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Well-known member
Ἰωάννης 1:1
᾿Εν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ Λόγος, καὶ ὁ Λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν Θεόν, καὶ Θεὸς ἦν ὁ Λόγος.

Ἰωάννης 1:1
᾿Εν (1) ἀρχῇ (2) ἦν (3) ὁ (4) Λόγος,(5) καὶ (6) ὁ (7) Λόγος (8) ἦν (9) πρὸς (10) τὸν (11) Θεόν,(12) καὶ (13) Θεὸς (14) ἦν (15) ὁ (16) Λόγος (17) . 

word-for-word translated NOT paraphrased
John 1:1
In (1) [the] beginning (2) was (3) the (4) Word(5), and (6) the (7) Word (8) was (9) with (10) [the] (11) God (12) and (13) [the] God (14) was (15) the (16) Word (17)

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with [the] God and [the] God was the Word.

There are no fancy dances, or commentary, or a million links. ▲This is it▲ This is all there is.

You can always tell when someone is using a commentary and doesn't know a lot of what the commentary says, when they often over quote them. There is no Aeon in this verse. The commentary is used simply to bolster the only thing they do understand :(

Lazy afternoon

The Word became a person at the incarnation. Prior to that point, the "word" referred to God projecting His will, His purpose, His nature, His power from the invisible, eternal realm into the tangible, temporary realm. The Word was God projecting Himself. God turned the revelation of Himself into a human, and Himself became a man. He limited himself in Christ, but never stopped being the infinite, omnipresent God of eternity.

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New member

Only two questions matter (with answers from a Scriptural perspective)
1. Does the Bible say there is one God? Yes, over and over (ad nauseum). He caused the Jews to militantly believe in one divine personality, then reinforced it in Isaiah over and over, and over..., and over - "there is no God with me, before me, beside me, like me, I made the world alone and by myself". So a resounding YES. God says there's only one
2. Does the Bible say that Jesus is God? Again, a resounding YES. His name is called The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father. He is called the Almighty in Revelation. He received worship as God, he alone is seen sitting on the throne of God. Over and over and over..., and over!
Summary: God is an invisible Spirit, who in antiquity revealed Himself by speaking (His Word). His Word was the projection of His will, His power, His nature into our tangible realm. In Christ, that Word (the revelation of Himself) became visible flesh. The Word was simply the visible revelation of this one God. How can you separate that one God from the revelation of Himself? No, the Word was God!!!

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New member
Pantheon is derived from the Ancient Greek "Pantheion." Panthe means "All gods." What does the last part of the word mean?


Well-known member
The word "GOD" is a resent invention. Originally the word was and is "divine."

"Divine" means God but is an adjective in English. There is no way to do that with Greek nouns. You are trying to make a Noun, an adjective. It is literally bad English as well as bad Greek. :nono:

I told you, there is no other commentary. Nothing than can touch my translation for you. Literally "God was the Word." Nothing else. -Lon


Eclectic Theosophist
Other translations POSSIBLE.......

Other translations POSSIBLE.......

:doh: paraphrases. Do you ever read anything beside your own verbose shallow musings?
I covered all of this and you honestly didn't read for content. Worse, your posts to us nearly always contain something blasphemous about our God that is offensive and rejected, all from your make-believe blasphemous moon-beam mind.

John 1:2 calls Logos "He" :dizzy: You are remiss in allowing the God of the universe dictate to you. You trying to dictate to God is judgement seat material. You will stand there and give an account for doing this awful thing.

Honesty with the text and meaning of 'logos' is essential here, as I shared previously. The translation "and the logos was divine" or "and the logos was a god" are possible and acceptable translations, as the writer is indicating the qualities of the logos as being God-like, but certainly NOT being the very same 'God' that the logos was WITH.

Trinitarians love to discount the NWT, since it upsets their Christology. However further research supports it as possible when understood properly considering the factors and reasons for rendering it as such. Since the "a god" rendering take a lashing, the "logos was divine" is just as well, from a Unitarian perspective.

