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Well-known member
Why do you twist my words, I never said anything about son of God I said God the son. And God the son isn't in the Bible.

You call me a liar? Show me what those words God the son are in the Bible? Not the son of God, I believe that Jesus is the son of God.

I was wondering about that too: he clearly said "God the Son", which is found nowhere, (except on the Trinitarian war shield).


Well-known member
Well, me and 599 others to each of you. I get that.

All scripture is clear. The more we read it faithfully, the better. Without the WT scripture studies would be better yet.

Familiar with CARM?

I've covered John 17:3 from my perspective in thread as well. The Lord Jesus Christ, in the flesh, had a God. I agreed. That is why I'm tri- AND -une. You are just one, Modalists are the other.

You can say it as much as you like. This is a 'triune' website. We outnumber you 600 to one. Kind of odd for something that supposedly doesn't exist. You are reading to me right out the JW handbook. I've seen this a few dozen times. What is the point? Simply information-dumping?

Forget the word: It is the expression of John 1:1 and that certainly is in the Bible.

I don't want to be the judge. We are told to honor the Son 'just as' we honor the Father. If you don't want to follow His direction, it has not to do with me. You are responsible for your own obedience or disobedience. Be very sure. Psalm 2:12 for me. We both have to follow what we believe scripture is commanding and will respectively stand before our Maker because of it.

John 5:23 It is a direction. Whether one follows it or not, is between them and their God. -Lon
I do honour Jesus as I honour the father, because God had put him in a position of authority and power and we are to honour him, he is our Lord but he is not the LORD God Almighty.

And it doesn't matter if there is a million to 1 who believe in a triune God, there is no triune God in the Bible! Only one God as he's the father. And even if I was one in a million? So what, there was only Noah who was right in the whole world at one point! So it doesn't matter of I am only of a few. I know it's the truth, and Jesus even says so himself. How can you not believe his own words? He actually says that the father is the only true God as the the father is his God. He even calls God his God in Revelation 3 after he had left the flesh and is ascended to the father!


I was wondering about that too: he clearly said "God the Son", which is found nowhere, (except on the Trinitarian war shield).

Islam is Arian. Your warshield seems more bloody than our warshield.

Say... what do you get when you cross an Arian with a bible Corrector?
Give up... Daqq! It's you!

And... SON of GOD... Immanuel... which still means God With Us... no matter how many times you twist scripture.


Well-known member
He became a MAN in the womb of Mary and was born in Bethlehem. As God, He joined Himself eternally to MAN. In other words, God voluntarily and eternally changed Himself by entering the world through the birth-canal of a woman.
Pretty simple, straight-forward, and fully described in the Bible. Perhaps the Bible is just not for you.
BTW, it's called the hypostatic union and it's doctrinal dogma from the resurrection onward.

Yes Jesus was a man from the womb of Mary, but, Jesus Christ is the son of God, and not God the son, and God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and wisdom and made him Christ and God was with him and gave him power over all flesh, because he lived completely by the will of God. And without the father he could do nothing, for the father is greater than Christ Jesus.

You say that Bible might not be for me? Yet I'm quoting clear scriptures that show that God is the God of Christ Jesus.

I don't know what Bible you're reading from, but what you are saying is not right!


I do honour Jesus as I honour the father, because God had put him in a position of authority and power and we are to honour him, he is our Lord but he is not the LORD God Almighty.

And it doesn't matter if there is a million to 1 who believe in a triune God, there is no triune God in the Bible! Only one God as he's the father. And even if I was one in a million? So what, there was only Noah who was right in the whole world at one point! So it doesn't matter of I am only of a few. I know it's the truth, and Jesus even says so himself. How can you not believe his own words? He actually says that the father is the only true God as the the father is his God. He even calls God his God in Revelation 3 after he had left the flesh and is ascended to the father!

Do you realize how self contradicting and rediculous what you just wrote is?

"I treat Jesus like the Father, Who doesn't share His Worship with anyone, but Jesus isn't the Almighty?!?"

Really... that's your final answer?


New member
Come ye near unto me, hear ye this;
I have not spoken in secret from the beginning;
from the time that it was, there am I:
and now the Lord GOD, and his Spirit, hath sent me.

Isaiah 48:16

The Son is speaking, are you listening?


Yes Jesus was a man from the womb of Mary, but, Jesus Christ is the son of God, and not God the son, and God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and wisdom and made him Christ and God was with him and gave him power over all flesh, because he lived completely by the will of God. And without the father he could do nothing, for the father is greater than Christ Jesus.

You say that Bible might not be for me? Yet I'm quoting clear scriptures that show that God is the God of Christ Jesus.

