Is the world overpopulated?


New member
Who owns Oklahoma.

Cursed shall you be in the city.

Deuteronomy 28:16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city,

and cursed shalt thou be in the field.


Well-known member
Like I said, it's not our numbers, it's our insanely self-destructive behavior.

Right now we have plenty of food for every human on Earth, and yet millions go hungry while we throw thousands of tons of food away every day.

This is insane behavior.

We have medicines that would eliminate the illness and suffering of hundreds of thousands of human beings, many of them children, and yet we will not distribute them and alleviate all that suffering and death simply because of our greed.

This is insane behavior.

We routinely maim and murder hundreds of thousands of human beings annually for the sake of our egos, for profit, and ideology, and sometimes for no reason at all, and have done so throughout our entire history on Earth. And at the present time, we show no signs at all of altering this pattern of behavior. Or of even wanting to!

This is insanity.

We kill, we torture, we rape, we rob, we imprison and we enslave our fellow human beings all over the Earth, and then we're outraged that someone might suggest that we should deliberately control or reduce our own numbers. As if the prospect of another human life were so sacred to us that we dare not intervene in one human inception.

That's patently insane thinking.

The more of us there are, the more widespread all this insanity becomes, and the more it effects the rest of the planet. Eventually we will destroy ourselves, and probably the whole global ecosystem along with us. And I really don't see how this can be avoided. Because as clever as we are technologically, we are still completely primitive and insane emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. So that all the technology really does is add fuel to the conflagration.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And nations like China and India (who have about 36.4% of the world's population) are growing economically. The US has 809 cars per 1,000 people (2011). China has 101 cars per 1,000 people (2013) and India has 18 cars per 1,000 people (2011). Can you image the environmental impact and raw materials required if China and India tried to matched the US? :noway:

And that is exactly what will happen, the rest of the world will catch up with U.S. levels of consumption but they won't have anyone to foist the pollution off on.

That's why China is covered in smog, we passed clean air laws and now all the dirty stuff happens in China. Soon China will refuse to be the Gary, Indiana of the world and some other place will be where all the dirty stuff happens until there's no one left stupid enough to soil their own bed doing the dirty work.

It's not the consumption, it's the pollution that is our limiting factor. With fossil fuels you get the Golden Egg but you kill The Goose.
Our only remote hope for survival is to figure out how to feed everyone without poisoning our oceans because once we do that we won't be able to breathe.


at what point does the world become overpopulated?

When it is unable to feed and house itself. When there is no way to provide sanitary water to everyone. These are all possible at populations above those of today. Crying about habitat destruction or loss of species or worrying about resource depletion does not count.
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The Berean

Well-known member
And that is exactly what will happen, the rest of the world will catch up with U.S. levels of consumption but they won't have anyone to foist the pollution off on.
Are there enough natural resources in the world for China and India to have the same level of consumption as the U.S.? China had 4.26 times the population and India has 4 times the population of the U.S.

That's why China is covered in smog, we passed clean air laws and now all the dirty stuff happens in China. Soon China will refuse to be the Gary, Indiana of the world and some other place will be where all the dirty stuff happens until there's no one left stupid enough to soil their own bed doing the dirty work.
China is aware of this and is trying to change things. Perhaps one day we will do our dirty manufacturing in space? :think:

It's not the consumption, it's the pollution that is our limiting factor. With fossil fuels you get the Golden Egg but you kill The Goose.
Our only remote hope for survival is to figure out how to feed everyone without poisoning our oceans because once we do that we won't be able to breathe.
I think it's both. The Earth has a finite amount of natural resources. Yes, some of it is renewable but it is slow process.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It is possible the earth to sustain a population of 10 billion human beings but to do so the entire population has to live at the $2 dollars per day level.


That's a testable claim. The world population clock reckons we will hit 10 billion in 47 years. I bet you a Big Mac combo that not everyone will be living on $2 a day and there will be that many people.

The Berean

Well-known member

That's a testable claim. The world population clock reckons we will hit 10 billion in 47 years. I bet you a Big Mac combo that not everyone will be living on $2 a day and there will be that many people.

I suspect when the Earth has 10 billion people the standard of living for people will be as diverse as it is today, ranging from billionaires to paupers.


Well-known member
OP: Is the world overpopulated?

Nope, but it is mismanaged and will continue to be until someone with adequate wisdom, power and authority shows up to do it right.

patrick jane

Nope, but it is mismanaged and will continue to be until someone with adequate wisdom, power and authority shows up to do it right.

i know, but saint john w and the gang are busy - soon though. you are Federal Reserve Chairman - :sam: