Is the Law of Moses good or bad?


another troll :sigh:

You mean another person who doesn’t believe exactly like you do, so you just call them trolls.

Hey, I know you’re not big on answering questions, you rather mock people, but I was wondering...

How many people do you have to murder before you can rightly be called a murderer?


Moses murdered the Egyptian and he fled Egypt. Other than that I don't think Moses murdered anyone. Moses did not create the Law, God gave it to him and Israel.

And see, that’s the thing I object to. I don’t understand why you can’t say that you believe God gave it to him? It’s certainly not something that is necessarily factual. Considering the fact that Moses was a murderer, and that “murdering” made it into his writings, and that it can be shown that he got at least some of his laws from the Babylonians rather than God himself....

It certainly should come as no surprise that so many people refuse to accept that claim on face value.


That's no way to talk to a stranger, you have hurt my feelings

People around here don’t have to be nice, or polite....and many of them are not. Which is odd, in my mind as one sometimes thinks Christians of all people should be kind, honest, humble, etc.

But many are obviously not those things. In any event, if you have beliefs which are different than theirs, they will pretty much treat you like garbage. FWIW.


apparently, you have the mind of a turnip

So, once again you have demonstrated your inability to answer a simple question, but you excel at being insulting and rude.

Let me help you out. The answer is once. You only have to murder another human being one time to be rightly called a murderer.

I hope that helps.


Active member
So, once again you have demonstrated your inability to answer a simple question, but you excel at being insulting and rude.

Let me help you out. The answer is once. You only have to murder another human being one time to be rightly called a murderer.

I hope that helps.
Thank God for Chrisanity. Even murderers if repented with a contrite heart. Get a another chance. These are mysteries about our God that man in the flesh will never understand.

Will Muhammad forgive you after you murder a Muslim?

Anyhow of topic. But you guys don't understand. Technically that's trolling.

I hope that helps.
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Moses murdered the Egyptian and he fled Egypt. Other than that I don't think Moses murdered anyone. Moses did not create the Law, God gave it to him and Israel.

I wouldn't call that murder.


- Moses was in a position of authority
- He saw an egyptian official abusing one of the Israelites
- He took action to defend said Israelite

What he did wrong was try to cover it up.


I wouldn't call that murder.


- Moses was in a position of authority
- He saw an egyptian official abusing one of the Israelites
- He took action to defend said Israelite

What he did wrong was try to cover it up.

Does the Bible ever call it murder?


And see, that’s the thing I object to. I don’t understand why you can’t say that you believe God gave it to him? It’s certainly not something that is necessarily factual. Considering the fact that Moses was a murderer, and that “murdering” made it into his writings, and that it can be shown that he got at least some of his laws from the Babylonians rather than God himself....

It certainly should come as no surprise that so many people refuse to accept that claim on face value.

I do not know what you are saying nor why you are mentioning the Babylonians.


I wouldn't call that murder.


- Moses was in a position of authority
- He saw an egyptian official abusing one of the Israelites
- He took action to defend said Israelite

What he did wrong was try to cover it up.

Murdering someone isn't murder? Wow. I mean....well....there it is.

What he did wrong was murder someone, then try to cover it up....then flee the country.

There is the post from JudgeRightly to consider.....if it be factual, then there is the Bible. The bible shows that Moses did in fact commit murder. If one bothers to read the text, one will find that Moses actually looked both ways to make sure the coast was clear before he killed the man.

"So he looked this way and that way, and when he saw no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. 13 And when he went out the second day, behold, two Hebrew men were fighting, and he said to the one who did the wrong, “Why are you striking your companion?”

14 Then he said, “Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?”

So Moses feared and said, “Surely this thing is known!” 15 When Pharaoh heard of this matter, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Midian; and he sat down by a well."


I do not know what you are saying nor why you are mentioning the Babylonians.

You yourself researched the Code of Hammurabi earlier in this thread Jacob. The Code of Hammurabi is the Babylonian collection of laws that Moses obviously studied before he wrote the laws that he chose.


You yourself researched the Code of Hammurabi earlier in this thread Jacob. The Code of Hammurabi is the Babylonian collection of laws that Moses obviously studied before he wrote the laws that he chose.

Except there is a false god. I don't know that Moses did. Maybe he did. But God gave him the Law.

Anyhow, after I researched some more I came up with the following that I put in the thread.

Thread: The Law


Moses murdered the Egyptian and he fled Egypt. Other than that I don't think Moses murdered anyone. Moses did not create the Law, God gave it to him and Israel.

God also gave him the free will do do what he chose to do and he chose to murder men, women and children.
He just chose wrong

Maybe that is why God gave him the Ten Commandments carved into stone in an effort to remind him the difference between right and wrong?


God also gave him the free will do do what he chose to do and he chose to murder men, women and children.
He just chose wrong

Maybe that is why God gave him the Ten Commandments carved into stone in an effort to remind him the difference between right and wrong?

I am sure that Moses learned from God, but he may not have been as bad off as you think. He had forty years in the desert to learn, before taking Israel out of Egypt. God did take Israel out of Egypt.


I am sure that Moses learned from God, but he may not have been as bad off as you think. He had forty years in the desert to learn, before taking Israel out of Egypt. God did take Israel out of Egypt.

Doesn’t everyone learn from God? How could we not?


The only way that all of us are not hearing from God is because God doesn’t exist. Then, we’d just be hearing from ourselves, which one must admit is possible. Those of us who believe, may understand that there is something more. I know I do. Anyway, I hope that is not off topic because I wouldn’t want to be considered trolling.


Oops. Sorry, I meant to say that the only way that could be true is if God doesn’t exist, or...he could be just not talking to us right now.

Or....we must learn to know God by faith, no matter who we are, if we choose such a path.


There are plenty of people in today’s world who have no belief in God or religion, and one can see why this is so with all the misery and death in the world.


Doesn’t everyone learn from God? How could we not?
Moses was specially called by God.
The only way that all of us are not hearing from God is because God doesn’t exist. Then, we’d just be hearing from ourselves, which one must admit is possible. Those of us who believe, may understand that there is something more. I know I do. Anyway, I hope that is not off topic because I wouldn’t want to be considered trolling.

Oops. Sorry, I meant to say that the only way that could be true is if God doesn’t exist, or...he could be just not talking to us right now.

Or....we must learn to know God by faith, no matter who we are, if we choose such a path.

There are plenty of people in today’s world who have no belief in God or religion, and one can see why this is so with all the misery and death in the world.

God does exist.


There are plenty of people in today’s world who have no belief in God or religion, and one can see why this is so with all the misery and death in the world.


That's why God and Jesus are offering the way to everlasting love, joy and peace.

It is impossible with our worldly mindset in this world.