I don't know what Bible you're reading from, but what you are saying is not right!

Marhig... really? Seriously?

You... can't... make... this... up.


Well-known member
Islam is Arian. Your warshield seems more bloody than our warshield.

Say... what do you get when you cross an Arian with a bible Corrector?
Give up... Daqq! It's you!

And... SON of GOD... Immanuel... which still means God With Us... no matter how many times you twist scripture.
And God was with us, he was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world unto himself. And Jesus was in the express image of God because he lived completely by the will of God and did all that the father asked of him. But he's not the God Almighty, only the father is.


Well-known member
Do you realize how self contradicting and rediculous what you just wrote is?

"I treat Jesus like the Father, Who doesn't share His Worship with anyone, but Jesus isn't the Almighty?!?"

Really... that's your final answer?

So what do you think of this?

Revelation 3:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Are they God?


And God was with us, he was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world unto himself. And Jesus was in the express image of God because he lived completely by the will of God and did all that the father asked of him. But he's not the God Almighty, only the father is.

Rotfl... your body is your express image!?!

You can't make this up! OMGoodness!!!

Image... "an optical counterpart or appearance of an object, as is produced by reflection from a mirror, refraction by a lens, or the passage of luminous rays through a small aperture and their reception on a surface."

Express means ONLY ONE.


I can't take it any more!?!? Rotflmbo!?!?!?!?


So what do you think of this?

Revelation 3:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Are they God?

They are Islam... Arians... They deny Jesus (Name above all names... AKA... GOD) came in the flesh.

Good luck with that.


Well-known member
Rotfl... your body is your express image!?!

You can't make this up! OMGoodness!!!

Image... "an optical counterpart or appearance of an object, as is produced by reflection from a mirror, refraction by a lens, or the passage of luminous rays through a small aperture and their reception on a surface."

Express means ONLY ONE.


I can't take it any more!?!? Rotflmbo!?!?!?!?
Is the image the actual object?

If you see the picture of clouds in still pools of water, are the pools of water the clouds? Or do they show an image of the clouds? Or do the pools of water which received the water from the clouds show a reflection of them? Or does that make them the actual clouds?


Can't make what up? What's wrong with what I said? Thanks

There is no world where you don't deny Christ. You're like... "ehhhh"... it's not a big deal...

But you would deny what Immanuel means and believe blasphemous Daqq over Jesus, Paul, John and ALL scripture!

(Is. 9:6). But you don't BELIEVE! You would wait for lying Daqq to retranslate it, when Daqq is a Greek retard posing!?! Daqq sucks at translation!

Wake up call!

Is. 9:6 is the real deal! To see the Son is LITERALLY TO HAVE SEEN THE FATHER.

He's The presence and Image/Body of the Father!?!

Rotfl... you are so blind it is funny!


Is the image the actual object?

If you see the picture of clouds in still pools of water, are the pools of water the clouds? Or do they show an image of the clouds? Or do the pools of water which received the water from the clouds show a reflection of them? Or does that make them the actual clouds?

Oh no..... bwahhhhhhhhh !!!! You really can't hear how rediculous you sound.

Mirror image is you!!! It's your reflection. Rotfl... tearsssss

Lazy afternoon

He became a MAN in the womb of Mary and was born in Bethlehem. As God, He joined Himself eternally to MAN. In other words, God voluntarily and eternally changed Himself by entering the world through the birth-canal of a woman.
Pretty simple, straight-forward, and fully described in the Bible. Perhaps the Bible is just not for you.
BTW, it's called the hypostatic union and it's doctrinal dogma from the resurrection onward.

Roman Catholic doctrine denying the need of the cross.


Well-known member
There is no world where you don't deny Christ. You're like... "ehhhh"... it's not a big deal...

But you would deny what Immanuel means and believe blasphemous Daqq over Jesus, Paul, John and ALL scripture!

(Is. 9:6). But you don't BELIEVE! You would wait for lying Daqq to retranslate it, when Daqq is a Greek retard posing!?! Daqq sucks at translation!

Wake up call!

Is. 9:6 is the real deal! To see the Son is LITERALLY TO HAVE SEEN THE FATHER.

He's The presence and Image/Body of the Father!?!

Rotfl... you are so blind it is funny!
I don't have to only believe Daqq,

Daqq and I believe our Lord Jesus himself!

This is Jesus himself speaking!

Life eternal is this to know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.(John 17:1-3 KJV)

I go unto the Father, for my Father is greater than I.(John 14:28 KJV)

I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. (John 5:30 KJV)

Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father I ascend unto my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.(John 20:17 KJV)

You don't seem to believe those verses? Yet they are Jesus' own words!
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