Is the swamp getting drained?


New member
WASHINGTON – With his choice of restaurant executive Andrew Puzder to serve as his Labor secretary, President-elect Donald Trump has now tapped six big donors and fundraisers to serve in his administration, lining up an unprecedented concentration of wealthy backers for top posts.

Together with their families, Trump’s nominees gave $11.6 million to support his presidential bid, his allied super PACs and the Republican National Committee, according to a Washington Post analysis of federal campaign filings.

One single appointee – WWE co-founder Linda McMahon – contributed $7.5 million to back his White House run before Trump selected her to run the Small Business Administration this week. She and her husband Vince were also the top outside donors to Trump’s private foundation.

He's trolling us all. The guy who he's making labor secretary literally pays single-digit wages to his workers.


Well-known member
She is more trustworthy than anything put out by the MSM.

That's like me saying I only listen to Robert Reich or David Axelrod and I think all of the mainstream media sources are biased.

I like to listen to left wing sources, but I understand they're biased. If you want a balanced news source, take a look at the comments on a story. If half of them are angry the story is not hard enough on Trump and the other half think it's too hard on Trump, you've probably found a good source. NPR's news desk is quite good in this regard. But also there's the concept of going to multiple news sources.

The last person you should trust in an administration is their appointed mouthpiece. Everything coming from their lips is spin. If you believe it uncritically you become nothing more than a tool of the administration.


New member
Hall of Fame
WASHINGTON – With his choice of restaurant executive Andrew Puzder to serve as his Labor secretary, President-elect Donald Trump has now tapped six big donors and fundraisers to serve in his administration, lining up an unprecedented concentration of wealthy backers for top posts.

Together with their families, Trump’s nominees gave $11.6 million to support his presidential bid, his allied super PACs and the Republican National Committee, according to a Washington Post analysis of federal campaign filings.

One single appointee – WWE co-founder Linda McMahon – contributed $7.5 million to back his White House run before Trump selected her to run the Small Business Administration this week. She and her husband Vince were also the top outside donors to Trump’s private foundation.

Thanks. I thought at least some of his appointments were big donors.


New member
Hall of Fame
A mere $12 million...That is a drop in the bucket to the campaign monies that were raised for Hillary or Obama. If you want to see cronyism you only have to look to the left to see it, wiki leaks also gave us that information. Oops, I guess people in glass houses...

Part of your definition of swamp was appointing big donors in quid pro quo. When shown reports that the appointments are big donors you are explaining it away. Would you give a Democrat the same benefit of the doubt?


New member
Hall of Fame
Imbedded political cronies, hacks, & incumbents that have donated to a person's campaign for the quid pro quo of being named to a cabinet post. I don't see that thus far, Trump has really made some strategic picks to redirect these agencies IMO. Time will tell but, I am liking the people I am seeing. :D
He seems to be successful as it relates to political cronies and incumbents. Establishment types. He doesn't have major political ties so it may be easier for him to do that. The rest is mixed so far.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Nobody knows what he meant by "Drain the Swamp" because he hasn't told us yet.
He might have meant re-route the Potomac thru Baltimore and build a levy at Dahlgren.
He says vague things and then let's them blossom into whatever thing the listener wants them to and doesn't shatter their illusion with specifics.

And it works, that's why he does it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nobody knows what he meant by "Drain the Swamp" because he hasn't told us yet.
He might have meant re-route the Potomac thru Baltimore and build a levy at Dahlgren.
He says vague things and then let's them blossom into whatever thing the listener wants them to and doesn't shatter their illusion with specifics.

And it works, that's why he does it.

well, it gives the trump haters kittens

which i find hilarious :chuckle:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Did you even read the link I posted? Most administrations rewards some donors (republican and democrat). Trump has rewarded MORE individual donors than any other in history. The dollar amount isn't large, no, but he's far more willing to reward donors with positions, which is more corruption. Trump is just a cheaper buy. So he's not draining the swamp, he's building more levees to make the biggest swamp ever. He's making the swamp great again. :p Not exactly surprising because Trump loves rewarding loyalty.