For a Unitarian/JW defense and explanation see here.

Jesus the man embodies, serves and reveals the logos of God, the divine wisdom, plan, purpose, idea, thought, logic of divine love. Whether one chooses to believe Christ is the vehicle thru which YHWH creates and redeems, or that the logos is a seperate transpersonal force, intelligence or creative principle ever existing with God and revealed in the person and ministry of Jesus is a matter of preference and personal perspective.


New member
"Divine" means God but is an adjective in English. There is no way to do that with Greek nouns. You are trying to make a Noun, an adjective. It is literally bad English as well as bad Greek. :nono:

I told you, there is no other commentary. Nothing than can touch my translation for you. Literally "God was the Word." Nothing else. -Lon

[FONT=&quot]Pantheon is derived from the Ancient [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Greek[/FONT][FONT=&quot] "[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Pantheion.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]"[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The word Pantheon is a contraction of Pan / theo / aion; All Divines Eternal.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]aeon or aion or eon[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]An immeasurably long period of time. From Greek, Aion, an infinitely long time. The reason for the different spelling is because of the great vowel shift. The Great Vowel Shift was a major change in the pronunciation of the English language that took place in England between 1350 and 1600. After around 1300, the long vowels of Middle English began changing in pronunciation.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Theo means divine; for god. Theos: The “s” in Theos is a Greek designation for a male person.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Theia, [/FONT][FONT=&quot]means[/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]divine; for [/FONT][FONT=&quot]goddess[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Thea is the Anglicized spelling of Theia.[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Etymology of the Word "God"[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The history of the word God is uncertain.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Anglo-Saxon God; German Gott; akin to Persian khoda. The root-meaning of the name is from the Gothic root “gheu.” [/FONT]


Well-known member
Honesty with the text and meaning of 'logos' is essential here, as I shared previously.
If you had the foggiest idea what you were talking about, maybe only 10 people or less on TOL would be listening to you :noway:

You are so in love with your own narcissistic voice, it is all you can hear. You aren't even hearing me now. You are in love with all things "you."
You talk just to talk and cannot help your narcissism. It is always all about you.

The translation "and the logos was divine" or "and the logos was a god" are possible and acceptable translations, as the writer is indicating the qualities of the logos as being God-like, but certainly NOT being the very same 'God' that the logos was WITH.
Um, no. Nouns do NOT become adjectives. This is just brain-washed nonsense and folks stuck in their flesh reading their flesh into SACRED texts. You don't even like the New Testament as authoritative so again, you speak just to hear yourself speak. It doesn't matter if what I say is true because you already reject truth as being something clear and objective. You are in love with yourself and your own thoughts. You think narcissism is a beautiful thing. :nono: It is egotistical.

Trinitarians love to discount the NWT
Of course. You do too, you just pick and choose from everywhere like a mindless social butterfly. Problem: Egotistical narcissists aren't really butterflies. It amounts to egotism. I can barely fit my own on TOL before your big head ever gets on the elevator. Take the next one!

since it upsets their Christology.
Except for 'upsets,' true. :plain:

However further research supports
"Oh no, everybody. FL PJ who doesn't know a lick of Greek is going to tell us what she Googled on the internet!!"
Run for the hills! Who can possibly stand up to her???
it as possible when understood properly
"when understood by my narcissistic self" :dizzy:

considering the factors and reasons for rendering it as such.
Meaningless verbosity ad nauseum :yawn:

Since the "a god" rendering take a lashing, the "logos was divine" is just as well, from a Unitarian perspective.
As soon as they know you don't hold the NWT in any more esteem than you do the NT at large but hold up the bizarre U-rant as something other than absurd fiction.

For a Unitarian/JW defense and explanation see here.
Reported link-dropping and redirection to a website, not a relevant article. You will eventually learn or be gone from TOL.


