Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?


New member
That is your problem. The dead are conscious. They are very aware of what goes on around them or are you an annihilationist? Remember the "Parable " in Luke 16?
Remember that the parable in Luke 16 is a parable. Do you have any other evidence that dead people are conscious? In every other account of dead people in the Bible, none of them are conscious. I've seen dead people. They are not conscious. It is up to you to prove that dead people are conscious, you are making this claim and it is a bit farfetched. (Understatement, it is wildly farfetched)


New member
Physically Dead people cannot be said to have no rest day or night can they under your belief? I thought you believed them asleep.

See how you contradict your own beliefs?

Okay pal, show me where I EVER said the dead are asleep. I declare, you tormentists will say anything to justify your phony baloney.


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Remember that the parable in Luke 16 is a parable. Do you have any other evidence that dead people are conscious? In every other account of dead people in the Bible, none of them are conscious. I've seen dead people. They are not conscious. It is up to you to prove that dead people are conscious, you are making this claim and it is a bit farfetched. (Understatement, it is wildly farfetched)

The atheist and any unbeliever is dead in sin, yet they are conscious, because they are spiritually dead, have not been raised to life in Christ.

I already explained all that to you a few pages ago.


New member
yes, hes teaching annihilation and soul sleep in this thread.
Please allow me to speak for myself. I don't believe that you have the mental abilty to speak for me. You obviously do not understand my beliefs.


New member
The atheist and any unbeliever is dead in sin, yet they are conscious, because they are spiritually dead, have not been raised to life in Christ.

I already explained all that to you a few pages ago.

Are you trying to tell me that Atheists are dead, but conscious???
I know waht you are trying to say, but it doesn't hold water because they are not literally dead until they die.

Bright Raven

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Remember that the parable in Luke 16 is a parable. Do you have any other evidence that dead people are conscious? In every other account of dead people in the Bible, none of them are conscious. I've seen dead people. They are not conscious. It is up to you to prove that dead people are conscious, you are making this claim and it is a bit farfetched. (Understatement, it is wildly farfetched)

You're calling the Lord a Liar?


New member
I've seen dead people. They are not conscious.


Actually, you have seen dead bodies, not dead people.

"the body without the spirit is dead"


New member
The spirit-soul lives on after death. Bodily resurrection of believers and unbelievers is a future event for both (but separated by 1000 years). You will have to argue against the resurrection of believers if you argue against the resurr. of unbelievers.


I absolutely DO NOT have to argue against the resurrection of believers. What are you talking about? I'm not even arguing against the resurrection of unbelievers. You don't know what I believe.

I believe that BOTH believers and unbelievers are resurrected by Jesus Christ on the lst day when he returns. I do not believe there are 1000 years after the last day. If there were, it would not be the last day. Eschatologically, I am Amil.

When Jesus returns both believers and unbelievers will be resurrected, just as Jesus Christ said. All will stand for judgment before Him. Those who are with Him will go to eternal life. Those who are against Him will go to the second death.

Don't attempt to argue against my position until you understand what my position is. :hammer:


New member

Actually, you have seen dead bodies, not dead people.

"the body without the spirit is dead"

Actually, they were dead people. Yes, the body without the spirit is dead. That does not mean part of the person is alive and the rest of the person is dead.

You guys see dead people? You talk to them? They talk to you? They walk around? They don't even know they are dead? I'm talking about real life, and real death. Not a movie. Sixth Sense was a good movie, but it wasn't spiritually accurate.

Bright Raven

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I absolutely DO NOT have to argue against the resurrection of believers. What are you talking about? I'm not even arguing against the resurrection of unbelievers. You don't know what I believe.

I believe that BOTH believers and unbelievers are resurrected by Jesus Christ on the lst day when he returns. I do not believe there are 1000 years after the last day. If there were, it would not be the last day. Eschatologically, I am Amil.

When Jesus returns both believers and unbelievers will be resurrected, just as Jesus Christ said. All will stand for judgment before Him. Those who are with Him will go to eternal life. Those who are against Him will go to the second death.

Don't attempt to argue against my position until you understand what my position is. :hammer:

Believers will not stand before the Lord at the White Throne Judgement. It's only for unbelievers. The judgement for believers has already taken place at the judgement seat of Christ.


New member
Believers will not stand before the Lord at the White Throne Judgement. It's only for unbelievers. The judgement for believers has already taken place at the judgement seat of Christ.

Plaese give the chapter and verse for your belief.

Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son (John 5:22)
Are you calling Jesus a liar?


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Okay pal, show me where I EVER said the dead are asleep. I declare, you tormentists will say anything to justify your phony baloney.


This would mean that once a person becomes an atheist, they drop dead right there. I don't believe this. I believe that we have this lifetime to either accept Jesus Christ or reject Him. Then we all die.

When Jesus Christ returns, He resurrects everyone out of the grave, John 5:25, and He will judge the everyone in the world. Those who have put their trust in Him will receive eternal life from Him, and those who have rejected Him will go to their second death.

And you went on from there teaching that believers are not judged untill everyone else is at the white throne judgement, which is the teaching of soul sleep, we talked about it earlier in the thread and you never denied you believed it either and went on further into detail saying we are raised to be judged along with the ones who will end up in the lake of fire.

I refuted your claim about the judgment and you finally dropped that when i said this:

I asked you first! What does Romans 6:23 say is the wages of sin?

John 5:24 says "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."

Yes, this is what I believe. At the judgment, they pass from death to life and have eternal life. Those who reject him come into judgment and go to the second death. Obviously unbelievers do not pass from death to life, only believers.

2 Corinthians 5:8 says "So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord,"

In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul is talking about the resurrection. This doesn't say that we are instantly with the Lord when we die. If we were, why would he return to resurrect us?

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is life eternal for those who believe and Christ already said that those who believe have passed (have passed is past tense) from death into life, so the wages of sin for them for them is no longer death because they have ALREADY been risen to life in Christ, so when they physically die, they are already present with the Lord in Spirit.

Why would the wages of death apply to one alive in Christ?

See your own contradiction in your own words in red, you directly contradict scripture by claiming there is a judgment for the believer when Christ already said there would not be because they have already passed from death (wages of sin) to life.

Lastly I am not your "pal" I am female.


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Are you trying to tell me that Atheists are dead, but conscious???
I know waht you are trying to say, but it doesn't hold water because they are not literally dead until they die.

Now you are showing yourself a liar, anyone can see what i said in my quote and i said spiritually, not literally/physically.

Keep playing games like that, and youll not have many to talk to, because dishonesty like that makes for poor discussion.


New member

And you went on from there teaching that believers are not judged untill everyone else is at the white throne judgement, which is the teaching of soul sleep, we talked about it earlier in the thread and you never denied you believed it either and went on further into detail saying we are raised to be judged along with the ones who will end up in the lake of fire.

I refuted your claim about the judgment and you finally dropped that when i said this:

Lastly I am not your "pal" I am female.

Okay lady, I guess you didn't understand what I was asking. I will ask again. Tell me where I ever said the dead "SLEEP".


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Clue: When a persons biblical position demands that they start being dishonest to support that position, its a huge clue that persons biblical position is just as lacking in truth.


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Okay lady, I guess you didn't understand what I was asking. I will ask again. Tell me where I ever said the dead "SLEEP".

I completely understood it and you admitted it but said that you felt it to be insulting to have your belief called "soul sleep" and anyone can trace back through this thread and see it all themselves, im not digging up your dishonesty again like i just had to.

You've shown me enough already to discard your position due to your dishonesty.