I hear ya
Having debated the classic proof texts of the centuries old Unitarian/Trinitarian debate....I often like to expound on universal truths, essential metaphysics, true philosophical concepts that include the points discussed, but also transcend the particulars and technicalities that can complicate, confuse and divide one from contemplating and appreciating the fundamental unity at the Heart of all. Hence the Shema is central in its attestation of Gods nature and his law (whose primary directive is love). Love is inherently whole in its nature, hence its own momentum is its own fulfillment.
Since YHWH is held to be the Most High Father of spirits, all other beings are naturally relationally under him as offspring (sons), no matter how divine, angelic or human they may be.
One Universal Father IS, all else are the progeny of this ONE. - a Unitarian view is most logical even if you grant a 'Christ figure' some special preeminence or divinity, - that 'Christ' (assume any compound of natures that suit your theology) is still the creation, progeny, offspring, creative expression, extended image
of The Universal Father. The Father has many sons and daughters thru-out the cosmos. One can extend this hierarchical processional order thru-out all creation...as creational laws still hold.
Only God is God in his pure incorporeal, infinite, absolute, eternal, ultimate, omnipresent essence that is prior to space, time, form and matter but is ever their source. All sons, of whatever nature, immortal or mortal are his offspring. This is so basic and natural a fact as to go without saying.
God has sons, messengers, prophets.....heed and respect their word, and all will go well with you. Again, pretty straightforward,....no need to make any of his sons, messengers or prophets into GOD ALMIGHTY. Its not only illogical, but unnecessary.