Well-known member
Pantheon is derived from the Ancient Greek "Pantheion."
The word Pantheon is a contraction of Pan / theo / aion; All Divines Eternal.
aeon or aion or eon.
An immeasurably long period of time. From Greek, Aion, an infinitely long time. The reason for the different spelling is because of the great vowel shift. The Great Vowel Shift was a major change in the pronunciation of the English language that took place in England between 1350 and 1600. After around 1300, the long vowels of Middle English began changing in pronunciation.

Theo means divine; for god. Theos: The “s” in Theos is a Greek designation for a male person.
Theia, meansdivine; for goddess. Thea is the Anglicized spelling of Theia.

Etymology of the Word "God"
The history of the word God is uncertain.
Anglo-Saxon God; German Gott; akin to Persian khoda. The root-meaning of the name is from the Gothic root “gheu.”
There is no pantheon in John 1:1. The word is Theos. You cannot call Him 'the Divine." Divine is an "adjective." There is no way to translate a noun into an adjective from John 1:1. It is "DISHONEST."


New member
There is no pantheon in John 1:1. The word is Theos. You cannot call Him 'the Divine." Divine is an "adjective." There is no way to translate a noun into an adjective from John 1:1. It is "DISHONEST."
The word Pantheon is an example. Theon means "Divine Eternal." "Ton Theon" means "The Only Divine Eternal."


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
The word Pantheon is an example. Theon means "Divine Eternal." "Ton Theon" means "The Only Divine Eternal."



"Theon" is a noun. Not an adjective.



"Ton" is an article.


New member
Theos is the Greek word for a divine whom is a male person. The “s” in Theos is a Greek designation for a male person.


Well-known member
Theos is the Greek word for a divine whom is a male person. The “s” in Theos is a Greek designation for a male person.

:nono: Both endings are nouns in Greek. One or the other ending simply tells you which is first and which is the other object. In this sentence, there is no action verb, just one of existing "was." That's why "God was the Word" is translated "The Word was God." "was" ["ην"] is an =

"Lon was that guy." "That guy was Lon." "Lon=that guy" "That guy=Lon" -

God was the Word The Word was God God=the Word The Word=God

There is no way to overcomplicate like Unit-Arians 'try' to do. There really isn't. It is all as clear as this.

How come you can not see that the word "TON" is not translated Lon and JudgeRightly?
It doesn't matter: "ton" ["τον"] is either 'The" or you wouldn't put it in. "THE" God. We know we are talking about "THE ONLY" God, so "THE" is redundant. "The" becomes just "God."


Eclectic Theosophist
Ego projecting?......

Ego projecting?......

If you had the foggiest idea what you were talking about, maybe only 10 people or less on TOL would be listening to you :noway:

You are so in love with your own narcissistic voice, it is all you can hear. You aren't even hearing me now. You are in love with all things "you."
You talk just to talk and cannot help your narcissism. It is always all about you.

Um, no. Nouns do NOT become adjectives. This is just brain-washed nonsense and folks stuck in their flesh reading their flesh into SACRED texts. You don't even like the New Testament as authoritative so again, you speak just to hear yourself speak. It doesn't matter if what I say is true because you already reject truth as being something clear and objective. You are in love with yourself and your own thoughts. You think narcissism is a beautiful thing. :nono: It is egotistical.

Of course. You do too, you just pick and choose from everywhere like a mindless social butterfly. Problem: Egotistical narcissists aren't really butterflies. It amounts to egotism. I can barely fit my own on TOL before your big head ever gets on the elevator. Take the next one!

Except for 'upsets,' true. :plain:

"Oh no, everybody. FL PJ who doesn't know a lick of Greek is going to tell us what she Googled on the internet!!"
Run for the hills! Who can possibly stand up to her???

"when understood by my narcissistic self" :dizzy:

Meaningless verbosity ad nauseum :yawn:

As soon as they know you don't hold the NWT in any more esteem than you do the NT at large but hold up the bizarre U-rant as something other than absurd fiction.

Reported link-dropping and redirection to a website, not a relevant article. You will eventually learn or be gone from TOL.

