Islam's plan for you this Christmas in America


New member
Originally Posted by Nick M View Post
They did it in Iraq over and over you raging idiot. Keep supporting the jihadists.

Whoa whoa. I just said if you're right you should be king of the country. Would you rather earn that title on no merit?

No, you're obviously a jihadist. Someone, it seems, doesn't understand what a "strawman" is.

Repent Nick :)

(private joke)

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Right about a big attack, genius. Not about what you see as prep

I am right about both, and me being right is not the important part, the outcome of it is. San Bernadino was no nothing more than a muslim losing his temper and going to work to murder the messianic Jew.

Paris is their plan.

Greg Jennings

New member
I am right about both, and me being right is not the important part, the outcome of it is. San Bernadino was no nothing more than a muslim losing his temper and going to work to murder the messianic Jew.

Paris is their plan.

France is under a state of emergency for the next few months, so that's not a likely spot to get hit. But if you're right, then you're right. And if you're wrong, you're wrong. We'll just have to wait and see