Is the Bible the only sacred texts and why or why not.

God's Truth

New member
:crackup: if u only knew how much of your own religious belief-system is borrowed, morphed and synergized from the pagans.......

Satan and his angels were thrown down to earth. Satan knew the Messiah would come, and he made many copy-cat messiahs/gods, before Jesus came to earth in the flesh. When Satan came to earth, he made copy-cat stories, and promoted gods of stone and wood. These ‘gods’ are really demons, and believing in these gods is the worship of demons.


New member
Nope, it was the "proven" liar charge ....and it was charged against one's belief.

It's too bad you can't see the difference.
If it is what I think then it was charged because someone gave their word to do one thing openly, and then freely chose to go against the word they gave.

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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Belief in that One( not three) is indeed what makes righteous.
That is not what the verses say.
The verses say it only by the righteousness and obedience of one.
That righteousness and obedience of the one doesn't include ANY righteousness or obedience of yours.
Zero, none, zip, nada, big fat goose egg.

Being made one thing isn't synonymous with staying another.
Nor does it oppose it.
I became a mother, and I remained a wife.


Eclectic Theosophist
Intelligent dialogue recommended .........

Intelligent dialogue recommended .........

I agree with much of what you say.

Also it is good to see someone else here that actually employs their cognitive abilities given by GOD. It is obvious that you spend or have spent a fair amount of time in discourse among atheists. It is a great way to stay sharp isn't it.

Yes, some atheists are actually more moral and ethical than theists. A conventional concept of 'God' is not always essential to encourage one's moral behevior, besides the reward of treating others with due respect and honoring life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As for your claim to agnosticism; I would agree in that to claim such in some form is much better than claiming one particular religious view to be wholly right and all others wholly wrong. One cannot justifiably claim such if they have actually sought out the truth of the matter.

Yes,...better to be intellecually honest and admit 'not knowing' sometimes and leaving it in an 'agnostic state', than to claim something absoslute, and openly admit some things are merely your own opinion or speculation. Much of my commentary is just that, although it may seem as a matter of fact in its composition, much is creative dialogue and philosophizing. Anything else by the Spirit, will bear witness to others in touch with the same spirit witness, on the inner levels. All else is word-salad, or alpha-bet soup :)

You and Zeke are a welcome addition to this discussion regardless of what anyone else here says.

I recall noticing some glimmer being reflected by you years ago, at which time I mistakenly called you freeflight. It is good to see you are here still. I am curious as to what discussions you must busy yourself with for me to not have really taken notice for so long a time.

Thanks, all bring something unique and different to the table. "let all prophesy".

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Well-known member
That isn't what I was told.
I was told it was because of provoking others.

I do not have access to the things others here do though.

Proven liar? So I got banned for calling Tambora a proven liar even though it was true? That's a little pathetic.

Just as I thought....false accuser. We all know Tam is NOT a Liar, and I can't believe you're so ignorant that you just doubled down on it. :shocked:


New member
That is not what the verses say.
The verses say it only by the righteousness and obedience of one.
That righteousness and obedience of the one doesn't include ANY righteousness or obedience of yours.
Zero, none, zip, nada, big fat goose egg.

Nor does it oppose it.
I became a mother, and I remained a wife.
So you think one can similultaniously be a sinner and a saint?

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Eclectic Theosophist

Sadly you're not too cognizant on the historical development of Christianity, even Judaism borrowed and was influenced by neighboring cultures and religious belief-systems. Christianity is basically a Jewish mystery religion, mixed with greek, persian, egyptian and gnostic under/overtones, as elements of these were also infused within Judaism....later carried over into a dying/rising god-man Messiah figure hero archetype. Also there was a great diversity of early Christian groups and Christologies within the first few centuries...who were traditional Jewish monotheistic Unitarians, not trinitarians. We could go on.....


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Yes, some atheists are actually more moral and ethical than theists.
Which ought to give you a clue that it not YOUR morality that saves you.
Those that rely upon their own morality are relying on the wrong one.

Romans 5:18-19 KJV
Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.


New member
Just as I thought....false accuser. We all know Tam is NOT a Liar, and I can't believe you're so ignorant that you just doubled down on it. :shocked:
I'm really not trying to focus on her or the fact that she lied openly.

But that is the truth. I will not promote contention, but I will not be backed into a corner or submit to what is wrong out of fear of man or what he can do to me.

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Eclectic Theosophist
The development of Christianity in in Holy Scripture.

Much more went on during the developmental part of the first few centuries than what scribes wrote down in a few books, that were later chosen and canonized as 'formal' religious textbooks by church councils. If you're just reading a bible and listening what they teach you on a church pew, without doing more research for yourself,'ll get a limited 'version' and 'program' specially served to keep you comfortable and consolable. What you believe to be true could be partially wrong, even totally wrong. Any student of truth must accept these possibilities and keep on asking, seeking and knocking. This means to continue to re-search and quest-ion everything.


Well-known member
I'm really not trying to focus on her or the fact that she lied openly.

But that is the truth. I will not promote contention, but I will not be backed into a corner or submit to what is wrong out of fear of man or what he can do to me.

All men of pride insist they are right. Your lack of understanding concerning what people say on the this site is well documented. We've all watched you misstate what we have said. In fact, it's so well known, that you get called on it as often as God's UnTruth does. You both read what you want to read into another person's words. So, you need to man up, and accept that YOU NEED TO learn to read without reading INTO what is written.

Your protesting is ignorant because we've watched what you do.