

Tinfoil Hillary: ‘Alt-Right,’ Alex Jones, Brexit, Putin All Part of Global Conspiracy Against Her :sibbie: Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Am 8:5



"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Mt 13:7, Jud 1:9

The Horn

Alex Jones is an entertainer, that's all . Anyone who takes him seriously and believes the outrageous poppycock he spouts is an imbecile. Unfortunately, too many American idiots do .

The Horn

Catholic Crusader , do you really belieVe all the lunatic conspiracy theories he puts forward ? Like America being invade by reptilians from another planet ? If so, you are so out of touch with reality you belong in a mental institution !

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Catholic Crusader , do you really belieVe all the lunatic conspiracy theories he puts forward ? Like America being invade by reptilians from another planet ? If so, you are so out of touch with reality you belong in a mental institution !

If you think that Trump really thinks that America is being invaded by reptilians from another planet then YOU are the one who belongs in a mental institution, not me. Stop saying ignorant things, its embarrassing.

The Gorn


I wonder just how our conservative Christian "friends" in this Forum can reconcile tying their "political wagons," including their positions on "family values," to a candidate whose name is synominous with casinos and gambling!

Is their new motto, the family that worships together gambles together?


I wonder just how our conservative Christian "friends" in this Forum can reconcile tying their "political wagons," including their positions on "family values," to a candidate whose name is synominous with casinos and gambling!

Is their new motto, the family that worships together gambles together?
Biff? :greedy: I'm not for Biff. :granite: Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14


The Horn

Catholic Crusader, I'm talking about Alex Jones, not Donald Chump. I don't think Jones actually believes all the crazy stuff he spouts. He's just doing it to make money off the gullibility of certain idiot Americans.

The Horn

Hillary Clinton "kills babies ?" (you didn't even spell babies right and you put an apostrophe where it doesn't belong. Plurals do not use apostrophes ! You're illiterate ! )
How many babies has she"
killed "? Does she have poor pregnant women rounded up against their will so Planned Parenthood will give them forced abortions ? Oh come on. ! Don't be an imbecile ! Abortions will happen whether any politician is pro or anti-choice .

The Horn

So abortion in America is HER fault ? I repeat - how many pregnant women have been forced to have abortions against their will by Hillary Clinton or anyone else who is pro-choice ?
Pro-choice also means you don't want to force women to have abortions. But pro-choicers don't want to FORCE women to give birth to children against their will.
I'm pro-hoice . Ive never "killed a baby " nor would I want to. I just believe that the decision to bear a child should be between a woman and her doctor , not the government's .
I've never performed an abortion, nor have I ever tried to force any woman to have one.
I've never gotten a woman pregnant and tried to force her to have an abortion . I don't LIKE abortion . I just realize that while it's a very unpleasant thing to happen , it's a necessary evil. Like all pro-choicers in America I want to reduce the number of abortions which happen in this country as much as possible
I also don't want to have a huge number oF children born into abject poverty, filth, poor housing , cold , hunger, malnutrition, lack of medical care, and lack of education in America. This country doesn't even do enough for children who HAVE been born into poverty and misery .


New member
So abortion in America is HER fault ? I repeat - how many pregnant women have been forced to have abortions against their will by Hillary Clinton or anyone else who is pro-choice ?
Pro-choice also means you don't want to force women to have abortions. But pro-choicers don't want to FORCE women to give birth to children against their will.
I'm pro-hoice . Ive never "killed a baby " nor would I want to. I just believe that the decision to bear a child should be between a woman and her doctor , not the government's .
I've never performed an abortion, nor have I ever tried to force any woman to have one.
I've never gotten a woman pregnant and tried to force her to have an abortion . I don't LIKE abortion . I just realize that while it's a very unpleasant thing to happen , it's a necessary evil. Like all pro-choicers in America I want to reduce the number of abortions which happen in this country as much as possible
I also don't want to have a huge number oF children born into abject poverty, filth, poor housing , cold , hunger, malnutrition, lack of medical care, and lack of education in America. This country doesn't even do enough for children who HAVE been born into poverty and misery .

The godless Secular Humanists led by Obama/Clinton support the killing of unborn babies.