John Kasich understands probably most important scripture psg


New member

If some conservatives don't like his "religiosity" maybe they should think about ... such things as death... you know, what happens after that?

I'm moving him up on my debate list


Nice thought, but he suffers from the same delusion that some Christians have.

And that is..

For some reason people think that God would want us to give our treasure to a secular government so they can disburse the money to the sick and needy for us... oh any by the way, as part of ministering to the physical needs of the poor you are also supposed to help them with their spiritual needs (which the secular government will never do).

At the end of the day, the government needs to get out of the way and stop encumbering private charities from doing their work.


i don't talk to fake Christians if i can avoid it... so



From your article:

"Kasich has taken that as his basic text on the issue of Medicaid expansion and other aid programs. "Just read Matthew 25," he said on Fox News in January. "Did you feed the hungry? Did you clothe the naked? If we're doing things like that, to me that is conservatism."

"You know, Matthew 25 says that it's about how you treat the widowed, how you treat the poor, how you treat the hungry, how do you clothe those who have no clothes," Kasich said on CNN in February. "That is a conservative position to help them get on their feet so they then can assume their rightful place in our society."

So Jesus wants an out of control bureaucratic government to feed the poor? Isn't that what the welfare state Democrats have been doing for decades?

Gary Bauer got it right when he said this (from your article) :

"In a couple of places where he's irritated the economic wing of the movement, he has cited, probably not conventionally, a biblical defense, or cited Christian teachings as the explanation for why he expanded Medicaid," said Gary Bauer, president of the activist group American Values and another speaker at the Faith & Freedom event. "There are millions of people who fall into the category of religious conservatives. I hesitate to generalize too much, but having said that, generally speaking it's fairly well understood among these voters that the biblical injunctions about helping the poor are seen as a mandate for the individual with their own resources, not talking points for big government."

I'm sticking with Ted Cruz.


New member
From your article:

"Kasich has taken that as his basic text on the issue of Medicaid expansion and other aid programs. "Just read Matthew 25," he said on Fox News in January. "Did you feed the hungry? Did you clothe the naked? If we're doing things like that, to me that is conservatism."

"You know, Matthew 25 says that it's about how you treat the widowed, how you treat the poor, how you treat the hungry, how do you clothe those who have no clothes," Kasich said on CNN in February. "That is a conservative position to help them get on their feet so they then can assume their rightful place in our society."

So Jesus wants an out of control bureaucratic government to feed the poor? Isn't that what the welfare state Democrats have been doing for decades?

Gary Bauer got it right when he said this (from your article) :

"In a couple of places where he's irritated the economic wing of the movement, he has cited, probably not conventionally, a biblical defense, or cited Christian teachings as the explanation for why he expanded Medicaid," said Gary Bauer, president of the activist group American Values and another speaker at the Faith & Freedom event. "There are millions of people who fall into the category of religious conservatives. I hesitate to generalize too much, but having said that, generally speaking it's fairly well understood among these voters that the biblical injunctions about helping the poor are seen as a mandate for the individual with their own resources, not talking points for big government."

I'm sticking with Ted Cruz.

i dont get what u are saying here except for the higlighted

I'm sticking w/ Ted also, but there really ARE people in the world who are disabled... have big issues and etc...

I find it interesting that there are ANY homeless people in this country, people living on the streets. Why can't there be a BASIC structure built for them... a coin-operated "cell" for lack of a better word... you know, just small rooms that cost, say $2 a night, a small window... not lavish so no one gets too used to living like that, but a way to get out of the weather, and whoever runs the thing could maybe even make a small amount of $$ on it.. The reason we dont have that is because hotel owners would have a cow... and they can afford lobbyists ... to trash such ideas... No one cares about the homeless...

a lot of homeless do not want to go to the shelters that are available b/c they are run by the very people they are trying to avoid... long story what i mean... and besides, it would be nice to give them privacy... Some people commit crimes just so they can be locked up in a "cell" like i have described.. really pathetic...



i dont get what u are saying here except for the higlighted

I'm sticking w/ Ted also, but there really ARE people in the world who are disabled... have big issues and etc...

