Well-known member
Hi to all and in Acts 6:7 , we read the following , And the WORD of God was growing . And the number of the disciples in Jerusalem was being multiplied greatly , and a Great Crowd of ther PRIESTS were Obeying the FAITH >

#1, I see only two groups here disciples and PRIESTS !!

#2 , And the WORD / LOGOS was growing !!

#3 , It is not the Written word , so what were they reading ?

#4 And what is the FAITH that PRIESTS were OBEYING ??

#5 , So , how were they saved , under a 1Pand 1P ??

Did water baptism , or Faith , or Tongues or Maybe the New Covenant , save them ?

It seems that they were all Law Keepers !!

What say you ?

dan p


Well-known member
Define saved.

Hi and SAVED ?SOZO , and check G4982 !!

#1The word is used 93x

#2, Used Make whole 9 x

#3 Be whole 2x

#4 be whole 2x

35 miscellous 3x

Saved means ,

keep save

to rescue

keep solund

to deliver

A transliterated word !!

dan p


Well-known member
Act 2:42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine

Hi and since Paul was not YET SAVED and had NOT written any epistles , what was the Apostles Doctrine ?

So , how were people saved I P ?

And since it is a 1P and 1P , what is the Gospel , IP ?

dan p


Well-known member
Define saved.

Hi and MOST all of Greek words have MORE than one meaning and That is there down FALL !!!

But there bigest down FALL is that Israel has been set aside !!

Example , BAPTISM does not always mean WATER , and is translated by , BAPTIZER , WASHING , Idenification , CLEANSING !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and since Paul was not YET SAVED and had NOT written any epistles , what was the Apostles Doctrine ?

So , how were people saved I P ?

And since it is a 1P and 1P , what is the Gospel , IP ?

dan p

The Apostle's doctrine was derived from the teaching they received from Christ in His earthly ministry to Israel before His ascension. One must put forth a conscious effort to not include or retroactively apply Paul's later mystery revelation into that doctrine.
They were saved by repenting in believing and confessing that Jesus of Nazareth was Israel's prophesied Messiah, Lord and King, and be water baptized for the forgiveness of sins in order to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Well-known member
The Apostle's doctrine was derived from the teaching they received from Christ in His earthly ministry to Israel before His ascension. One must put forth a conscious effort to not include or retroactively apply Paul's later mystery revelation into that doctrine.
They were saved by repenting in believing and confessing that Jesus of Nazareth was Israel's prophesied Messiah, Lord and King, and be water baptized for the forgiveness of sins in order to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Hi and in Matt 10:6-9 and after the cross , the message is Acts 4:2 and , yes , Repentance is part of Israel , message !!

Acts 2 Pentecosts can not articlate WHO the 1P and 1P IS !!

They are then BLENDING Jews and Gentiles together , don't they SEE ??

dan p


New member
Hi to all and in Acts 6:7 , we read the following , And the WORD of God was growing . And the number of the disciples in Jerusalem was being multiplied greatly , and a Great Crowd of ther PRIESTS were Obeying the FAITH >

#1, I see only two groups here disciples and PRIESTS !!

#2 , And the WORD / LOGOS was growing !!

#3 , It is not the Written word , so what were they reading ?

#4 And what is the FAITH that PRIESTS were OBEYING ??

#5 , So , how were they saved , under a 1Pand 1P ??

Did water baptism , or Faith , or Tongues or Maybe the New Covenant , save them ?

It seems that they were all Law Keepers !!

What say you ?

dan p

Regarding these:

#2 , And the WORD / LOGOS was growing !!

#3 , It is not the Written word , so what were they reading ?

#4 And what is the FAITH that PRIESTS were OBEYING ??

The sense is that the PREACHING of the Word THEY were PREACHING CONTINUED TO grow or EXPAND OUT to many parts.

It is the same as "and the Lord added DAILY ..."

THE Faith they PREACHED - That Jesus was the Christ - BOTH it's PREACHING and its' BELIEVING IN by MANY - CONTINUED TO GROW...

Recall James' words to Paul - "thousands of Jews which believe..."

Man o man what a revival that must have been, ay, bro?

By the way, how's the health?


Well-known member
Regarding these:

#2 , And the WORD / LOGOS was growing !!

#3 , It is not the Written word , so what were they reading ?

#4 And what is the FAITH that PRIESTS were OBEYING ??

The sense is that the PREACHING of the Word THEY were PREACHING CONTINUED TO grow or EXPAND OUT to many parts.

It is the same as "and the Lord added DAILY ..."

THE Faith they PREACHED - That Jesus was the Christ - BOTH it's PREACHING and its' BELIEVING IN by MANY - CONTINUED TO GROW...

Recall James' words to Paul - "thousands of Jews which believe..."

Man o man what a revival that must have been, ay, bro?

By the way, how's the health?

Hi and I will be going in Feb 22 to have new lens put in and should then see 20 by 20 !!

Have had business problems and see end end , in about a year !!

Remember that the Greek ADDED IS IN THE gREEK IMPERFECT tense and means that the Lord ADDED and the STOPPED ADDOING , because Israel was to be set aside !!

Only God could ADD and only can save those that He places into the B O C !!

dan p


New member
Hi and I will be going in Feb 22 to have new lens put in and should then see 20 by 20 !!

Have had business problems and see end end , in about a year !!


20/20 - that's fantastic - great to hear!

As for the other, remember; there is always a solution of one sort or another. The best towards you on that, bro.


Well-known member
20/20 - that's fantastic - great to hear!

As for the other, remember; there is always a solution of one sort or another. The best towards you on that, bro.

Hi amd I feel that I am going through the valley of shadow of death, but that is life !!

Believing Rom 8:28 !!

dan p


New member
Hi to all and in Acts 6:7 , we read the following , And the WORD of God was growing . And the number of the disciples in Jerusalem was being multiplied greatly , and a Great Crowd of ther PRIESTS were Obeying the FAITH >

#1, I see only two groups here disciples and PRIESTS !!

#2 , And the WORD / LOGOS was growing !!

#3 , It is not the Written word , so what were they reading ?

#4 And what is the FAITH that PRIESTS were OBEYING ??

#5 , So , how were they saved , under a 1Pand 1P ??

Did water baptism , or Faith , or Tongues or Maybe the New Covenant , save them ?

It seems that they were all Law Keepers !!

What say you ?

dan p

Hello, I see this "1P 2P" on here all the time but have no idea what this means. Can you please explain?


Well-known member
Hello, I see this "1P 2P" on here all the time but have no idea what this means. Can you please explain?

Hi and the 2P and 2P by the poster INTERPANNTER , means 2 people and 2 programs !!

I P says that their is only one gospel and does not know what that gospel is , NOR how anyone can be saved iunder that gospel !

You should ask IP what that one gospel is , and what what are the details of that gospel ?

Or how he was SAVED under that gospel !!

He than will never explain how 1P or 1P works and never explain how Peter was saved NOR explain how Paul was saved and will ask you what SAVED / SOZO means !!

dan p


New member
"InterpANTTER" - hah! That's just about right - your frequent misspelling paid off, this time, DP :chuckle:


Well-known member
Do you think the Lord's crown of thorns was a valid crown?

It was valid so far as it demonstrated that He took the curse placed on the creation on Himself and through His victory over death He will restore the creation and there will be no more curse.

It also represents the antitype of the ram caught in the thorn bush at the interrupted sacrifice of Isaac.