Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.


The Quran reiterates that Jesus is much more than simply a messenger of GOD.

I assure you; I am careful.

It is not my intent that all read the Quran; only that they don't speak about it as if of satan.

False Christ's are everywhere but not within books.

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Ok, thanks.

Do you see so far anything different from Jesus' word?


New member
Ok, thanks.

Do you see so far anything different from Jesus' word?
No; I really have not; it is to be understood metaphorically or spiritually as is the Bible.

If there is any particular thing you think it might differ on then feel free to mention it and we can go over it together.

Did you notice anything familiar in what I quoted of the Quran earlier?

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Bright Raven

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I don't divide the faithful of GOD among the lines of religion per say, but by the character of their heart, and the works of their spirit.

i am islamic( as in strive to be submissive to the will and Way of GOD)

i am also Christian( as in I believe wholly that GOD was manifest in Jesus the Christ of GOD, and believe in the resurrection and last day)

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How do you propose that you are Christian and Islamic at the same time, split personality?


No; I really have not; it is to be understood metaphorically or spiritually as is the Bible.

If there is any particular thing you think it might differ on then feel free to mention it and we can go over it together.

Did you notice anything familiar in what I quoted of the Quran earlier?

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I don't know anything about Quoran.

I was just curious what you are into.

Are you reading English version?


New member
do they sell in public?
Yes ma'am...I think one can find a hard copy in a book store or order one on line if the wanted to. I would be wary of some versions though due to biased translation.

This is the version I use and downloaded through the Google play store.

Probably get kicked for this one


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Once I watched u-tube explaining that all Muslims are not terrorist.

Faithful ones do not join in terrorism and are peaceful.

So we should not be so biased by media's information about Muslims.

It seems there arn't many peaceful ones.

That make sense since not all Christians are pro-military. There aren't many anti-military Christians.

God's Truth

New member
Once I watched u-tube explaining that all Muslims are not terrorist.

Faithful ones do not join in terrorism and are peaceful.

So we should not be so biased by media's information about Muslims.

It seems there arn't many peaceful ones.

That make sense since not all Christians are pro-military. There aren't many anti-military Christians.

This is more of your hypocritical nonsense talk.


It seems that those peace loving Muslims are God's people.

Jesus says we know them by their fruit; their peace loving faith is their fruit.

God's Truth

New member
I never said that actually.

YOU said that the word 'Son' when speaking of Jesus means something else than what Christians understand it to mean. You said it means 'follower', or 'king'.

Jesus calls Him 'Father', and Jesus is the ONLY SON.

The word 'Son' does NOT mean those things. Jesus is those things, but the word 'Son' does not mean not 'son'.

Just that son can be translated from the original Greek in many different ways.
I know that is what you say, and I have proven you wrong.

I used John 3:16 to prove my point which you wholly deny.

How do you ever get that scripture proves what you say?