allsmiles said:Legality and morality are oftentimes two completely different things. Legality is objective, morality is subjective. If it were legal for someone to be naked in public than it would be legal, whether or not it is right or wrong depends completely on whatever individuals perceive the nakedness. Some people might think it's right, some people might think it's wrong. You base your moral judgements on the bible, Pepper doesn't. Legality doesn't necessarily effect morality.
Legally right, yes. Morally right, no, not in my opinion. Absolutely wrong? No way to definitively tell. If you have a moral problem with a legal right than that's your cross to bear, and vice a versa.
Legally right, morally wrong. The legal issue is objective, written on paper, black and white, the moral right is subjective and depends on outside witnesses to what can be argued to be wrong. I'm sure there were well thought out cases for why the holocaust was morally right, so to the people who believed it, it was both legally and morally right. To people who disagreed, it was only right on paper.
Completely subjective. Some people nowadays I'm sure still believe that slave ownership isn't morally wrong, but there's nothing they can do about it because legally it isn't right. The law will have a strangle hold on your idealistic moral high ground, or they will be hand in hand.
What is right and wrong is subjective and knowable, in that you base your moral judgements on your own perspective and you know what you believe.
People give a rip about your opinions and they are just as subjective as any one else's.
except people like Pepper and myself develop our own sense of morality rather than having it dictated to us from an invisible, finger wagging tyrant who exists only between the pages of an exceptionally old book.
No offense intended Turbo, I have the utmost respect for you and what you believe.
Now you can suddenly answer direct questions?
About owning a slave, how can you say anything? Did you own one? I thought you would say that you were not qualified to answer.
Here is another question:
Is it absolutely wrong for a man to violently rape a woman?
Please answer without using the word 'opinion'.