James 1:1 refutes MAD


New member
Tell us about this "the gospel" your brother saint Judas preached. Show us your keen, biblical insight.

Not a peep.

What's the problem, toots?She is scrambling to her books about the bible, what others say it teaches, her stack of flyers, commentaries, that bury her Teen Magazine issues, and then grabs...


Mutt-slut with the smut mouth and dirty butt!

He attended the baal-church for 40 years and never figured out it was all a lie.

They pretend to worship Christ but Israel is their true master.


Literal lunatic
No, idiot-your obviously smoking another joint. You "argued" that I am not to make a call, on whether she is a member of the boc....

"Not yer call."-you

Made up.Paul made the call, based upon one's testimony. I do the same. We know from testimony, you moron.

An atheist to you: Christ is not God. Allah is. There are many paths to God!!!

You: I cannot make a call on whether you if you are a member of Christ.Let's hold hands, and get high, "brother!"

You traitorous devil, no spine wimp, who does not have the b's to "make a call," on falsehood, perverted doctrine, because you are a man pleaser, not wanting to offend anyone.

Grow a spine, vertebrae,and put your bong down.

So which is it?

Is LA an atheist or a false member?

You may need to put down yer bong so's you can splain this a little better.


New member
We do not have remission looking forward to the blotting out of sins, but the forgiveness of sins looking back to the cross.

You have nothing because you reject the new covenant promise. The gospel and the new covenant are one in the same and a package deal which every Christian for the last 2000 years has known except you.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So which is it?

Is LA an atheist or a false member?

You may need to put down yer bong so's you can splain this a little better.

Quite irrelevant whether she is an atheist, A JW, mormon, Buddhist, Muslim.......to your argument(not mine)...

You "argued,"that I am not to make the call, on whether she is a member of Christ.

Made up-not biblical.

Is a Muslim a member of Christ?

Yes, or no.

If you say no-"Not yer call."

See how that works, spineless one, too stoned, to see his own "argument?"


New member
Acts 2:38 KJV, Acts 3:19-21 KJV is NOT the same as Colossians 2:13 KJV, Romans 5:11 KJV)! Only a devil would try to pass it off as the same. sssssssssssssss

Only a devil would reject the new covenant and give it to people who hate Christ.

A Jew with a circumcised heart is a born-again Christian.

Peter, Paul, James and John were all Christians. That's the name they went by.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You have nothing because you reject the new covenant promise. The gospel and the new covenant are one in the same and a package deal which every Christian for the last 2000 years has known except you.

The gospel of Christ and the new covenant are not the same, biblical buffoon.

Pathetic mutt-clueless devil child.


New member
Throw out the work of God 2000 years ago in the world's place? That's not going to happen, you devil.

Devils like you who suck up lies and believe the false gospel are damned. So far gone that the awful truth of it all is too overwhelming. Not everyone who says Lord, lord.


New member
The gospel of Christ and the new covenant are not the same, biblical buffoon.

Pathetic mutt-clueless devil child.

Christ is the gospel and is the foundation of the new covenant, loser lost and never saved or ever will be. Every sacrifice pointed forward to a redeemer from sin but somehow you missed that.


Literal lunatic
Quite irrelevant whether she is an atheist, A JW, mormon, Buddhist, Muslim.......to your argument(not mine)...

You "argued,"that I am not to make the call, on whether she is a member of Christ.

Made up-not biblical.

Is a Muslim a member of Christ?

Yes, or no.

If you say no-"Not yer call."

See how that works, spineless one, too stoned, to see his own "argument?"

Diversion tactic.

I asked about LA not a muslim.


New member

Bad news for all of those from Adam until the first coming of the LORD.

They offered sacrifice in faith looking forward to a redeemer to come. We look backwards in faith to a redeemer who has already come and accomplished his mission.


New member
Why do you publicly reject to whom the NC is promised in the future? Hebrews 8:8 KJV

Not you because you reject it and those people you think so highly of have rejected it for 2000 years and the future will be more of the same. The Jews accept the anti-christ at the end not the real Christ.


New member
Quite irrelevant whether she is an atheist, A JW, mormon, Buddhist, Muslim.......to your argument(not mine)...

You "argued,"that I am not to make the call, on whether she is a member of Christ.

Made up-not biblical.

Is a Muslim a member of Christ?

Yes, or no.

If you say no-"Not yer call."

See how that works, spineless one, too stoned, to see his own "argument?"

Everyone who rejects the Dispy false gospel is a Muslim to this sack of **** and putrid excuse for a believer. Cutoff from Christ - Fallen from grace - Shipwreck of faith - still in his sins forever.