Look what I just bought on eBay!
A year-old 1.04 GHz iMac G4
17" display
512 MB RAM
80 GB Hard Drive
DVD-R/CD-RW Superdrive
Airport wireless 802.11g card
Mac OS X Panther
price: $1056 including shipping. That's almost exactly half of what I was ready to pay for a 20" iMac G5.
A year-old 1.04 GHz iMac G4
17" display
512 MB RAM
80 GB Hard Drive
DVD-R/CD-RW Superdrive
Airport wireless 802.11g card
Mac OS X Panther
price: $1056 including shipping. That's almost exactly half of what I was ready to pay for a 20" iMac G5.
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