All this about 'ego' is projecting, since his ego is endangered by we showing that these verses can be translated differently. This threatens his ego which insists it alone has the one, only and absolute translation....which is about as big as a religious EGO can get. He even reported LA and I for linking to anti-Trinitarian sites, and KR for blasphemy. Careful, he may get you for egotism or narcissism :crackup: it's becoming a theological Gestapo around here.


Well-known member
Yes, FL PJ is an egotist that loves to hear her own voice :plain:

Yes, FL PJ is an egotist that loves to hear her own voice :plain:

All this about 'ego' is projecting, since his ego is endangered by we showing that these verses can be translated differently.
Yes. And the 'official "we"' your highness.

This threatens his ego which insists it alone has the one, only and absolute translation.
Considering I can actually read it and you can't??? :think: Yeah, you are an egotist. :plain:
Considering I am of 600 to your one? :think: Yeah, out of 600 people, you love your own voice. :plain:

...which is about as big as a religious EGO can get.
:think: One CAN read Greek. One can't. But the one who CAN'T is right???...... :think:
:think One has 600 who believe the same. One is doing this against 600 all on their own... :think:

Yeah, let's look at audacious and egos. I'm ALL for it!

He even reported LA and I for linking to anti-Trinitarian sites, and KR for blasphemy.
Because one linked to an anti-Trinitarian website and not to any specific article? Yep. Against TOL rules
Because the other used God as profane? Yep, against TOL rules.

Careful, he may get you for egotism or narcissism :crackup: it's becoming a theological Gestapo around here.
You did the same, link-dropping and redirecting to another website. That you are narcissistic and egotistical wasn't reported. There is no TOL rule against being narcissistic, it is just how you roll in love with your own voice and typing more than hearing anybody else. You never listen, just flit around reading your own lines into your own ears while looking in the mirror at yourself.


Eclectic Theosophist
Christ in us, the hope of glory.......

Christ in us, the hope of glory.......


In en the beginning arch? was eimi the ho Word logos, and kai the ho Word logos was eimi with pros · ho God theos , and kai the ho Word logos was eimi God theos .He houtos was eimi in en the beginning arch? with pros · ho God theos.All pas things were created ginomai by dia him autos, and kai apart ch?ris from him autos not oude a single thing heis was created ginomai that hos has been created ginomai .In en him autos was eimi life z??, and kai that ho life z?? was eimi the ho light ph?s of ho men anthr?pos .· kai The ho light ph?s shines on phain? in en the ho darkness skotia, and kai the ho darkness skotia has katalamban? not ou understood katalamban? it autos .There came ginomai on the scene a man anthr?pos sent apostell? from para God theos, whose autos name onoma was John I?ann?s .He houtos came erchomai as eis a witness martyria to hina bear testimony martyre? about peri the ho light ph?s so that hina everyone pas might believe pisteu? through dia him autos.He ekeinos was eimi not ou the ho light ph?s, but alla came to hina bear testimony martyre? about peri the ho light ph?s .The ho true al?thinos light ph?s, · ho which hos enlightens ph?tiz? everyone pas anthr?pos , was eimi coming erchomai into eis the ho world kosmos .He was eimi in en the ho world kosmos, and kai the ho world kosmos was created ginomai by dia him autos , but kai the ho world kosmos did gin?sk? not ou know gin?sk? him autos .He came erchomai to eis that ho which was his idios own, but kai his ho own idios people did paralamban? not ou accept paralamban? him autos .But de as many hosos as did accept lamban? him autos, to them autos he gave did?mi the right exousia to become ginomai children teknon of God theos , to those ho who believe pisteu? in eis · ho his autos name onoma ,who hos were born genna?, not ou from ek human haima stock or oude from ek a physical sarx impulse thel?ma or oude by ek a husband’ s an?r decision thel?ma , but alla by ek God theos .And kai the ho Word logos became ginomai flesh sarx and kai dwelt sk?no? among en us h?meis, and kai we gazed theaomai on · ho his autos glory doxa , glory doxa as h?s of the only monogen?s Son from para the Father pat?r , full pl?r?s of grace charis and kai truth al?theia .John I?ann?s testified martyre? about peri him autos and kai cried kraz? out, saying leg? , “ This houtos is eimi he of whom hos I said leg? , ‘ He ho who comes erchomai after opis? me eg? is ginomai greater emprosthen than I eg? , because hoti he existed eimi before pr?tos me eg? .’” - John 1:1-15

John 1:1 alone does not prove Jesus is YHWH, true.

