrong. Nones are on the rise in the USA. America is moving towards a more moral future.


New member
Hall of Fame
Somehow I only see our most christian leaders decrying the existence of aid to the poor. Maybe I'm just not noticing something?

Yeah, you are noticing what you want to see only. Christians give more to charity than anyone else. Thats a fact. We just want to be able to choose where our money goes.


New member
Yeah, you are noticing what you want to see only. Christians give more to charity than anyone else. Thats a fact. We just want to be able to choose where our money goes.
Are we counting giving to a church as charity?

I know we move backwards sometimes. We still have voter suppression. We still have a lot of people who want a theocracy, like yourself. We have a lot of problems, but I'm optimistic and not without good reason.


New member
Hall of Fame
Are we counting giving to a church as charity?

I know we move backwards sometimes. We still have voter suppression. We still have a lot of people who want a theocracy, like yourself. We have a lot of problems, but I'm optimistic and not without good reason.

Doesnt matter, to claim we don't care about the poor is a lie and our charitable contributions prove it.

What we really dont want is you picking our pocket and telling us how much we should give and where.


New member
Doesnt matter, to claim we don't care about the poor is a lie and our charitable contributions prove it.

What we really dont want is you picking our pocket and telling us how much we should give and where.
While churches sometimes do charitable things, to call all the money given to churches charity is a bit of a stretch.

I don't much care for paying to have a military that's more than 4 times the budget of the second largest military budget. Doesn't mean I don't have to pay taxes. We've tried free market capitalism without government aid to the poor. We called it the guilded age. Child labor and poverty as well as corruption ran rampant. We as a nation decided this wasn't good. The natural result of pure free market capitalism the consolidation of the money (and therefore the power) in too few hands. The result of all that power in so few hands is inevitable: corruption runs rampant and so does poverty. Many Americans didn't like this result so in the fifties and sixties we put in place policies to protect the interests of the middle class and the poor. This includes education and building a social safety net. In a society people decide to do certain things as a nation. Sometimes that includes a social safety net and education.