Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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New member
The Bible says that Jesus is the son of God.
You say he is God.
Who should I believe?
Stan or Jesus?
You fail again Stan.
God sent his SON, not himself.

The Bible says MANY things keypurr and you choose to ONLY accept that which makes you feel right about your false teaching. Of course you're still wrong and I think you know it.
The Bible says Jesus is both the Son of God, AND God and you know well those verses, you just refuse to accept them.
You should believe the Bible keypurr, but sadly you don't. I don't know who convinced you of your Arian POV, but it wasn't the Bible.
That you are the ONLY ones that claim ALL others fail should tell you something but apparently you're also to blind to see the irony of your own situation.
God did indeed sent His son, John 3:17, but he also GAVE His son, John 3:16, so which is it keypurr, both or ONLY your view?


New member
You need to study John 17 GT. Read it slow and see what your Lord says about his God.

Yet another typically condescending response from you keypurr as if EVERYONE else has a problem reading but not you. There's a word for that keypurr, it's called insanity.


Well-known member
Of course, God is greater than a Man; however, God did not pretend to come as a Man, He really did come as a Man.

Stop throwing away scripture. Jesus says he is the First and the Last, and that is the exact thing that God calls Himself.

No GT, God did not come as a man. God sent his son to dwell in a man. God can not die for us but his created son could. The God who created the Universe and everything in it, never wore diapers GT. There is so much to digest to find the truth about our God and the Son he sent. God did not come as a man, his spiritual son did. Every word of God needs to be studied we'd proved. I do not throw away any scripture.


Well-known member
The Bible says MANY things keypurr and you choose to ONLY accept that which makes you feel right about your false teaching. Of course you're still wrong and I think you know it.
The Bible says Jesus is both the Son of God, AND God and you know well those verses, you just refuse to accept them.
You should believe the Bible keypurr, but sadly you don't. I don't know who convinced you of your Arian POV, but it wasn't the Bible.
That you are the ONLY ones that claim ALL others fail should tell you something but apparently you're also to blind to see the irony of your own situation.
God did indeed sent His son, John 3:17, but he also GAVE His son, John 3:16, so which is it keypurr, both or ONLY your view?

No, scripture does not say Jesus Christ is God.
You have been asked to prove that and you can't.

My POV is in perfect harmony with God'word.

God did send and give his son for us Stan, what is your problem with that?

You are not equipped to dispute my thoughts on God and the Son he sent from heaven to dwell in the body of his flesh son Jesus.

You need a lot more study time, get together with God's Truth and maybe you both will find a good starting point to learn truth.


Well-known member
Yet another typically condescending response from you keypurr as if EVERYONE else has a problem reading but not you. There's a word for that keypurr, it's called insanity.

Some folks have been gifted to learn, some have not. You will not understand my words for your ability to do so is very limited. That does not make you a bad person though, just.............


Well-known member
Yet another typically condescending response from you keypurr as if EVERYONE else has a problem reading but not you. There's a word for that keypurr, it's called insanity.

Stop the balcony Stan and read the chapter. Verse 3 is quite clear that the Father is the only true God and that is from Jesus Christ not Keypurr. If you have a problem with that take it up with Jesus.


Well-known member
Thank you for the welcome, as well as the offer of Friendship, that's very kind of you.

I see though, that you didn't answer my initial question, "What [part] of GOD [THE FATHER] is not GOD?"

Its okay, because the resounding answer is There is NO part of GOD that is not GOD; HIS WORD IS GOD; HIS POWER IS GOD . . . and I showed you that using Scripture . . . something you DID NOT do in your attempted rebuttal; in fact, the only reference to Scripture you make in your rebuttal is your attempt to negate JESUS' Divinity as written of in John 1 (1-3,14), along with your question regarding one phrase from Hebrews 1:3, which, by the way, begins with "Who (JESUS) being the brightness of his (GOD'S) glory, and" . . . the "and" meaning that you can't address what comes after it without first addressing what comes before it.

Ergo, you cannot be "the brightness of his (GOD'S) glory..." without first being as Divine as GOD IS DIVINE; which is why JESUS CHRIST IS "the express image of his (GOD'S) person..."