I did read it and find it not only riddled with hypocrisy but outright fallacy. Most of his picks thusfar have been from the business, military, and private sector and yes they were what? Nuthin earthshaking about that, they are not a bunch of political hacks as we saw in the list I provided you naming the hacks Hillary & the libs had slated to fill those positions. Admit it, you see the entire progressive agenda about to get trashed and all you got are emotional pleas to attempt to undermine that effort...good luck in that endeavor. :thumb:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Part of your definition of swamp was appointing big donors in quid pro quo. When shown reports that the appointments are big donors you are explaining it away. Would you give a Democrat the same benefit of the doubt?

Were they private citizens or longterm Washington D.C. politicians & political hacks? I mean really, most of the picks thus far have been from business, military, and the private sector, some have been political backers but not the majority so, in contrast to the longterm political hacks that Hillary & the DNC had slated for these positions that we know via wikileaks I believe that Trump is bringing in new blood. The only fear I would indulge the left is that this group that has been picked are enemies of everything that the progressive left have built over the past eight years, they should be afraid because all that...very afraid. I would also say with reflection on the term "draining the swamp" would be the breaking down of the political norms, and imbedded establishment good ole boy systems that both parties engage in to continue to hold power, time to Shake up Washington D.C.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
He seems to be successful as it relates to political cronies and incumbents. Establishment types. He doesn't have major political ties so it may be easier for him to do that. The rest is mixed so far.

I think that Trump is a mixed bag really, and I have no expectation that I will be pleased with everything that he will do but, I am willing to give the guy his shot at fixing the country. I certainly don't think he fits the bill for what I wanted to see but, the alternative was a corrupt lying felon which I found totally unacceptable.


Well-known member
I did read it and find it not only riddled with hypocrisy but outright fallacy. Most of his picks thusfar have been from the business, military, and private sector and yes they were what?
Oh but I thought quid pro quo was bad. And now you're okay with it. Sour grapes much?

Nuthin earthshaking about that, they are not a bunch of political hacks as we saw in the list I provided you naming the hacks Hillary & the libs had slated to fill those positions.
So you mean unqualified, uninformed businesspeople?

Admit it, you see the entire progressive agenda about to get trashed and all you got are emotional pleas to attempt to undermine that effort...good luck in that endeavor. :thumb:
Uhh no. We're about to see what clown car Republicans will do to this country (Because apparently looking at Kansas and Oklahoma isn't enough). If we're lucky it will cure people of their ideas for a generation or two. If not, the leadership of the free world will pass to other nations. It was nice while it lasted, no country remains on top forever.

Seems to me you're trying to hide your disappointment in Herr Donald by accusing me of emotionalism. Or maybe you're just that self deluded. :p


Well-known member
why would it be sour grapes?
maybe hypocrisy, but sour grapes? :freak:

He's basically saying "I wanted quid pro quo to go away but now that I see I can't get it from Trump, I'll say I didn't really want it anyway". He says, they're backers "so what"? When pressed, he pretends he never expected Trump to drain the swamp in the first place.

It's also hypocritical to claim you want a certain moral standard and then immediately back away from it when your chosen side doesn't live up to it. :)

We can also throw in moving the goalposts as a metaphor since initially "draining the swamp" was about pay for play quid pro quo (What Hillary was supposedly all about) but now it's just not nominating "partisan hacks".

Basically rocketman is just showing everyone his tortured logic, or lack thereof. Republicans everywhere have shown themselves to be primarily tribal and supporting their party regardless of what it or the nominee does. It's almost entertaining to watch the contortions.


Well-known member
ah, isee

are you sure that's what he's saying?

Asked about what draining the swamp means to him:
Imbedded political cronies, hacks, & incumbents that have donated to a person's campaign for the quid pro quo of being named to a cabinet post. I don't see that thus far, Trump has really made some strategic picks to redirect these agencies IMO. Time will tell but, I am liking the people I am seeing. :D

And then after it's pointed out Trump HAS appointed donors to his cabinet (and more than typical presidents), he changes his tune.

Most of his picks thusfar have been from the business, military, and private sector and yes they were what? Nuthin earthshaking about that, they are not a bunch of political hacks as we saw in the list I provided you naming the hacks Hillary & the libs had slated to fill those positions.

Emphasis added and edited for clarity. :)


New member
He's appointed the RNC chair, a long time senator, some Glodman Sachs guys, and some Bush and Obama appointees. He appointed Mitch McConnell's wife.

I guess he's just making the swamp great again.