Well, me and 599 others to each of you. I get that.
All scripture is clear. The more we read it faithfully, the better. Without the WT scripture studies would be better yet.
Familiar with
I've covered John 17:3 from my perspective in thread as well. The Lord Jesus Christ, in the flesh, had a God. I agreed. That is why I'm tri- AND -une. You are just one, Modalists are the other.
You can say it as much as you like. This is a 'triune' website. We outnumber you 600 to one. Kind of odd for something that supposedly doesn't exist. You are reading to me right out the JW handbook. I've seen this a few dozen times. What is the point? Simply information-dumping?
Forget the word: It is the expression of John 1:1 and that certainly is in the Bible.
I don't want to be the judge. We are told to honor the Son 'just as' we honor the Father. If you don't want to follow His direction, it has not to do with me. You are responsible for your own obedience or disobedience. Be very sure. Psalm 2:12 for me. We both have to follow what we believe scripture is commanding and will respectively stand before our Maker because of it.
John 5:23 It is a direction. Whether one follows it or not, is between them and their God. -Lon