And for those people there are churches and charitable organizations to go to. We've seen what kind of failure big government "charity" has produced:

generation after generation of welfare recipients.

Keep in mind that many of these "disabled people" are drug addicts and alcoholics that need help out of their miserable lifestyle (which churches and organizations like The Bread of Life Mission do) instead of being given money by government bureaucracy to keep that destructive lifestyle going.


New member
And for those people there are churches and charitable organizations to go to. We've seen what kind of failure big government "charity" has produced:

generation after generation of welfare recipients.

Keep in mind that many of these "disabled people" are drug addicts and alcoholics that need help out of their miserable lifestyle (which churches and organizations like The Bread of Life Mission do) instead of being given money by government bureaucracy to keep that destructive lifestyle going.

well, what if charitable organizations don't do much to help ... certain people?

of course, we will never know b/c the gov is always there to do what charitable organizations should be doing... so no one is charitable anymore, to speak of... b/c they know needy people can go to the gov...

never mind that the needy are also afraid of the gov... probably more so than the non-needy... Tehy don't always want gov help either... just have few options



well, what if charitable organizations don't do much to help ... certain people?

Judeo-Christianized societies have always been there to help those truly in need.

of course, we will never know b/c the gov is always there to do what charitable organizations should be doing... so no one is charitable anymore, to speak of... b/c they know needy people can go to the gov...

Churches and organizations like the Salvation Army, etc., are still doing their part. Keep in mind that in a righteous government the free enterprise system would be celebrated and people would be motivated to go out and earn their own living.

never mind that the needy are also afraid of the gov... probably more so than the non-needy... Tehy don't always want gov help either... just have few options

Just remember that it isn't the role of civil government to feed, clothe and house people. If a supposed conservative candidate thinks so, then he or she better have their head examined.


New member

Just remember that it isn't the role of civil government to feed, clothe and house people. If a supposed conservative candidate thinks so, then he or she better have their head examined.

well, maybe we need to have a REAL free-market economy?

then we would KNOW whether or not that system provides for ALL???

But obviously, that is NOT happening b/c there are plenty of homeless people and people one step away from homelessness

i dont think it is too much to ask that the taxpayer's money be spent on a BASIC need like a roof over people's head... If infrastructure money were spent on (like i said in some other post) a structure with small "cells" in it... small rooms... where people could go when they have nowhere else to go... to get out of the weather, have a place to sleep... a place that didn't cost an arm and a leg... What is wrong with that? Instead millions and billions of $$ is being wasted on... learning the mating habits of fruit flies...




well, maybe we need to have a REAL free-market economy?

then we would KNOW whether or not that system provides for ALL???

But obviously, that is NOT happening b/c there are plenty of homeless people and people one step away from homelessness

i dont think it is too much to ask that the taxpayer's money be spent on a BASIC need like a roof over people's head... If infrastructure money were spent on (like i said in some other post) a structure with small "cells" in it... small rooms... where people could go when they have nowhere else to go... to get out of the weather, have a place to sleep... a place that didn't cost an arm and a leg... What is wrong with that? Instead millions and billions of $$ is being wasted on... learning the mating habits of fruit flies...


Speaking of fruits...

Kasich campaign hires gay marriage advocate from California

Sigh, I actually believed at one time that John Kasich was a conservative.


New member
Why is it that helping the poor is an individual commandment but hating gay people must be done by big government?

Why is it that we can give tax dollars to protect the interests of the wealthy, but helping the poor with tax payer dollars is out of the question?


Why is it that helping the poor is an individual commandment but hating gay people must be done by big government?

Yes, the decriminalization of homosexuality by the government has been very detrimental to those who engage in homosexuality (AIDS deaths, skyrocketing STD's, etc.), so you are correct: the US government hates lost souls who proudly engage in homosexuality.

Why is it that we can give tax dollars to protect the interests of the wealthy, but helping the poor with tax payer dollars is out of the question?

Are you talking about corporate welfare?