Which is why it's important to not look at singular verses alone for proof text. You have to read the surrounding verses for context, hence why above I have provided the Greek/English interlinear translation of John 1.

In John 1:1 We see that the Logos was in the beginning, and that the Logos was with God, and was God.

In John 1:2 We see that He (so we know that the Logos is a person) was in the beginning with God.

In John 1:3 We see that the Logos made all things, and apart from Him, nothing was made (or created) that was made.

In John 1:4 We see that in Him was life, and that life was the light of men.

In John 1:5 We see that the light (of men) shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not understand it.

In John 1:6-9 We see that John the Baptist was sent by God as a witness to bear testimony of the light, so that everyone might believe through him, and that John is not the light, only that he bears testimony that the light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.

In John 1:10 We see that the Logos was in the world, and that the world was made by Him, but the world did not know Him.

In John 1:11 We see that the Logos came to His own (Israel, God's people), but they didn't receive Him.

In John 1:12-13 We see that those who did accept Him and believe in His name He gave the right to become children of God, who were born by God, and not of human stock or physical impulse or by a husband's decision.

In John 1:14 We see that the Logos became a man (flesh) and dwelt among us (mankind), and we gazed on the glory of the Logos, the glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

And in John 1:15 We see that John testified of the Logos, who comes after John, but is greater than him, because the Logos existed before John.

I could go on through the rest of the chapter, but that would take more time than I have currently, and I think those first 15 verses make it abundantly clear that Jesus, in fact, IS the Logos.

Now, who else could John the Baptist be talking about, BUT JESUS? No one.

There's a rule called the Granville-Sharp rule, which states thusly:

"Two nouns connected by kai* (και), the first with the article and the second without it, are by the article identified as one and the same individual or class."

For example, when I say, "the father and the husband," it implies that I'm talking of two separate persons. However, if I say, "the father and husband," it's a very clear indication that I'm talking about the same person, but two titles were attributed to him.

Please, go read this (if any of it, read 4A):

The Logos is with God and is God, as John 1:1 clearly states.

The only absurd and illogical contradiction is you saying that the Logos is not God Himself.


Which you apparently ignored throughout the first half of your post. If context was important to you, then you would have known right away that the Logos is Jesus is God.

Divine implies that the Logos is God, because only God is divine. Ergo, the Logos is God.

While "logos" can mean idea, it is clear that in this passage it is referring to the Word of God, who is a person, and that that person is Jesus Christ.

Again, using the Granville-Sharp rule, we know that "the Word was a god" is an incorrect translation of the phrase.

"the plan was Yahweh s"
Is that "s" supposed to indicate possession? Or just a typo?

The original greek does not indicate anywhere or in any way that the Word "belonged" to God, it states that the Word was (and is, because Jesus still exists) God.

"and what God was, the Word was"
This translation fails to convey the same meaning as the original text, which is that the Logos was God.


Why would you use Greek philosophy to interpret the Bible? The Greeks were polytheistic pagans.

Jesus is the Logos is God. That's how simple it is.

Thats only if you don't consider the context of what is being said, which you clearly do not.

No wonder you're having so many problems. Do you think, Freelight, that if God wrote a book, He would make easy to understand the message contained therein? That we wouldn't need philosophers to try to understand it? Certainly He would hide things, because He likes it when we dig into His Word, to find out more about Him. But they wouldn't be hard to understand once we found them...

So again, why would it be necessary to use, of all things, a paganistic view of the Bible to interpret it? It goes against the very essence of the Bible.

