jesus is dead

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New member
How do you believe the Creator came to be? And if you are willing to believe a *Creator* didn't need anyone to create him/her, then why doesn't the same principle apply to the universe?

Even science cannot run from the fact that the universe had a beginning. It was not, and then it was. As for a creator - the Creator - well, He is not a thing to be measured; He is a person; He is unique; He is self-evident. There can be no evidence that He is not, but there is evidence (not proof - there will be no proof until the end of the world as we know it, as I've said before) that there was at least an intelligent designer, and further evidence that the Christian Bible was written by Him. Ignoring or discounting that evidence is lazy & self-deceptive. Refute the evidence, impugn the witnesses, re-direct the conclusions of that evidence, but do not say that it does not exist.


New member
I thought i would see if i could find anybody who believes that Jesus is alive and ask them what evidence do they have for such a ridiculous claim.

I spoke to him today, and He told me to tell you hi. :wave:

That's good enough for me! :chuckle:


New member
I thought i would see if i could find anybody who believes that Jesus is alive and ask them what evidence do they have for such a ridiculous claim.

Hello Moondance,

How can a person describe color to a blind man? How do you describe Mozart or Beethoven to someone who has never heard anything in their lives? I personally don't know.

Jesus is alive. I spoke with Him today, and He spoke to me through His Word.

Jesus is alive because He has changed me and has made me a new creation.

You want me to prove something spiritual with physical tools? I can't. Even if I did, it would still be rejected.

Sorry to bust yer bubble.
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Mr. 5020

New member
I thought i would see if i could find anybody who believes that Jesus is alive and ask them what evidence do they have for such a ridiculous claim.
What evidence would it take to convince you?

For example, what did it take for you to believe that Alexander the Great existed?


New member
Hello Moondance,

How can a person describe color to a blind man? How do you describe Mozart or Beethoven to someone who has never heard anything in their lives? I personally don't know.

Excellent analogies!

But if I might.....

How do you explain color to one who has his eyes screwed shut and will not open them?

How do you explain music to one who has his fingers in his ears and won't pull them out?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Just to add "pearls in the mud" how arrogant and holier than thou is that.

assuranceagent was the first one here to give you the benifit of the doubt and answer you directly. Yet it is him that you choose to mock by changing his user name in the quote. He definitely was casting his pearls before swine!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Excellent analogies!

But if I might.....

How do you explain color to one who has his eyes screwed shut and will not open them?

How do you explain music to one who has his fingers in his ears and won't pull them out?



Well-known member
How do you even begin a conversation with someone who has their head firmly implanted within their own arse?


New member
I appreciate your honesty. I have nothing to add to my previous arguments, they are sufficient rebuttals to your previous claims. Your definition of faith is different of how Paul explained in Hebrews 11 and the definition that is in the gospels and 0.T. and N.T. It is a bit ironic that i am trying to explain the biblical understanding of faith to you.

You have made absolutely no concessions so i cannot take your arguments too seriously. If you want to have a professional online debate and want to organise it then let me know, i have no problem in responding to what you have said but it has got to a stage where it will have to done properly or stop.

To finish off it would be very easy for me to change my mind all i need is evidence that Jesus is not dead but there is none. Your arguments are not new to me but it has been about 10 years since i have spoke to any religious people about their beliefs and i thought it would be good to refresh my memory with what it is like to have faith just out of pure curiosity to be honest with you.

I can understand having questions. What I'll never understand is the tunnel-vision mindset that moondance and others display.

I just can't argue with this kind of logic (because it's patently absurd). :sheep:


New member
I can understand having questions. What I'll never understand is the tunnel-vision mindset that moondance and others display.

I just can't argue with this kind of logic (because it's patently absurd). :sheep:

what get's me, atheist asks for proof, I give documented evidence of a miracle he says 'you are a lair, this doesn't happen." Facts are reasoning and documentation are all just out the window. It can' happen so it didn't.


Well-known member
The claim that Jesus is alive is far-fetched as far as everyday experience goes. It would have to be a miracle. If you want to convince people that this miracle took place, you need some really good evidence. The Christian Bible doesn't qualify as real evidence to non-Christians, any more than the Koran or Book of Mormon do to Protestant Christians.

And yes, I am aware that some of the stories in the 'Old Testament' have the same difficulty.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
The claim that Jesus is alive is far-fetched as far as everyday experience goes. It would have to be a miracle.

:noway: Ya think!?!


If you want to convince people that this miracle took place, you need some really good evidence. The Christian Bible doesn't qualify as real evidence to non-Christians, any more than the Koran or Book of Mormon do to Protestant Christians.

And yes, I am aware that some of the stories in the 'Old Testament' have the same difficulty.

:plain: Which is why the Bible has never Saved anyone.....when they meet HIM then they will Believe.


Well-known member
For those who sincerely want an answer to the reason that Christians believe, I offer for your consideration: the 'Testimony of the Evangelists,' which was an 'expose' designed to find fault with the Bible, from research into exactly what the Gospels say, considered as judiciary evidence, by the world's foremost authority on evidence in his day, a Harvard Law School professor: Dr. Simon Greenleaf...

Tony Funderburk

New member
As Van Morrison said, "well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance."

Eat, drink, and be merry...for tomorrow we may all die.
And if we do, and Jesus is a lie, then we Christians would have been the biggest fools for believing a silly lie for so long.

Of course...if Jesus is the Truth, then the fools will be those who didn't believe.
So...if you don't believe...don't believe. And don't worry. And don't hassle those who do with your insincere questions.

My prayer is that you learn to sincerely seek the truth and find you are wonderfully made...not merely a stupid accident.


New member
Yet you have no evidence to indicate otherwise. I smell arrogance...

You could try to put yourself in someone else's shoes... Try looking at it from my perspective (it's less extreme than moondance's).

People die. That's a fact. We don't really need any evidence. Do you?

And as for Jesus being the son of any God, that's not a fact either. That's why you have faith, right? There is no evidence for Jesus having been divine and it seems to me that there can't be.

This is really the first time I've ever delved into religion and from my point of view there's some pretty outrageous stuff associated with it.

For an outsider like myself, the idea of a man being a god and dying and resurrecting and being alive in heaven for thousands of years is pretty hard to swallow. Do you understand?
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