Jesus' word is the center of Christianity.


Why do you repeat the same thing? I already said no one is objecting it. But they did not wait long to preach to the gentile.

Early church is not just a few years.
The first believers were Jewish is how I understand it. This was the church, including those who were brought in on Shavuot. Gentiles came to know the truth after this.

When did the church start? When was the beginning of the church?

What is the early church and when was it?

On Shavuot the Spirit was poured out. Jesus spoke of the church before this. So when was the beginning of the church and when did the church start?


New member
Once, while attempting to share the Apostle Paul's distinctive ministry with someone who professed being a Believer, at one point they said to me "well Paul was a Roman."

I knew right then and there I was dealing with a simpleton- someone who reads the passages, gets their own ideas about what the passages are talking about; that feels right to them; and they haven't a clue as to the difference between words and how to get at their intended sense.

All they "know" is that "this feels right, and o how I love Jesus..."

I sincerely doubt all such types are up to no good, though.

Rather, they are, simply...just plain stupid.

There is no getting around that with some.

They are simpletons.

Perhaps this was why Paul gloried when fools preached Christ; his knowing that the more astute hearers of such babble would be able to make out on their own just fine.

More than one on here has come out from under a fool of a teacher.

Said teacher's damage only impact those of like fool headedness to begin with.

Philippians 1:18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

patrick jane

Rather, they are, simply...just plain stupid.

There is no getting around that with some.

They are simpletons.

Philippians 1:18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

pretense - Who are you going off on now dane oh ?


It does not going to change the fact that the church did not start before Jesus left.
Do you believe the church started with Jesus? He had disciples, including Peter and the other apostles. He died, was buried, rose from the dead, and appeared to many. Jesus ascended shortly before Shavuot.


Yes my friend.... I call myself a follower of Jesus.
Perhaps, I just stated things poorly. Or, maybe we just disagree.
I think the whole Bible is God's Word. The writings of Paul, John, Moses, Luke and others are all 'God breathed' inspired scripture.

I am talking about what Jesus taught to the world.

He explained about whole bible what is all about.

He is the perfect Teacher about His Father and Himself. The Bible is all about His Father and Jesus and their teachings.


New member
Wow, and you call yourself Jesus' follower?

Jesus explained about what the Bible is all about.

and you don't trust Jesus' word.

just amazing.
Yes my friend.... I call myself a follower of Jesus.
Perhaps, I just stated things poorly. Or, maybe we just disagree.
I think the whole Bible is God's Word. The writings of Paul, John, Moses, Luke and others are all 'God breathed' inspired scripture.

patrick jane

I am talking about what Jesus taught to the world.

He explained about whole bible what is all about.

He is the perfect Teacher about His Father and Himself. The Bible is all about His Father and Jesus and their teachings.
Tell us of Jesus' teachings. Name some


Tell us of Jesus' teachings. Name some

I already told you, they are in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

They are not long books, read them. He will tell you what He teaches.

I will not copy and paste the whole books for you.


He gave instruction about it. Of course He is the initiator. Without His instruction there is no church. Jesus is the Head of Church.
Do you believe the church began on Shavuot (Pentecost)?

More were added.

Acts 2:41 NASB - 41 So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls.

Were those who received the Spirit already believers or did the church begin when they did? That is my question and I don't know your answer. I realize your answer may not satisfy me, but now you know what I mean by early church (Shavuot or earlier, from Jesus and Peter and the other apostles and disciples) or the beginning or start of the church. Others believe early church means first century or the like.