It's a bit of a nebulous bogeyman, this white privilege.
It really isn't. It's just not as simple, as obviously odious and harmful as slavery. It requires attention and the fighting of the ethnocentric impulse, fighting the statistics I gave you for many. Fighting the reflection of that sort of thinking within the dominant culture in a myriad of ways.
Why can't we pin down any particular laws or policies that favor whites?
You're looking for your car keys under the light then, not because that's where you might find them, but because that's where it's easier to see.
I can easily think of past examples, such as legal slavery, jim crow laws.
But what about now? Anything like that now?
Supra. I'm not going to expend more effort absent your meeting it. From this vantage it looks as though you're invested in protecting a bias, not examining a human truth. I've given you reason, facts, and links to other perspectives and studies in support. You don't have to do anything with them, but when you don't it makes a stronger statement than the questions and speculations you make avoiding them.
And any word yet, on how Asians overcame white privilege?
They didn't have as far to go, because we never thought of them as property to be owned, raped, mutilated. That said, it was still uphill. Go back and watch Breakfast at Tiffany's to see how as recently as the 60s white dominated society saw them as comic relief.