Why paraphrase, especially if the result is something that doesn't match scripture? It's so simple that there's no need to paraphrase.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Sorry....having problems with my kindle.....away from home. So not quoting specifics. I will address your assumption that the logos being divine (theos) means that logos is the God. The passage does not claim or even necessarily indicate this. The logos is of God, it shares by origin the character of the God, naturally....but is distinct from the Father-God.

A Unitarian view IMO or other feasible views are just as well. Back to what you believe is the best translation, and this will be according to so many factors which influence your conclusion. Points of view are subject to change.

As I noted before,....Whether one believes the logos is an impersonal force, principle or creative power.....and/or personalizes the logos in any way,.....Jesus is still identified with God's word, idea, thought, wisdom, reason, express image. There are different ways to interpret, as long as the spiritual meaning and value of the subject is grasped in all its dimensions.

The logos of God is divine because of its origin, and that wisdom and reason has always existed in the Soul of God. It manifests itself in many ways, and did so in a special way thru Jesus. It is enough to recognize this.


Literal lunatic

In en the beginning arch? was eimi the ho Word logos, and kai the ho Word logos was eimi with pros · ho God theos , and kai the ho Word logos was eimi God theos .He houtos was eimi in en the beginning arch? with pros · ho God theos.All pas things were created ginomai by dia him autos, and kai apart ch?ris from him autos not oude a single thing heis was created ginomai that hos has been created ginomai .In en him autos was eimi life z??, and kai that ho life z?? was eimi the ho light ph?s of ho men anthr?pos .· kai The ho light ph?s shines on phain? in en the ho darkness skotia, and kai the ho darkness skotia has katalamban? not ou understood katalamban? it autos .There came ginomai on the scene a man anthr?pos sent apostell? from para God theos, whose autos name onoma was John I?ann?s .He houtos came erchomai as eis a witness martyria to hina bear testimony martyre? about peri the ho light ph?s so that hina everyone pas might believe pisteu? through dia him autos.He ekeinos was eimi not ou the ho light ph?s, but alla came to hina bear testimony martyre? about peri the ho light ph?s .The ho true al?thinos light ph?s, · ho which hos enlightens ph?tiz? everyone pas anthr?pos , was eimi coming erchomai into eis the ho world kosmos .He was eimi in en the ho world kosmos, and kai the ho world kosmos was created ginomai by dia him autos , but kai the ho world kosmos did gin?sk? not ou know gin?sk? him autos .He came erchomai to eis that ho which was his idios own, but kai his ho own idios people did paralamban? not ou accept paralamban? him autos .But de as many hosos as did accept lamban? him autos, to them autos he gave did?mi the right exousia to become ginomai children teknon of God theos , to those ho who believe pisteu? in eis · ho his autos name onoma ,who hos were born genna?, not ou from ek human haima stock or oude from ek a physical sarx impulse thel?ma or oude by ek a husband’ s an?r decision thel?ma , but alla by ek God theos .And kai the ho Word logos became ginomai flesh sarx and kai dwelt sk?no? among en us h?meis, and kai we gazed theaomai on · ho his autos glory doxa , glory doxa as h?s of the only monogen?s Son from para the Father pat?r , full pl?r?s of grace charis and kai truth al?theia .John I?ann?s testified martyre? about peri him autos and kai cried kraz? out, saying leg? , “ This houtos is eimi he of whom hos I said leg? , ‘ He ho who comes erchomai after opis? me eg? is ginomai greater emprosthen than I eg? , because hoti he existed eimi before pr?tos me eg? .’” - John 1:1-15

John 1:1 alone does not prove Jesus is YHWH, true.

Which is why it's important to not look at singular verses alone for proof text. You have to read the surrounding verses for context, hence why above I have provided the Greek/English interlinear translation of John 1.

In John 1:1 We see that the Logos was in the beginning, and that the Logos was with God, and was God.

In John 1:2 We see that He (so we know that the Logos is a person) was in the beginning with God.

In John 1:3 We see that the Logos made all things, and apart from Him, nothing was made (or created) that was made.

In John 1:4 We see that in Him was life, and that life was the light of men.

In John 1:5 We see that the light (of men) shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not understand it.

