Is White Privilege Real?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, but that's part of the mindset that plagues you, even though a glimmer of rationality should tell you that no black man can win the presidency without support from outside of his race, by way of.

obama would not have won the primaries or the general if he had been white

so that's just you being a blind fool, by way of


No, but that's part of the mindset that plagues you, even though a glimmer of rationality should tell you that no black man can win the presidency without support from outside of his race, by way of.

If Hillary weren't a woman, and Obama wasn't black, neither Hillary would have came close or Obama have won.

Everybody knows that- you have to be injected with liberal nonsense to unlearn it.

Because liberals tend to be better educated

When you turn campuses into liberal conformity camps, where even professors are put on trial..


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Once persons attain a security beyond survival, they begin to attempt convincing others they are good. In the 1960s Georgia, being good, for white people, meant supporting segregation. Today, it is no different, only the subjective 'good' has changed.

Some persons go beyond conformity to social norms, yet very few.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There used to be 'white only' restrooms here, but not for many years now. Everybody gets the same seats today.

some people are arguing that there exists a bias in society that favors whites, that makes it harder for non-whites to succeed, in education, in jobs, in encounters with authority

others are arguing that those people are full of hooey :)


Well-known member
There used to be 'white only' restrooms here, but not for many years now. Everybody gets the same seats today.

Several people have argued throughout this thread, that non-white Americans do not have an equal chance of being successful, due to racial prejudice.

Do you agree?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Black men do have more trouble when comfronted by police because many police are more afraid of black men being violet. This is far more true in northern cities where most white persons have lived apart from black people.

Many people, black and white, believe black women working at Walmart are more likely to be helpful to customers.

There will always be some prejudice as long as people perceive differences and lack familiarity to the differences.