
The Horn

Catholic crusader, you comparison is idiotic . No politician or president in America has the power to stop abortion . They will happen whether politicians are pro or anti choice. Blaming Hillary Clinton, Obama, or any of the Democrats for abortions is beyond ludicrous .
And if anything, the Republican party, even though it claims to be "pro-life" (actually anti-choice) , is responsible for abortion in America, since it has consistently tried to make contraceptives harder for poor women to get, has consistently voted to deny government help for the poor and poor women, government help for needy children and infants. Ironically, if it hadn't been so cruel, callous and hypocritical, the abortion rate in America would be much lower .


[:troll:] You need to stop this posting links without comment. Please take this seriously!
Am 8:5

“When will the New Moon be past,
That we may sell grain?
And the Sabbath,
That we may trade wheat?
Making the ephah small and the shekel large,
Falsifying the scales by deceit (Am 8:5).

Mk 9:41, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Mt 13:7, Jud 1:9


[Hillary Clinton "kills babies ?".......] That's what abortion is Einstein, killing babies
Your guy's :greedy: a child-killer, as well (Pr 8:36). After he receives your vote, should he win--blood on your hands. Too bad you won't be going to bed with clean hands and a pure heart.

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly




Throughout much of the GWB "Administration, Republicans had control of the White House and conservative majorities in the House, the Senate and the Supreme Court.

That series of events happens only a few times in a century, and yet the Bush Administration concluded that it lacked the political ability to repeal Roe v Wade.

Criminalizing abortion would be much like "Prohibition" - in a democracy, governments run the risk of widespread public disobedience if they attempt to impose their own religious and/or moral persuasions, particularly when they happen to be out of step with the electorate whom they are supposed to represent.
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The Horn

I do not, and would never vote for any anti-choice politician, not because I like abortion which I do not, but because making abortion illegal again in America would be catastrophic for so many women in America and their families, and would cause the hideous death of so many poor women and leave so many children motherless .
It would do NOTHING to stop abortion in America and only make a bad situation far worse.

The Horn

Abortion was commonplace in America long before anyone in America who is alive today was born . Get over it . Trump will be utterly powerless to stop it, the same as his idiot vice presidential running mate, the fanatically anti-choice Mike Pence , one of the most loathsome people in America, even worse than Trump if you can imagine this.
Nobody and not can stop abortion. Period .No law can stop it and no government can enforce laws against it .


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Where did they go? To a big city?

They usually were sent to Atlanta ( the nearby big city), to a home for unwed mothers, in a seedy section of town. Sometimes, after the baby was born, the girl's parents claimed the baby, usually doing a previously fake pregnancy;other times older married sibling would claim the baby, and less often, the baby was put up for adoption. No one then, aborted these pregnancies.

Most women, especially younger women, if they managed to keep the baby, they could not move back in town, or no one would acknowledge them, and many would talk behind her back; men might assume she was pernicious.

As backwards as it may seem, hardly anyone had abortions, no matter what "The Horn' thinks, heck, he has no personal experience of that time.

The Horn

Ktoyou, you never HEARD about abortions taking place because it was kept hushed up . You also never heard about the many,many women who died from botched illegal abortions because newspapers or other media never printed such stories . There are many elderly women today who will tell you about their experiences with illegal abortions, and it wasn't pretty.
For example, the famous actress Polly Bergen had an illegal abortion as a teenager , and she nearly bled to death. After this, she was never able to have children. If abortion had been legal at the time, this would not have happened to her and she probably would have been able too have children .
Stories like this will be common again if abortion becomes illegal agin .


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...Vid Am 8:5
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