In John 1:6-9 We see that John the Baptist was sent by God as a witness to bear testimony of the light, so that everyone might believe through him, and that John is not the light, only that he bears testimony that the light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.

In John 1:10 We see that the Logos was in the world, and that the world was made by Him, but the world did not know Him.

In John 1:11 We see that the Logos came to His own (Israel, God's people), but they didn't receive Him.

In John 1:12-13 We see that those who did accept Him and believe in His name He gave the right to become children of God, who were born by God, and not of human stock or physical impulse or by a husband's decision.

In John 1:14 We see that the Logos became a man (flesh) and dwelt among us (mankind), and we gazed on the glory of the Logos, the glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

And in John 1:15 We see that John testified of the Logos, who comes after John, but is greater than him, because the Logos existed before John.

I could go on through the rest of the chapter, but that would take more time than I have currently, and I think those first 15 verses make it abundantly clear that Jesus, in fact, IS the Logos.

Now, who else could John the Baptist be talking about, BUT JESUS? No one.

There's a rule called the Granville-Sharp rule, which states thusly:

"Two nouns connected by kai* (και), the first with the article and the second without it, are by the article identified as one and the same individual or class."

For example, when I say, "the father and the husband," it implies that I'm talking of two separate persons. However, if I say, "the father and husband," it's a very clear indication that I'm talking about the same person, but two titles were attributed to him.

Please, go read this (if any of it, read 4A):

The Logos is with God and is God, as John 1:1 clearly states.

The only absurd and illogical contradiction is you saying that the Logos is not God Himself.


Which you apparently ignored throughout the first half of your post. If context was important to you, then you would have known right away that the Logos is Jesus is God.

Divine implies that the Logos is God, because only God is divine. Ergo, the Logos is God.

While "logos" can mean idea, it is clear that in this passage it is referring to the Word of God, who is a person, and that that person is Jesus Christ.

Again, using the Granville-Sharp rule, we know that "the Word was a god" is an incorrect translation of the phrase.

"the plan was Yahweh s"
Is that "s" supposed to indicate possession? Or just a typo?

The original greek does not indicate anywhere or in any way that the Word "belonged" to God, it states that the Word was (and is, because Jesus still exists) God.

"and what God was, the Word was"
This translation fails to convey the same meaning as the original text, which is that the Logos was God.


Why would you use Greek philosophy to interpret the Bible? The Greeks were polytheistic pagans.

Jesus is the Logos is God. That's how simple it is.

Thats only if you don't consider the context of what is being said, which you clearly do not.

No wonder you're having so many problems. Do you think, Freelight, that if God wrote a book, He would make easy to understand the message contained therein? That we wouldn't need philosophers to try to understand it? Certainly He would hide things, because He likes it when we dig into His Word, to find out more about Him. But they wouldn't be hard to understand once we found them...

So again, why would it be necessary to use, of all things, a paganistic view of the Bible to interpret it? It goes against the very essence of the Bible.

Why paraphrase, especially if the result is something that doesn't match scripture? It's so simple that there's no need to paraphrase.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Sorry....having problems with my kindle.....away from home. So not quoting specifics. I will address your assumption that the logos being divine (theos) means that logos is the God. The passage does not claim or even necessarily indicate this. The logos is of God, it shares by origin the character of the God, naturally....but is distinct from the Father-God.

A Unitarian view IMO or other feasible views are just as well. Back to what you believe is the best translation, and this will be according to so many factors which influence your conclusion. Points of view are subject to change.

As I noted before,....Whether one believes the logos is an impersonal force, principle or creative power.....and/or personalizes the logos in any way,.....Jesus is still identified with God's word, idea, thought, wisdom, reason, express image. There are different ways to interpret, as long as the spiritual meaning and value of the subject is grasped in all its dimensions.

The logos of God is divine because of its origin, and that wisdom and reason has always existed in the Soul of God. It manifests itself in many ways, and did so in a special way thru Jesus. It is enough to recognize this.


God is a soul.

Hey, so is Jesus, His son.

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