Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

God's Truth

New member

There are washings and purification. They are not the same.

I do not know about purification laws, but I can learn about them if they are Jewish. I may or may not know of their existence. I cannot follow a Christian interpretation of the law thus or as such. The question about animal sacrifice, which I believe in as a Jew, was in regard to what seemed like your putting it together with external washings when a person might engage in external washings or wash externally without bringing a sacrifice.

Does a person wash externally before and when they bring a sacrifice but not always bring a sacrifice when they wash?



Good bye, Jacob.

I hope the best for you.


Hebrews 6:2 NASB - of instruction about washings and laying on of hands, and the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment.

Hebrews 9:10 NASB - since they relate only to food and drink and various washings, regulations for the body imposed until a time of reformation.


New member
You are not telling the truth. You have a vindictive heart. Where did you get that spirit from?
I absolutely hate lies. And you wanting to be so secretive is not you being forth coming.

I have sincerely called you sister on multiple occasions. But you never corrected me. Perhaps you don't want to disclose your sex or gender because you want people to percieve a certain way; bit having them percieve you as what you are not isn't being honest, and either leading me along or leaving me in knowing error is not the truth and not appreciated.

Now if you can't see how such could change my perception of you then I guess that is an issue for you. I don't know how else to say that I don't like being manipulated; not by you or self or any.

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New member
As for the Qur'an, notice that popsthebuilder doesn't answer all posts made to him about it.

If a sinner drunk and adulterer told me something that helped lead me to being saved, does that mean I would have to now honor that man as a righteous man? No. Just like pops doesn't have to manipulate the Qur'an to say certain things it does not, just because he felt compelled to read the Holy Bible after reading the Qur'an.
Did Paul persecute and condemn Christian's and try with earnest to destroy the church of GOD?

Did he repent?

Did GOD send Messengers like unto the people of whom they were sent?

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God's Truth

New member
Did Paul persecute and condemn Christian's and try with earnest to destroy the church of GOD?

Did he repent?

Did GOD send Messengers like unto the people of whom they were sent?

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You are missing the point. You claim the Qur'an does not speak against Jesus of the Holy Bible. The Qur'an says God did not have a Son, but the Holy Bible says Jesus is God's Son.

You cannot be talking about the same God if one is a Son and one is not. The Jesus of the Qur'an is a different Jesus than the one in the Holy Bible.
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God's Truth

New member
I absolutely hate lies. And you wanting to be so secretive is not you being forth coming.

I have sincerely called you sister on multiple occasions. But you never corrected me. Perhaps you don't want to disclose your sex or gender because you want people to percieve a certain way; bit having them percieve you as what you are not isn't being honest, and either leading me along or leaving me in knowing error is not the truth and not appreciated.

Now if you can't see how such could change my perception of you then I guess that is an issue for you. I don't know how else to say that I don't like being manipulated; not by you or self or any.

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I have told you after you called me sister that you do not know my gender. You should have listened more carefully.

You obviously have problems. I hope the best for you regardless.


New member
You are missing the point. You claim the Qur'an does not speak against Jesus of the Holy Bible. The Qur'an says God did not have a Son, but the Holy Bible says Jesus is God's Son.

You cannot be talking about the same God if one is a Son and one is not. The Jesus of the Qur'an is a different Jesus than the one in the Holy Bible.
Not missing the point;

People want to discredit the validity of the Quran due to the messenger it is ascribed to.

Equality demands that the same basis be applied to all Messengers. Such as St. Paul who too did wholly atrocious acts; perhaps even worse than those propagated about the messenger of Islam.

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New member
I have told you after you called me sister that you do not know my gender. You should have listened more carefully.

You obviously have problems. I hope the best for you regardless.

As if you didn't say such in order to keep your gender secret.

I have called you sister many times. If you weren't female then you would have corrected me out right. If you had nothing to hide for any reason then you would have been forthcoming instead of manipulative for your own sake that others might hear and believe you. Such are not the ways of truth; and deception only ultimately works against the one deceiving.

I wish the best as well.

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Well-known member
So GOD is spirit but not the same spirit as the Holy Spirit of GOD?

Apparently you think reading a verse in context isn't important to your understanding. That God is a spirit means He is unseen. We cannot bow down before Him or kiss His feet. He is a spirit being.

John 4:23-24 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.​

So, since God is a spirit being, we must worship Him in spirit. We bow down to Him spiritually....not physically. Until you grasp this concept, there is no point in going on to higher things about our great God and His nature.

God's Truth

New member

As if you didn't say such in order to keep your gender secret.

I have called you sister many times. If you weren't female then you would have corrected me out right. If you had nothing to hide for any reason then you would have been forthcoming instead of manipulative for your own sake that others might hear and believe you. Such are not the ways of truth; and deception only ultimately works against the one deceiving.

I wish the best as well.

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How many times do I have to tell you that I did tell you that you do not know my gender after you called me sister?

Now let's talk about the scriptures and doctrines.

God's Truth

New member
Not missing the point;

People want to discredit the validity of the Quran due to the messenger it is ascribed to.

I do NOT.
Equality demands that the same basis be applied to all Messengers. Such as St. Paul who too did wholly atrocious acts; perhaps even worse than those propagated about the messenger of Islam.

When I spoke of a drunk and adulterous man leading one to Jesus, I was not talking about the Qur'an and its Prophet. I was talking about a man who helped lead me to Jesus. The point I was making it that the man did good speaking to me about Jesus, but it does not mean that man is in a good denomination and is a good person over all. What I mean is, once you did get led to the Bible, you should keep growing in knowledge and not deny that the Qur'an speaks of Jesus differently. I know you are grateful for the Qur'an, and I am grateful for the friend who led me to Christ, but I am grateful too that I can see where his error is in his life personally and doctrinal.


Eclectic Theosophist
One Father Abraham......

One Father Abraham......

You are missing the point. You claim the Qur'an does not speak against Jesus of the Holy Bible. The Qur'an says God did not have a Son, but the Holy Bible says Jesus is God's Son.

You cannot be talking about the same God if one is a Son and one is not. The Jesus of the Qur'an is a different Jesus than the one in the Holy Bible.

There is only one God upheld in Islam, and Jesus in the koran can only likewise be a servant, messenger, prophet and messiah, of that One God. There is no other 'God' in reality besides what one assumes.

That Jesus is presented somewhat differently in the koran than the NT, doesnt make that presentation false by affiliation. The koran affirms the revelation of God in the torah and the gospels but does not accept changes, additions or embellishments added to those writings, holding to its own interpretation as the promised fulfilment of prophetic revelation thru Mohammed.

Millions of muslims love their religion, its culture, traditions, scriptures, do other faiths. The Abrahamic religions all come from the same root-tradition, and assumably the same 'God'.