I like the way you chose carefully to state that "Jesus was a man, born of a human." The fact that JESUS had just one ("a") human parent (a virgin named Mary) makes HIM 100% Human, without sin . . . but since GOD'S WORD (Luke 1:38) via THE HOLY GHOST impregnated Mary, that makes JESUS CHRIST, THE WORD of GOD (Revelation 19:13), also, 100% GOD, since NO PART of GOD IS NOT GOD!

But back to John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
And the Word (the "Logos", as you stated it) was made flesh (became JESUS CHRIST), and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-14 KJ2000)"

Keypurr, Scripture is very clear that:
1) GOD'S WORD is GOD ("the Word was God");
2) JESUS CHRIST was/is THE WORD of GOD ("the Word (the "Logos", as you stated it) was made flesh") and ("And he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. Revelation 19:13 KJ2000");
3) JESUS CHRIST IS GOD ("For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 KJV").

Thank you for your rebutt, I will get back to you when I get home on my PC in a few hours. I amusing my tablet now and it is limited.


Well-known member
Thank you for the welcome, as well as the offer of Friendship, that's very kind of you.

I see though, that you didn't answer my initial question, "What [part] of GOD [THE FATHER] is not GOD?"

Does God have parts? I don't know about that friend.

Its okay, because the resounding answer is There is NO part of GOD that is not GOD; HIS WORD IS GOD; HIS POWER IS GOD . . . and I showed you that using Scripture . . . something you DID NOT do in your attempted rebuttal; in fact, the only reference to Scripture you make in your rebuttal is your attempt to negate JESUS' Divinity as written of in John 1 (1-3,14), along with your question regarding one phrase from Hebrews 1:3, which, by the way, begins with "Who (JESUS) being the brightness of his (GOD'S) glory, and" . . . the "and" meaning that you can't address what comes after it without first addressing what comes before it.

OK, I see how you think about it.

I do not see Jesus as the WORD of God as in John 1.

If you understand my thoughts you realize that I see the express image of God in Heb 1:3 as the spiritual son of God. a creation for he is an image. This is the spirit that became flesh by dwelling in the body prepared for him, Jesus. Heb 10:5

Ergo, you cannot be "the brightness of his (GOD'S) glory..." without first being as Divine as GOD IS DIVINE; which is why JESUS CHRIST IS "the express image of his (GOD'S) person..."

If you the exact image of God then you would certainly have some brightness, yet being a form of God not being God.

I like the way you chose carefully to state that "Jesus was a man, born of a human." The fact that JESUS had just one ("a") human parent (a virgin named Mary) makes HIM 100% Human, without sin . . . but since GOD'S WORD (Luke 1:38) via THE HOLY GHOST impregnated Mary, that makes JESUS CHRIST, THE WORD of GOD (Revelation 19:13), also, 100% GOD, since NO PART of GOD IS NOT GOD!

Jesus had to be a man to be the Lamb of God. Anything else and he would not qualify for the job. He was sinless because he was the flesh son of the most high God. God is a position, Jesus is not God because his Father is God. President Kennedy had a son, was that son President also? I think not. Christ, the spiritual son who was at the creation was sent from Heaven to become flesh by dwelling in Jesus. Christ was given the fullness of the Father, he had power. In Acts 10:38 we see that Jesus got that power at his baptism. Remember the Dove and God declaring that this was his Son?

But back to John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
And the Word (the "Logos", as you stated it) was made flesh (became JESUS CHRIST), and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-14 KJ2000)"

Jesus was not at the creation, he came into existence at his birth. Christ however is God's first creation, for all things were created through him. Christ is a spirit like his Father, he became flesh. Phil 2 tells you about Christ being a form of God, that does not mean he is God, he is god like Moses was. Christ is a servant of his Father who is the only God.

Keypurr, Scripture is very clear that:
1) GOD'S WORD is GOD ("the Word was God");
2) JESUS CHRIST was/is THE WORD of GOD ("the Word (the "Logos", as you stated it) was made flesh") and ("And he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. Revelation 19:13 KJ2000");
3) JESUS CHRIST IS GOD ("For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 KJV").

Scripture in no way tells us that Jesus is God. Your tied to your traditions friend. Jesus is NOT the WORD, Christ is the WORD. Jesus BECAME the Christ when he was anointed with Christ. Jesus was not born as Christ, he was born as Saviour.