New member
Yes, the decriminalization of homosexuality by the government has been very detrimental to those who engage in homosexuality (AIDS deaths, skyrocketing STD's, etc.), so you are correct: the US government hates lost souls who proudly engage in homosexuality.

Are you talking about corporate welfare?

You know, lesbians have a lower rate of STDs and unwanted pregnancy than heterosexuals. Should we outlaw heterosexuality? Government isn't concerned about souls. There exists no evidence to support a belief in souls.

Yes, I'm talking about corporate welfare which nearly all of our most christian leaders can't wait to increase.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, the decriminalization of homosexuality by the government has been very detrimental to those who engage in homosexuality (AIDS deaths, skyrocketing STD's, etc.), so you are correct: the US government hates lost souls who proudly engage in homosexuality.

You know, lesbians have a lower rate of STDs and unwanted pregnancy than heterosexuals. Should we outlaw heterosexuality? Government isn't concerned about souls. There exists no evidence to support a belief in souls.

Lesbo's disproportionately are afflicted with all kinds of STD's and disorders.

Regarding abortion: One would think that lesbo's wouldn't become pregnant, but most are bisexuals. I had a thread showing the disproportionate rate of pregnancies and abortions amongst bisexuals/lesbians, but evidently it's been scrapped.

Regarding the righteous role of government: It certainly isn't supposed to help lead it's citizenry down destructive paths like it's doing now.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Are you talking about corporate welfare?

Yes, I'm talking about corporate welfare which nearly all of our most christian leaders can't wait to increase.

You mean that baby murdering-sodomite loving Christian leader that bailed out General Motors?



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, the decriminalization of homosexuality by the government has been very detrimental to those who engage in homosexuality (AIDS deaths, skyrocketing STD's, etc.), so you are correct: the US government hates lost souls who proudly engage in homosexuality.

Lesbo's disproportionately are afflicted with all kinds of STD's and disorders.

Regarding abortion: One would think that lesbo's wouldn't become pregnant, but most are bisexuals. I had a thread showing the disproportionate rate of pregnancies and abortions amongst bisexuals/lesbians, but evidently it's been scrapped.

Regarding the righteous role of government: It certainly isn't supposed to help lead it's citizenry down destructive paths like it's doing now.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Are you talking about corporate welfare?

You mean that baby murdering-sodomite loving Christian leader that bailed out General Motors?

You think the republican party is anti corporate welfare? Obama's biggest flaw is that he is too pro wall street. I'm hoping Bernie Sanders wins the next election.

The government isn't leading people to become gay. I've never heard someone say "you know, I was never attracted to the same sex before, but now that gay marriage is legal I can't wait to have gay sex!". That's not something that happens. Government isn't forcing anyone to marry someone of the same sex. Government is getting out of that decision and leaving it up to individuals to decide what to do with their lives rather than attempting to enforce the bible on people.


You think the republican party is anti corporate welfare?

I was just letting you know that it was a democrat who was responsible for a $80 billion dollar bailout.

Obama's biggest flaw is that he is too pro wall street. I'm hoping Bernie Sanders wins the next election.

Sanders is open about his socialism (he ran on the Socialist Party ticket). What makes you think that a socialist will be free markert?

The government isn't leading people to become gay.

They promote the homosexual lifestyle and agenda.

Educate yourself:

there'll be more where that came from soon (in Part 4 showing amongst other things the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle in public schools).


New member
I was just letting you know that it was a democrat who was responsible for a $80 billion dollar bailout.

Sanders is open about his socialism (he ran on the Socialist Party ticket). What makes you think that a socialist will be free markert?

They promote the homosexual lifestyle and agenda.

Educate yourself:

there'll be more where that came from soon (in Part 4 showing amongst other things the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle in public schools).

Many of the most successful countries are socialist. Denmark, Sweden, and Canada are more socialist than the USA and have a higher median income and shorter work week. They work less and have more with a more stable economy.

Outlawing homosexuality isn't a political movement gaining credibility, it's a rant from increasingly irrelevant religious zealots. The question right now is if we'll allow companies to fire people for being gay.