Isaiah 9.6 has been debated for centuries. I would not trust this verse to build my faith on. Mighty God is seen as Mighty Worror by some.

I enjoy posting with you friend as you at least give me verses to look at. At one time I was very active in church but I had to leave it as I no longer believed in the half truths they taught.

God's Truth

New member
No GT, God did not come as a man. God sent his son to dwell in a man.

God's Spirit is Jesus' Spirit.

Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you were saved?

If yes, then who's Spirit did you receive?

Answer that question and you might begin to see the truth.


New member
No GT, God did not come as a man. God sent his son to dwell in a man. God can not die for us but his created son could. The God who created the Universe and everything in it, never wore diapers GT. There is so much to digest to find the truth about our God and the Son he sent. God did not come as a man, his spiritual son did. Every word of God needs to be studied we'd proved. I do not throw away any scripture.

God The WORD was incarnate in Jesus when Jesus was born.
Time and again, you show just how little you understand about the clearly defined hypostatic nature of Jesus as shown in Heb 1:3 (NIV)

You may not throw it away but you definitely abuse and eisegete it.


New member
No, scripture does not say Jesus Christ is God.
You have been asked to prove that and you can't.
My POV is in perfect harmony with God's word.
God did send and give his son for us Stan, what is your problem with that?
You are not equipped to dispute my thoughts on God and the Son he sent from heaven to dwell in the body of his flesh son Jesus.
You need a lot more study time, get together with God's Truth and maybe you both will find a good starting point to learn truth.

Again you resort to ONLY denial and no proof/scriptural exegesis.

It has been clearly established you know NOTHING of God's word so you can't be in harmony with it. Just another repeated and fallacious blind statement by you.

Sadly you approach senility and ignorance at a much faster pace than you realize.


New member
If you believe Jesus is God what are the consequences and vice versa. Anyone can answer as I can generally discern who believes what at this point.

The one clear consequence of not believing in the REAL Jesus, is to be denied by Him at the judgement. Matt 10:33 (NIV)


New member
At one time I was very active in church but I had to leave it as I no longer believed in the half truths they taught.

Well that is called apostasy keypurr which we have identified for a long long time now.
When was it you left the church?


New member
Stop the balcony Stan and read the chapter. Verse 3 is quite clear that the Father is the only true God and that is from Jesus Christ not Keypurr. If you have a problem with that take it up with Jesus.

Whatever that means keypurr, it is clear I read and understand and YOU do NOT.
v3 says the only true God and Jesus Christ. One in the same keypurr.
My problem is NOT with God or His written word, it is with your false teaching and constant lying.


New member
Jesus says he is the First and the Last. That is what God says He is.

Jesus says when you see him you see the Father.

Think about it.
What else does Jesus say?

Matthew 11:27
27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.​

Think about it.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus is God!

Jesus is God!

No, Jesus is not God; Jesus is dead. God does not die. Jesus did and according to his Faith which was Judaism, he will never return from the grave. (Isa. 26:14; II Sam. 12:23; Job 10:21)


You see discrepancies because you don't know how to 'Rightly Divide"
the Bible.
How one TheologyOnline poster "rightly divides" the Bible is always different from how other TheologyOnline posters "rightly divide."

Read the replies on any thread on this website and see.

"Rightly divide" is an interpretation. An opinion. A judgement.

And everyone has one.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
How one TheologyOnline poster "rightly divides" the Bible is always different from how other TheologyOnline posters "rightly divide."

Read the replies on any thread on this website and see.

"Rightly divide" is an interpretation. An opinion. A judgement.

And everyone has one.

In my opinion, you don't know what you're talking about. How's that
for an opinion?


In my opinion, you don't know what you're talking about. How's that
for an opinion?
In my opinion, you are unable to yet engage in an adult dialogue and so you quickly turn the tables and hide.

Unless you can be specific as to your opinion here, your comment is of no use to me.


Well-known member
Jesus is God

God's Spirit is Jesus' Spirit.

Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you were saved?

If yes, then who's Spirit did you receive?

Answer that question and you might begin to see the truth.

Through my Lord Jesus Christ I received the Spirit of my God.